Merton Avenue, Glenfield - Broken yellow lines Merton Avenue, Glenfield - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: Feedback closed 3 November 2020. Last updated 11 March 2021.

Reference number: BYL-481

Proposal update 11 March 2021

Based on feedback from the proposal outcome, it was decided to:

  • Change the arrangement of the broken yellow lines on Merton Avenue.
  • We will remove parking on the east side of Merton Avenue past the bend to property 7, and then switch to the west side near Orton Street.
  • This change will add back 2 spaces, removing approximately 13 parking spaces in total.

Download the updated drawing design (PDF 493KB)

What happens next

This project now has a construction target of April-May 2021.

Proposal outcome 20 January 2021

In October 2020, we proposed changes to address concerns from residents regarding parked cars along Merton Avenue, Glenfield Road. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the following minor changes.

  • Extend the broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) restrictions down the east side of Merton Avenue to the bend at property #5, and then carrying on with the restrictions on the west side until the intersection with Orton Street.
  • 15 legal on-street car parking spaces will now be removed instead of the initially proposed 7.

These changes are a result of feedback from residents who felt that felt that the minimal restrictions originally proposed would not resolve the issue. They asked for restrictions down both sides of the street, but it is believed that removing parking altogether may increase speed coming off View Road. The extension of the proposed parking restrictions will now give a clear path from View Road to Orton Street.

Download the updated project drawing (PDF 274KB)

Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

What happens next

We anticipate the proposed changes will be constructed between January to February 2021. We will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking places.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.  A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

Community feedback indicated strong support for the proposed broken yellow lines for several reasons:

  • Parking issues on this road have made it dangerous for drivers, restricting traffic and promoting poor visibility, particularly when cars are parked on the corners of the Merton Avenue/Orton Street.
  • Non-residents often speed in this area when visibility is low due to parked cars on both sides of the road, increasing the risk of collision for residents coming out of their driveways.
  • Placement of the broken yellow lines allows for sufficient resident parking.
  • Waste collection vehicles cannot get their trucks down Merton Avenue due to parked cars.

Broken yellow lines

  • Suggestion that broken yellow lines are introduced on northern side (from no 2 to no. 12) of Merton Avenue from View Road to Orton Street, so that it connects with the broken yellow lines at the corner of #12 Merton Avenue and Orton Street, otherwise there will be still be safety issues with parking. 
    While we understand your concern, introducing restrictions from property 2 to 12 is considered too extensive and may cause speeds to increase on Merton Avenue coming off View Road.
  • Suggestion for broken yellow lines at the intersection of Merton Ave and Orton St to be extended to #10 Merton Ave because cars parked outside #10 or #12 still cause visibility and safer issues.
    This recommendation will be incorporated into the proposal. Proposed restrictions will extend to the driveway for property 8.
  • Suggestion to extend broken yellow lines further on one side of the road, in front of #1, #3, and #5 (remove lines at #2) to ensure two-way traffic.
    This recommendation will be incorporated into the proposal. Proposed restrictions will extend from the driveway for property 7 to the intersection with View Road.
  • Suggestion for broken yellow lines all the way down View Road to Orton Road as cars parked at View Road Dairy also block visibility of View Road from Merton Avenue and it is hard to see oncoming traffic coming down the street.
    We appreciate your concern and thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, restricting parking on View Road is out of scope of this proposal.


  • Concern that once this proposal approved, more cars will park outside of 8, 10, 12 and 7 Merton Avenue which will increase the risk on the bend and intersection.
    Properties #10 and #12 will now have parking restrictions. The other areas will retain parking as parking serves as a speed control measure on residential streets.
  • Concern that broken yellow lines are not extended too far past resident properties so they can still park their cars.
    Parking restrictions will be installed for safety and access on the street. The houses on this street have driveways where residents can park, along with plenty of parking further down Merton Avenue.
  • Concern that reducing the risk on one side will increase the risk on the other side of the road.
    The sides of the road with restrictions have been carefully considered to achieve the best safety outcome.

Miscellaneous feedback

  • Request for streetlight at Merton Avenue/Orton Street intersection needs a streetlight.
    Unfortunately, streetlights are out of the scope of this proposal.
  • Comment that the increase in parking due to construction taking place at Southern Cross Hospital nearby. As construction vehicles have taken over the car parks, staff members have ended up parking on Merton Avenue and Orton Street.
    Construction-related parking issues are temporary and as such are not considered reasons for restricting parking.

We're proposing changes in your area

Proposed changes: 

  • Broken yellow lines at the intersection of Merton Avenue and Orton Street.
  • Broken yellow lines outside #5 Merton Avenue and leading up to the intersection of Merton Avenue and View Road, outside #2 and #1 Merton Avenue.

Auckland Transport would like to work with customers to deliver safer roads in their neighbourhood. These changes address several concerns from residents about parking along this street. Cars parked on the corner with Orton Street result in a lack of visibility and access at the intersection for drivers.

On both sides at the bend near property #5, parked cars cause safety issues, as they reduce the road to one lane, with limited visibility to let opposing cars pass. Other cars parked near the intersection with View Road narrow the road and make it difficult for traffic to flow smoothly at this location, as there is nowhere to pull over to let opposing cars pass.

The proposed broken yellow lines in these key areas will improve safety and visibility on this street.

If this project were to proceed, it would be constructed between January to February 2021.

Download the proposal drawing for Merton Avenue (PDF 296KB)

What happens next

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

Glenfield: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Merton Avenue are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).