Muriwai Road, Waimauku – New footpath Muriwai Road, Waimauku – New footpath
Proposal status: closed 23 July 2019, last updated 12 January 2021
Reference number: FP1920-001
Proposal update
We advised you in November 2019 that these works were scheduled to be constructed by July-December 2020. This project is part of the Footpath Programme and is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council. This year funding has been reduced due to Covid-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects, including this project, cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a construction date until we know more about the funding allocated to the Footpath Programme next financial year (July 2021 to June 2022). We’ll update you again with more detail about this project in the latter half of 2021.
We've proposed changes in your area
In July 2019 we proposed a new footpath along Muriwai Road in Waimauku. The proposal involved:
- a raised zebra crossing on Muriwai Road between Denehurst Drive and Freshfields Road
- a new pram crossing on Rosella Grove
- Broken yellow lines to improve the visibility of people crossing at both new and existing pedestrian crossing points.
Download the proposal drawing for Muriwai Road (PDF 6.3MB)
Why the changes are needed
This proposal aims to improve walking connections in Waimauku. New crossing facilities will make it easier to cross Waimauku Road, and reach destinations such as Glasgow Park by foot.
This proposal is part of our region-wide footpath programme that aims to improve walking connections across Auckland.
Proposal outcome
We have made minor changes to the design based on community feedback. Changes include a further extension of the footpath and the addition of signs and road markings.
Download the updated proposal drawing for Muriwai Road (PDF 9.3MB)
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- Request to extend the footpath so there is no gap between this path and the Sylvan Estate footpaths. Thank you for this suggestion. We have added this section of footpath to the design so there will be no gaps in the network.
- Request for additional warning signs, as some approaching from the west might not see the crossing. Based on this feedback we have added signs and road markings to the western approach to the crossing. This includes a red “50km/h” marking painted on the road as well as a “raised crossing” warning sign.
- Request to put a section of the overhead powerlines underground so the road can be widened. These are extensive works that would significantly increase the price of this project while also causing greater disruptions in the area. Furthermore, wider roads encourage speeding and increase the distance pedestrians need to walk to cross the road. This does not align with our long term plan to improve safety on Auckland’s roads.
- Why are some roads getting brickwork pavers and not others? Private developers have previously constructed brickwork crossings in the area. To ensure consistency, we had intended to apply this treatment to other crossings as well. We now understand these crossings have led to confusion about who has right of way. Therefore we have removed these elements from our design, and no additional brickwork crossings will be built.
- Concern that the footpath won't fit in the berm and native bush near the playcentre will need to be cut down. No trees will have to be removed in order to construct this path. We will try to relocate flax bushes where possible and will keep this area green.
- Concern about noise created by cars traversing the new raised crossing. During the next phase of detail design we will determine the exact profile and material of this raised zebra crossing. We will ensure the final design will cause minimal traffic noise while still providing a safe crossing point for pedestrians. It should also be noted that these crossings will decrease speeds, thereby also diminishing road noise.
- Concern about congestion in the area and accessibility for emergency services. Fire and Emergency services have raised no concerns with us regarding this proposal, and we do not expect the new crossing would lead to extra congestion. The new path will also improve walking connections, which will make it easier to leave the car behind.
- Concern about speed on this road, related request for speed camera. We do not install speed cameras as the enforcement of speeding vehicles is the responsibility of the NZ Police. We do have regular meetings with the Police, and will discuss this topic next time we meet. The may have the option to deploy a mobile speed camera. Should you notice common trends, such as speeding during certain times of day or individual vehicles, you may also want to contact the police with further details so they can carry out targeted enforcement.
- Concern the new zebra crossing might make it harder to access driveways. Additional concern that the turning movement into/out of driveways could block the view of pedestrians crossing the road. Request to have driveway moved as part of this project. Traffic into and out of driveways is generally very infrequent. Furthermore, the new speedhump will decrease vehicle speeds near the crossing and affected driveways. Therefore this arrangement is highly unlikely to lead to any incidents. We have not identified any safety concerns that would warrant changes to driveways near this new crossing.
- Request for a raised crossing outside the school. We have a special programme dedicated to improving the safety of existing pedestrian crossings. The crossing outside the school is a candidate for this programme. Because we get a large number of requests for these upgrades, we prioritise requests based on factors such as their crash history and the proximity to key facilities like schools and transport stops. We are currently prioritising our requests for a new batch of upgrades, and will be able to give you more information about this at the start of 2020.
- Request to improve State Highway 16 from Waimauku to Kumeu instead. Auckland Transport has no jurisdiction over Highways, but NZTA is currently working on upgrades to this section of Highway 16.
Next steps
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a construction date until we know more about the funding allocated to the Footpath Programme next financial year (July 2021 to June 2022). We’ll update you again with more detail about this project in the latter half of 2021.