Report a problem or make a suggestion Report a problem or make a suggestion

Auckland Transport (AT) wants to develop convenient, safe and attractive transport routes for walkers, cyclists and drivers. This will encourage more people to cycle or walk to the shops, school or the train station, or simply for fun and exercise.

Better facilities also help reduce our dependence on private cars by making it easier to use public transport, walk, run or cycle.

Report a problem with a cycleway or walkway

If you come across a potential hazard while cycling or walking such as a pothole, glass or other issue that may pose a danger to users, please report the problem.

Report a problem

Although there is a schedule of planned work on our footpaths and walkways, however emergency or unplanned works are completed when there is an immediate hazard to users.

Report bad driving

If you see or experience bad driving that endangers people on bikes or pedestrians, take down the details of the vehicle registration number, make and colour and report it to the NZ Police.

You can report these details by either calling your local police station or online.

Report bad driving to the NZ Police online

For emergencies always call 111 for Police or emergency services.

Make a suggestion

You may have specific suggestions for making Auckland easier to get around when cycling or walking, for example:

  • New crossing facilities, kerb ramps or signage;
  • Intersection treatments for cyclists (eg. advanced stop lines);
  • Bike access through road closure;
  • Traffic light sensors for cyclists;
  • Modifications to traffic calming devices or other squeeze points;
  • On-road or off-road bike lanes.

AT is always keen to hear your suggestions so they can be considered when transport projects are being planned and prioritised.

Make a suggestion

Suggestions for cycle parking

If you would like to suggest a specific location for bike parking, you can do this using our request cycle parking map

The map also shows existing cycle parking, requested cycle parking locations submitted by others and the status of these requests i.e. pending, approved or declined.

Have your say on cycling and walking projects

We want your feedback on future shared paths, the routes they cover, and cycling and walking facilities.

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