Workplace travel planning Workplace travel planning

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The Travelwise Choices programme assists with workplace travel planning and supports smarter transport options for your businesses.

If your organisation or business has a large workforce with a range of commuting patterns, it may be that there are a variety of transport options to accommodate everyone’s needs. One way to manage everyone’s needs is by creating a travel plan. AT for Business can help with this.

A workplace travel plan provides solutions to workplace transport issues. The result is greater choice for employees' journeys to work, better service for clients and visitors to the company, and more effective management of business travel and freight.

Introducing a travel plan to your organization or workplace can provide a wide range of benefits to both you and your staff. There are a number of trends driving organizations to look at developing travel demand management plans to support employee travel. From encouraging flexible working to promoting public transport, there are many ways to accommodate commuter journeys – and we can help.

Enquire about workplace travel planning

The benefits of a travel plan

By reducing the number of vehicles going to your workplace and increasing accessibility through more travel options, organisations can:

  • save on car parking
  • release land for development needs
  • reduce the costs of running vehicle fleets
  • improve staff productivity
  • provide community and environmental benefits
  • offer benefits to staff
  • improve your company image.

We reduce the number of vehicles by putting travel planning solutions in place:

  • parking management
  • secure cycle facilities
  • showers and lockers for walkers, joggers and cyclists
  • communication and promotion (such as passenger transport clinics)
  • incentives
  • fleet bikes and public transport passes for business travel
  • flexible working arrangements
  • staff transport subsidies.