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Rapid transit is fast, frequent, and reliable public transport. It mostly runs on its own infrastructure, uninterrupted by other traffic. That makes it an efficient way to move large amounts of people. 

It sits at the core of our public transport system and will play a major part in meeting travel demand for Auckland’s growing population. It will also support congestion-free and sustainable travel.

Auckland's rapid transport network includes the:

  • northern and eastern busways
  • southern, eastern, and western lines of the rail network
  • Western Express and Airport Link.

About the Auckland Rapid Transit Pathway (ARTP)

The ARTP is not a completely new plan or strategy. It brings together existing decisions and technical evidence from various plans and strategies into a single document. This supports the coordinated development of Auckland’s rapid transit network, and makes sure individual projects integrate well with the wider network. 

The pathway is owned by Auckland Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency, and its development is supported by Auckland Council, KiwiRail and the Ministry of Transport.

The ARTP is a technical report that shows where rapid transit is needed. If known, it will also show when it's needed and in what form.

It combines existing plans and strategies, providing a coordinated pathway forward to make sure rapid transit projects integrate with the wider network. 

The ARTP sets out:

  • why we need to expand our rapid transit network and the economic impacts of not doing so
  • how rapid transit contributes to the wider transport system and Auckland’s urban development
  • how we can deliver the network despite long-term uncertainties
  • how staged and interim solutions can help deliver benefits early.

Even if some exact details are uncertain, but we have a clear vision for where the Auckland rapid transit network should go. 

Schematic of the long-term network laid out in the Auckland Rapid Transit Pathway.
Schematic of the long-term network laid out in the Auckland Rapid Transit Pathway.

About the 2025 ARTP 

The ARTP was first published in 2023. Updates in the 2025 ARTP include:

  • improved collaboration now that the document is co-owned with NZTA, and supported by Auckland Council, KiwiRail and Ministry of Transport
  • an increased focus on the planning of interim and staged improvements, which helps with progress on Auckland’s rapid transit network
  • updated corridor direction based on new technical evidence and funding decisions.

What’s happening first

The pathway has 3 phases of network development. Phase 1 is focused on improving what we’ve got and delivering new rapid transit network along several new corridors. It also includes investigating what’s needed in the next phases of the plan.

A map indicating the focus of phase 1 of the ARTP.
A map indicating the focus of phase 1 of the ARTP.

Future updates to the ARTP

This document spans multiple decades, so we know factors like funding, technology, the city’s growth, and political priorities will change. The ARTP will be reviewed to make sure it's still reflecting the latest position. A key trigger for the next major update is likely when the Auckland Integrated Transport Plan is developed. 

Have your say on rapid transit

Once we or our partnering agencies start designing and delivering individual rapid transit corridors, these projects will engage with impacted communities. 

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