Equity framework Equity framework

About the equity framework

Equity is about making sure the transport system’s positive and negative impacts are fairly distributed across social groups and geographic areas. The Auckland Transport Equity Framework establishes a process to identify and address equity issues across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s transport system.

Download the equity framework summary (PDF, 8.78MB)

Why we need an equity framework

The ease and affordability of transport contributes to quality of life for Aucklanders. However, there is clear evidence that the current transport system is not meeting the needs of many communities across the region.

Some of the most impacted communities also face other forms of socio-economic disadvantage, which is made worse by inadequate or expensive transport. At its worst, this can lead to transport-induced social exclusion and poverty.

Auckland Transport has created this framework to:

  • help identify inequities across the network
  • provide staff with tools to develop effective solutions.

Outcomes of the equity framework

We completed a comprehensive literature review and stakeholder engagement process . This revealed 4 key problems that define transport equity in the Auckland context.

The transport system:

  • does not provide effective or affordable access to essential services or opportunities from some areas of high socio-economic deprivation
  • exposes people living in some areas of high socio-economic deprivation to unacceptable transport-derived harms (for example, air and noise pollution, safety risks and severance)
  • does not consistently provide for the essential physical access needs of all people (particularly people with disabilities, caregivers of young children, and older Aucklanders)
  • does not consistently provide for the personal safety needs of all people (particularly higher-risk groups such as women, girls, LGBTTQIA+ people, older and younger people, and some minority ethnic groups).

The framework identifies:

  • objectives to address each of these 4 transport equity problems
  • metrics to monitor progress over time.

Working to address these inequities, where possible within AT’s remit, will help create a more prosperous and equal Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland in the long-term. It will also help progress the social and economic goals outlined in AT’s Sustainability Strategy.

For more information, download the equity framework summary (PDF, 8.78MB).