Road processes for property owners Road processes for property owners
Property owners will sometimes need to apply to Auckland Transport for permission to make changes to their property if the changes take place on the road corridor, or have to do with legal, but unformed, roads.

Road encroachment approvals
Any encroachment onto the road surface, subsoil or airspace of a legal road must be authorised by AT.

Removal of building line restrictions
Find out how to apply to have a building line restriction removed.

Unformed legal roads (paper roads)
Unformed legal roads are a legally-recognised public accessways to a particular area or feature.

Consent from AT as landowner
Landowners may need to obtain consent from AT as an adjoining landowner or affected party.

Consent for works in an AT Designation or Notice of Requirement
Any works within an Auckland Transport designation or notice of requirement must have prior written consent from AT.

Apply for an authorised crossing place on a limited access road
If you are planning to build or change a driveway and you're on a limited access road, then you need to apply for an authorised crossing place.