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How parking coupons work

Use a one-day digital parking coupon to let a friend, tradesperson or anyone else park in your resident parking zone on a specified date. 

You do not need a parking permit to apply for coupons.

Cost and eligibility

  • Each residential home within an eligible area can apply for 50 free coupons a year. Extra coupons cost $5 each.
  • Each business can apply for up to 10,000 coupons a year. These cost $5 each once activated.

Apply for parking coupons (6 steps)

Before applying you will need

An AT Park account

To apply for coupons you need an AT Park account, which you set up through MyAT, see step 2. 

Proof of address

You will need to upload a digital version of a document to prove you live at your property. It must include your full name, address, date of issue and be a JPG, PDF or doc file no bigger than 2MB.

We accept:

  • a full power, internet or other utility bill, dated within the last 2 months
  • a letter from a power or internet provider stating that you have signed up with them (if you moved in less than 2 months ago)
  • a current fixed-term tenancy agreement signed by you and your landlord
  • a letter from a landlord or head tenant stating that you live at the address (Along with the Landlord/ Head Tenants recent proof of address document)
  • an electoral roll letter less than 3 months old.

We can’t accept:

  • water or rates bills
  • bank statements or documents
  • property documents, such as title papers or sales and purchase agreements.

To read the terms and conditions

You will need to confirm you have read the terms and conditions.

Set up an AT Park account

Log in to MyAT or create a MyAT account if you don’t have one already.

1. Click on ‘AT Park’

2. Click on ‘Parking permits’

3. Click the button to register for AT Park

4. Complete the AT Park registration form

You will need a credit or debit card. Payments will only be taken from your card when you buy coupons. 

Log in to your parking account

Access your AT Park account through MyAT.

You can save your application at any time and log in later to finish it.

Select your coupon type

From the left-hand menu, choose one of:

  • Business
  • Resident
  • Schools and community groups

From the drop down menu select the coupon book for your zone.

Complete the application form

You will need to enter credit or debit card details. Payment is only taken from your card when you pay for coupons.

After you’ve submitted your application

If you apply on or after the renewal date for your zone, the application process takes up to 10 working days. It may take longer if your application is incomplete and we need more information. 

There are 2 steps in the process.

  • Approved - Your application is 'approved' when we have the information we need but the payment has not yet gone through.
  • Granted - When payment has gone through we will email you to say your permit has been granted.

Note: You must activate your coupons before you can park in a resident parking zone.

When you can start using your parking coupons

Once your coupons are showing as 'granted' in AT Park you can activate them for a specific date. Do this before you park in a residential parking area or you may get a fine. 

Adding a co-holder to the existing coupon book

Each property within a Residential Parking Zone is entitled to an allocation of 50 free coupons per cycle year. The 50 free coupons are given to the first application received from that address. We have already granted the 50 free coupons to the property you have applied for.

As per our policy, each property is entitled to the coupons, rather than each individual.

We will only issue one allocation of 50 free coupons, per cycle year, to each household, in line with our Residential Parking Zone policy.

If there are multiple people living in the property who need access to the coupons, they can be added on as a co-holder to the existing granted coupon book. This will give them access to activate the coupons for the dates and license plate required. To access these, please log in to your MyAT parking permits account.

Payment for the paid coupons will still come from the card uploaded in the AT Park account of the resident activating the coupon.

How we check coupons

Parking officers use licence plate recognition technology to check if a vehicle has a coupon to park in your zone.

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