Berm maintenance Berm maintenance

A berm is the grassed area that sits between the road and either the footpath or the property boundary.

Berm maintenance responsibility

  • It is the responsibility of the property owner to mow the berm outside of their property as part of the general land maintenance. 
  • If the berm poses a safety risk (such as a steep gradient) then the property owner can apply for it to be maintained by Auckland Council instead. Please note that there are strict criteria to be eligible for Auckland Council berm maintenance. For more information, contact Auckland Council on 09 301 0101.
  • Auckland Transport is responsible for repairing damaged grass berms and verges. Auckland Council mows the grass berms or verges where it is not possible for the property owner to mow the berm or verge.

Private planting on berms

Residents are not permitted to plant on berms, in accordance with the Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw. Private planting in the road corridor can impact: