Procurement strategy Procurement strategy
AT is a significant procurer in value, scale and complexity, and is ultimately accountable to the ratepayers of Auckland and taxpayers of New Zealand, through its funding arrangements with AC and Waka Kotahi. This strategy reflects the overarching value proposition that guides AT procurement, namely: “Sustainable value for money through the whole of life of an asset or service”.
The purpose of our procurement strategy, and the policies, standards, procedures and guidelines that support it, is to ensure that a robust and consistent procurement practice is applied across all AT procurement activities. It outlines the approach we take to planning, sourcing and managing the goods, services and physical works that we buy.
Procurement at AT is guided by 2 strategic objectives:
- Trusted Business Partner - developing constructive and collaborative partnerships with our internal business owners, by building trust and confidence through our credibility, delivery and alignment of purpose.
- Customer of Choice - aiming to position AT as ‘customer of choice’ with our suppliers, to secure the very best capability, innovation and service from the marketplace in order to deliver ‘value for money’ outcomes for AT.
Procurement strategy
Download the AT Procurement Strategy 2022 to 2025 (PDF 1.4MB, 40 pages)
Procurement policy
Our procurement activities must be undertaken in a clearly defined, ethical and transparent manner. They must follow good practice for spending public money whilst being consistent with statutory obligations.
Our procurement policy sets out the principles that will be applied across all AT procurement activities.
View the AT procurement policy (PDF 111KB, 11 pages).

Our category approach and delivery models
Overview of our category approach and delivery models we use to engage with our suppliers.