Train services Train services
Trains are a great way to travel around Auckland with 41 stations across four lines: Southern, Eastern, Western and Onehunga.
Here you'll find information regarding where trains go, fare information, train-riding etiquette, safety tips and much more.

Train timetables
View the full train timetables for the Southern, Eastern, Western and Onehunga Line in PDF format.

The Rail Network Rebuild
From 2023 to 2025, Auckland train lines will close in sections, one at a time, for the Rail Network Rebuild. See closure details and other ways to travel.

Planned closures on the train network
Future maintenance and construction works on the rail network.
Bus replacements
Information about buses that operate in place of trains when network maintenance or upgrade work is scheduled.

Train updates service
Find out if your train is disrupted, cancelled or delayed. Sign up for text or email updates in the AT Mobile app.

Safety around trains, stations & tracks
Keep safe around trains, stations and tracks, including level crossings and overhead wires.
Te Huia regional train service
KiwiRail Regional passenger train service between Waikato and Auckland.

Group train bookings
Find out how to organise a group train booking if you’re planning to travel by train in a large group.