Safe Communities Programme - Mangere Bridge Safe Communities Programme - Mangere Bridge

Auckland Transport (AT) is working alongside communities in Māngere Bridge to make changes to roads outside Māngere Bridge Village area and around the neighbouring schools in order to improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians.

Project status: Construction - last updated 3 September
Project zone: South

Auckland Transport and Higgins Contractors started construction on the Māngere Bridge Safer Community programme on 9 March 2020.

We have undertaken an extensive three phase engagement with the Māngere Bridge community on our safer communities proposal. We heard your feedback in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and this has helped us to understand local concerns about the area. We are now ready to construct pedestrian improvements that have been designed in close partnership with the community.

You can read the outcomes of these consultations in the feedback section below.

Mangere Bridge

Project overview

The aim of the project is to improve safety for pedestrians and help ensure walking is a desirable option for people. Pedestrian surveys have backed the need for improvements to be made given the high numbers of people including school children walking on these roads.

80% of all road deaths and serious injuries occur on 50km/h local urban roads. Nearly half of those deaths and injuries involve vulnerable road users – children, the elderly, people walking and people on bikes or motorcycles. We are committed to making the roads safer for vulnerable users and these changes will help improve safety for the many pedestrians including school children walking these routes.

The roads we are proposing improvements to include Coronation Road, Wallace Road, Church Road, and Mountain Road.


  • Giving greater priority to pedestrians and cyclists’ end to end journey
  • People feel safe on routes
  • Reduce traffic speed where appropriate and make it more consistent across areas
  • Improve people’s ability to cross the road safely
  • Build an environment to support more compliant and alert driving behaviours.

Mangere Bridge business open as usual.


Swanson Road Carpark entrance

AT is currently still doing construction work in the village shopping area. We are now working on constructing a left-turn entrance to the council carpark area outside the supermarket. Please note that from 2 to 9 September this entrance is CLOSED and entry is via Swanson Road.

McIntyre Road closures

Permanent changes to Swanson Carpark:

  • AT is installing a LEFT TURN ONLY carpark entrance on McIntyre Road
  • Swanson Road becomes the entry for right turning and left turning traffic on McIntyre Road
  • Swanson Road will become a one-way road only up to the library
  • You can still enter Swanson Road from Church Road, but cars will no longer be able to exit on McIntyre Road. We will construct a turning around area.

Mountain Road and Miller Road Intersection upgrade

AT has begun work to upgrade the Mountain Road and Miller Road intersection. We are putting in drainage, speed tables and a round-about island upgrade. This work started on 10 August and will run until 27 September.

All existing traffic movements will be maintained, and a safe footpath will be available for pedestrians at all times.

Generally, the hours of work are 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday but may need to work outside these hours, and/or work at night on some occasions.

AT will communicate these works in advance and have a noise management plan in place to ensure disruption and inconvenience is minimised as much as possible. As a live construction site, please note traffic delays can be expected and detours will be in place. Please take extra care when moving through this area.

Mountain Road and Miller Road Intersection being upgraded.
Mountain Road and Miller Road Intersection being upgraded.

Public consultation

From 19 November to the 14 December 2018 we asked for feedback on the proposal and received 121 submissions.

This was the third consultation phase with the Māngere Bridge community on this proposal to ensure pedestrian improvements are designed in partnership with the community.

Feedback report

We have created a public feedback report which summarises the feedback received, details Auckland Transport’s response to the feedback and explains the outcome of consultation.

Download the Māngere Bridge public feedback report 2019 (PDF 1.2MB, 41 pages)

Consultation supporting documentation

During construction

All existing traffic movements will be maintained, and a safe footpath will be available for pedestrians at all times.

Generally, the hours of work are 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday but may need to work outside these hours, and/or work at night on some occasions. We will communicate these works in advance and have a noise management plan in place to ensure disruption and inconvenience is minimised as much as possible.

As a live construction site, traffic delays can be expected and detours in place.