New data collection technology for AT's Safe Speeds Programme New data collection technology for AT's Safe Speeds Programme

To continue the success of the Safe Speeds Programme, AT is trialing new technology solutions that will streamline the data collection process.

Project summary

Auckland Transport’s Safe Speeds Programme is designed to reduce deaths and serious injuries on our roads.

There are many factors that have made the Safe Speeds Programme successful in keeping people safe. One of these is the gathering of high-quality and timely data for monitoring, evaluating, and informing decision-making. While data collection is critical to the success of the programme, it is time and resource intensive.

AT and its field services contractor (CSLi New Zealand) have come up with a few potential technology solutions to streamline the data collection process. The next step is to trial these new technologies, which includes installing radar technology, speed cameras and digital variable messages signs.

The timeline for all 3 trials is from April to July 2022. 

Our intention is to keep you updated prior to installation and to answer any questions you may have.

Project background

AT wants to reduce deaths and serious injuries across its road network. Too many people are being killed or getting seriously injured for simply travelling on our roads. Setting safe and appropriate speed limits has proven to be the fastest and most cost-effective way to see an immediate reduction in deaths and serious injuries.

On 30 June 2020, as part of phase one of the Safe Speeds Programme, speed limits were lowered on selected roads. AT found that in the 18-months following these changes there was:

  • a 47% reduction in deaths*
  • a reduction in all injury crashes of more than 25% and greater than a 15% reduction in serious injuries on these roads
  • a reduction of more than 20% in total deaths and serious injuries
  • a 71% reduction in deaths and more than a 25% reduction in serious injuries on rural roads.

These results from phase one of the Safe Speeds Programme are encouraging and are backed up by research and evidence in a paper written by road safety experts Soames Job and Colin Brodie, Understanding the role of Speeding and Speed in Serious Crash Trauma: A Case Study of New Zealand, published as a peer-reviewed paper in the Journal of Road Safety.

*Annual figures for the period 30 June 2020 to 31 December 2021, when compared to the prior five-year comparison period.

Proposed technology solutions

Temporary radar technology

Data collection
  • Point operating speeds
  • Following distance
  • Average approach speed
  • Minimum and maximum speeds
  • Count volumes
  • A more cost-effective method of collecting speed data.
  • Provides more comprehensive point operating speed data or mean speed data. This information can be used as a lead indicator to capture road related deaths and serious injuries in Auckland.
  • Provides better baseline information of known problematic locations and trends.
  • Provides better baseline information for post-implementation evaluation (of new safe speed limits).
  • Continuously monitors operating speeds
  • Identifies priority locations for responding to manage speed limits (where required).

Close to 70 and to 89 Atkinson Avenue, Ōtāhuhu
This is a high risk corridor, where high rates of road related deaths and serious injuries have been recorded. Safety improvement work has been programmed for delivery between 2022 and 2023, which includes installing raised signalised intersections at The Avenue and the Princes Street intersection. The trial is expected to take between two to three weeks to complete.

Fanshawe Street, near Daldy Street, Auckland City Centre
In June 2020, as part of AT’s Safe Speeds Programme phase one, the speed limit on Fanshawe Street was reduced from 50km/h to 40km/h. This site has been chosen to monitor for compliance or non-compliance of the 40km/h speed limits. This will help us gain a better understanding of how the radar technology works on a road with multiple lanes and to check for any limitations in the radar technology. The trial is expected to take one to two weeks to complete.

Average speed and Digital Variable Message Sign

Data collection
  • A Digital Variable Message Sign can measure and display a driver's average speed between 2 points. This will allow us to test if behaviourally informed messaging reduces driving speeds in identified high-risk areas of Auckland.

  • Average speed behaviour change can go a long way in helping drivers choose a safe speed (usually by reducing their traveling speed) along corridors, where existing technologies are not as effective.

Albany Highway, south-bound between Rosedale Road and Bass Road
AT does not currently have technology to capture average speeds along high priority routes such as Albany Highway, which has been identified as high speed area. This trial will use Variable Message Signs to monitor behavioural changes, which lead to reduced traveling speed thus keeping road users safe. The trial is expected to take 12 weeks to complete.

Movement mode data

Data collection
  • Calculates the volumes and usage of different modes of transport, for example people walking, cycling, scootering, skating, roller-blading, or on wheel-chair, in a pre-identified area of Auckland, such as Auckland City Centre. 
  • A cost effective way to collect active mode data.

Close to 19 and to 26 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park
Aviemore has been identified as a high risk corridor and as part of Safe Speeds Programme phase two, safe and appropriate speed limits will be set from June to July 2022 onwards. The selected areas currently do not have safe crossing facilities for the surrounding businesses. The trial will help to determine the best possible locations for installing proposed crossing facilities. The trial is expected to take two to three weeks to complete.

Campbell Road, Royal Oak Roundabout
Some vehicles do not completely stop at the Royal Oak Roundabout and this is a safety risk for people crossing. This is especially dangerous for those who are blind or have low vision, as they can hear vehicles approach when they begin to walk on the pedestrian crossing. The technology will be used to check the locations where vehicles stop as they approach the pedestrian crossing. Once we have reviewed the data, additional safety changes may be made if required. This trial is expected to take one to two weeks to complete.

Privacy issues

No identifiable data will be captured, used or stored during the trial period.

As part of its engagement process, AT will be informing the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of the technology trials.

How will AT ensure people’s privacy and that data is not mis-used?
Since this is a trial of new technology for data gathering, any outcomes from the trial will not lead to the issue of any infringement notices, such as speed tickets nor will this phase of the trial lead to any regulatory changes. Additionally, no identifiable data will be collected.

Where and how will the data be collected and be stored?
All data is collected by the sensors at the site of each of the trials. AT’s field services contractor (CSLi New Zealand) will securely process this data and share it with AT.

What will AT do with the data after the trials? 
The purpose of these trials is to test this new technologies in different traffic and road conditions to test its reliability and accuracy. If the trials are successful, the collected data will become baseline data and may be used for informed decisions in the future. If any of the trials are not successful, AT will delete all relevant data. CSLi will not keep any data with them.

What will AT do with the results of the data after each of the trials?
AT will write up a Trial Evaluation report for each trial. The report will include the specifics of each trial, such as success criteria, and next steps.

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