West Auckland flood recovery progress West Auckland flood recovery progress
Extreme weather events in 2023 caused damage to roads throughout Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. On this page, you can stay up to date on the progress of repair works in your area.
West Auckland road updates
Not all sites are listed on this page, as some have already been repaired. Design work on others is still ongoing, and other roads will be added as we work through the programme. Works may be completed on some roads without being added to this page, depending on the scale of the work and the number of residents affected.
We ask for patience as we work to repair more than 2,000 sites across Auckland.
To report new issues, please contact us.
7 March 2025
Our contractor started work on a slip on Bethells Road between Stoney Creek Drive and Duffy Road on 10 February 2025.
The road will be under Full Road Closure during the works, which is expected to take 10 weeks. (Weather dependent)
During the closure, the detour route is via Te Henga Road. Residents and their visitors will have access to their properties from either side of the closure. The full closure signage will be set up from Stoney Creek Road and Duffy Road to ensure that drivers have a safe place to turn around.
The road will be fully excavated to replace the culvert with a larger one and the road will be rebuilt.
Excavation of the slip on Bethells Road.
22 January 2025
There are multiple slip sites along Huia Road. We are looking for ways to keep one lane open on all sites while work in progress. We will update the community before works start on any of these sites.
81 Huia Road – The repair at this site was completed in February 2025, and included the construction of a retaining wall, and extensive drainage repairs and upgrades.

In the first half of 2025, we plan to start work on:
- 370 Huia Road
- 634 Huia Road
- 100m past Cornwallis Road
- 100m past Kaitarakihi Road.
We are investigating one more site. Once the plan is confirmed, we will update the community about estimated work dates.
7 March 2025
Slip repair works are almost complete on Karekare Road and the road is fully open. During our monitoring we have identified one more slip that needs repairing. We're working through the design process for this repair and will update the community when works will start.
Work started on 15 January 2025 on the final slip on Lone Kauri Road. This slip is located around 500m past La Trobe Track.
We've completed the retaining wall at this location, and will soon start on the drainage and pavement works. The road will be closed during the works.

Closed - Residents and emergency services access only from Waitākere Road end.
Work is under way on the repair design.
We aim to restore this connection for the community in the first half of 2025 and will provide a start date once this is confirmed.
7 March 2025
Repairs for Konini Road are in the final design phase.
Konini Road repairs will start in the first half of 2025, and we will provide an update once we have a start date confirmed.

7 March 2025
We've identified two additional slips in areas that were not originally included. These areas now require more design and investigation to make sure we implement the best safety solutions and improvements for the road.
The sites we have left to complete are all in the area near 150 Mountain Road, including the two new sites.
RP0.900 – completion date End-March 2025.
RP1.580 (new site) – completion date Mid to late-April
RP0.970 (new site) - TBC
We're aiming for Mountain Road to reopen by April 31, 2025. This will be pending a brief closure to complete work at site 0.970 once the design investigation has been finalised.
Our timeline for each site may change depending on weather conditions and the completion of final designs. We'll keep you informed with updates as work progresses and notify you of any changes to the schedule.
7 March 2025
We're working on the repair design for this slip. A section of the road is coned off, though a newly created pedestrian path will keep people safe and keep vehicles off the damaged section.
Because we need to provide safe passage for pedestrians, we have had to extend the pedestrian walkway onto the road. This has narrowed the carriageway to around 4 metres, which is not enough space for 2 lanes and offers no visibility for giving way. Please use the detour route.
This repair is currently in design, and this work is scheduled for the first half of 2025. The repair will include a retaining wall and pavement works.
7 March 2025
We have a final design confirmed for the major slip on Paturoa Road and expect to start work in the first quarter of 2025.
When work starts there will be no pedestrian access through this site. The contractor will first repair the major slip on the corner, and then will build a new timber retaining wall on the approach to the major slip, from Titirangi Beach side. We expect works will take at least 5-6months.
While the slips on Paturoa Road are significant to fix, the repair work is important. Paturoa Road provides an alternative option for Titirangi Beach Road, Aydon Road and Mahoe Road.

4 November 2024
Works on the slip site at 73 Piha Road were completed in December 2023.
After further monitoring of this location – we are working on the design of an extended area to be supported by an additional retaining wall.

31 July 2024
47 to 49 Rayner Road, Piha
Flexi-posts have been installed to keep vehicles away from the slip side of the road. The weight restriction is lifted. Our contractor is continuing to monitor this section of the road.

In this closed section of the road there are 2 slip sites relatively close to each other:
- scenic site 6 - repair underway
- scenic site 8 - repair completed in February 2025.
Both are large slips that need full road closures to repair and rebuild.
We could not start these sites until we finished repairing the slip close to 412 Scenic Drive. This was so we could maintain access for residents who live between the 2 current sites, and the site completed at 412 Scenic Drive. We then restored access for these residents through the West Coast Road end.
We first planned to complete both site 6 and 8 at the same time. However, the contractors need to have access from both ends of each slip site to complete the major excavation and reconstruction.
Access to Arataki Visitor Centre is available from the Titirangi side of Scenic Drive.
Scenic Drive site 8
The repair at Scenic Drive site 8 was completed in February 2025.

Scenic Drive site 6
Works will start on the second site (scenic site 6) from 10 March 2025. This site has quite an extensive failure. It spans from the slope above the road to the slope below the road.
The design is for a concrete piled, tied-back wall.
We expect this will take at least 5 to 6 months to complete, depending on weather. We expect this repair to be completed in August 2025.
7 March 2025
Interim road repair works at this site are complete, and the road is open both ways.

What happens next?
Final design plans are progressing for this site. A series of fan drains will be installed to reduce pore pressure from within the slip. We are working with property owners in this section of the road to finalise plans for these works. After we complete the drainage then the final repair will be made to the road pavement.
The road pavement and road surface drainage repairs will be from approximately driveway of 469 Scenic Drive to driveway of 461 Scenic Drive.
7 March 2025
Work started on the slip outside 4 Taunton Terrace on Wednesday 27 November. We expect the work to be completed around the end of March.
The repairs will include vegetation clearing, soil nailing and shotcreting (sprayed concrete). During the works we discovered a section of the slip needed to have additional bore drainage installed. This has been added to the work programme.
Walkway closed during works
The section of walkway below this site (The Manukau Coastal Walkway, Taunton Terrace) will be closed during working hours to make sure the public are kept safe from any debris that may come loose during construction.
Road closed during works
The work requires a full road closure to complete the repairs. Residents will have limited vehicle access during the workday. We will operate the following timetable:
8:45am to 12:15pm - road closed for works
12:15pm to 1pm - road open for resident access only
1pm to 3:15pm - road closed for works
3:15pm to 4pm - road open for resident access only
4pm to 5:30pm - road closed for works
From 5:30pm to 8:45am the next day and on weekends - road open with one lane access under priority give way.
Emergency vehicle access will be managed by the crew on site.

The underpass is closed at the bridge at the intersection of Waitākere Road and Bethells Road.
We have installed extra crossing signs and hit sticks on the approach to Bethells Road Waitākere Road (township end) to improve visibility and safety.
On 1 April 2023, the speed limit was lowered to 60km/hr near the intersection (between 190 metres north of Bethells Road and 220 metres south of Township Road).

6 September 2024
We are currently designing the repair to the underpass. It is not safe for pedestrians to use.
We will update you when repair works begin.
The bridge is also scheduled for scour protection works. We will check if there have been changes to the stream bed below the bridge and make any necessary repairs.
7 March 2025
The slip is between Parker Road and Carter Road where the road goes over the stream, and a culvert goes under the road.
We will build a new retaining wall and upgrade drainage on both sides of the road. We are finalising the design plans for this site and will will update the community with the start date, which we expect will be in the first quarter of 2025.
The retaining wall above the stream has failed. We will rebuild it.
7 March 2025
Work will begin on the slip located on Whatipu Road from 3 March 2025. We expect works to take up to 8 weeks, weather dependent.
The work will include soil nailing and spraying a concrete face on the surface of the slip. Due to the width of the road and the size of the machinery used for the work, the road will be fully closed during the workdays.
Full Road Closure:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 5.30pm. The road will be open from 12pm to 1pm each day for access and will open early (from 3.30pm) on Fridays.
Emergency access: Access will be made available for Emergency response vehicles as quickly as possible should an emergency arise.
7 March 2025
Work on the repair design has been reviewed and we are making changes to the design to reduce risk of flooding further down stream. As this road is part of the detour route for 81 Huia Road, we will schedule the repair work after that repair is completed, pending completion of the design.
We will update the community with the start date as soon as it is set.