Full list of speed limits - Phase 2 Full list of speed limits - Phase 2

Following public consultation and engagement, AT is implementing safe speed limits on over 800 roads in Auckland, predominantly in the south, Franklin rural roads and around schools.

The purpose of safe speed limits is to save lives and prevent serious injuries on Auckland’s roads. These safe speed limits will come into effect between 30 June – 28 July and the roads can be found and searched in the table on this page.

How to search the table

    • Click the arrows next to the column headings to sort the data, or
    • Click the arrow next to the search bar to filter the list by suburb, road or speed limits.

For example, to view speed limits for roads in Manurewa, click the arrow next to the search bar, make sure only the 'Suburb' box is ticked, type 'Avondale' into the search bar and press enter. You will see a list of proposed speed changes for roads in Avondale.

Schools with maps of the speed limit changes can be found on the Safe Speeds Around Schools page.

Speed limits in Manurewa

Road NameSuburbRoad Section DescriptionExisting Speed Limit (km/h)Proposed Speed Limit (km/h)
Aarts Avenue ManurewaFull extent5030
Addington Avenue ManurewaFull extent5030
Ainsdale Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Antalya Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Arbor Close ManurewaFull extent5030
Arnwood Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Awakino Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Bedlington Avenue ManurewaFull extent5030
Beeston Crescent  ManurewaFull extent5030
Benmore Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Benton Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Bettina Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Brent Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Brentford Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Burbank Avenue ManurewaFull extent5030
Burlington Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Burndale Terrace ManurewaFull extent5030
Carbery Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Carter Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Clendon Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Crampton Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Dagenham Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Dreadon Road ManurewaFull extent5030
Elmwood Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Ewbank Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Fairlight Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Feasegate Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Fellbrook Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Funnell Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Gainsborough Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Garth Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Harrow Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Healy Road  ManurewaFull extent5030
Helms Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Heybridge Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Hobman Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Hoturoa Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Hywell Place ManurewaFull extent5030
John Walker Drive ManurewaBetween Wordsworth Road and Sharland Avenue5030
John Walker Drive ManurewaBetween Sharland Avenue and Weymouth Rd5030
Kay Road ManurewaFull extent5030
Kern Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Landette Road ManurewaFull extent5030
Maida Vale ManurewaFull extent5030
Malmo PlManurewaFull extent5030
Mckean Avenue ManurewaFull extent5030
Minton Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Mondesir Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Montilla Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Naomi Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Neems Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Nina Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Oratu Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Pallant Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Pawa Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Poutini Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Primrose Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Pushon Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Rako Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Rangataua Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Ririno Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Romney Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Ronald Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Rondorlyn Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Rowandale Avenue ManurewaBetween Browns Road and Wordsworth Road5030
Rowandale Avenue ManurewaBetween Wordsworth Road and Weymouth Road5030
Sealord Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Selago Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Selsey Lane ManurewaFull extent5030
Sharland Avenue ManurewaBetween Roscommon Road and John Walker Drive5030
Sharland Avenue ManurewaBetween John Walker Drive and Rowandale Avenue5030
Smedley Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Stella Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Sunlands Drive  ManurewaFull extent5030
Swallow DriveManurewaFull extent5030
Tamworth Close ManurewaFull extent5030
Tuna Place ManurewaFull extent5030
Watts Road ManurewaFull extent5030
Wenlock Place ManurewaFull extent5030
White Road ManurewaFull extent5030
Winsford Street ManurewaFull extent5030
Wordsworth Road  ManurewaBetween Roscommon Road and Rowandale Avenue5030
Wordsworth Road  ManurewaBetween Rowandale Avenue and Weymouth Road5030
Yearsley PlaceManurewaFull extent5030

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Speed limits on rural roads

Road NameSuburbRoad Section DescriptionExisting Speed Limit (km/h)Proposed Speed Limit (km/h)
Aicken RoadHunuaFull length10060
Aka Aka RoadPunibetween 165m south of Waiuku Road and 20m north of Shipherd Road (the boundary of Auckland)10080
Aldridge RoadHunuaFull length10060
Aley RoadMangatawhiriFull length10060
Alfriston-Ardmore RoadAlfristonFull length10080
Ambush RoadRamaramaFull length10040
Ararimu RoadArarimubetween 223m north of Steel Road and Paparimu Road10080
Ararimu RoadRamaramabetween 275m east of Maxted Road and 150m south of Steel Road10080
Ardmore Quarry RoadArdmorebetween Papakura-Clevedon Road and 560m south of Creightons Road10060
Ardmore Quarry RoadArdmoreBetween 560m south of Creightons Road and southern end of Ardmore-Quarry Road.10040
Aulyn DriveKarakaFull length10060
Axtens RoadMangatawhiriFull length10060
Barber RoadBombayBetween Portsmouth Road and 330m north of Paparata Road.10060
Barber RoadBombayBetween 10m south of Paparata Road and southern end of Barber Road.10060
Batkin RoadHunuaFull length10060
Beaver Road EastBombayFull length10060
Bombay RoadBombayBetween 150m north of Lawrence Carter Drive and Great South Road.10060
Brodie RoadClevedonFull length10040
Broken Bridge RoadHunuaFull length10060
Brookfield RoadDruryFull length8060
Buckland RoadBucklandBetween 300m south of George Crescent (south end) and Tuakau Road (Waikato District boundary)10080
Buckville RoadBucklandBetween Logan Road and the boundary of Auckland10080
Bullens RoadArdmoreFull length.8060
Burnside RoadArdmorebetween Clevedon-Takanini Road and 120m northwest of Papakura-Clevedon Rd80/10080
Burtt RoadPaerataBetween Tuhimata Road and Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus)10080
Burtt RoadPaeratabetween Pitt Road and urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus)10080
Bush RoadPaerataFull length10060
Bushmere DriveHunuaFull length10060
Caitcheon RoadHunuaFull length10040
Cascade RoadBombayFull length10060
Chamberlain RoadBombayFull length10060
Cheriton LaneRuncimanFull length10040
Cherrington RoadClevedonFull length8060
Chesham LaneClevedonFull length10060
Church RoadArdmoreFull length8060
Clevedon-Kawakawa RoadClevedonbetween 100m east of McNicol Road and 900m west of Turei Road10080
Clevedon-Kawakawa RoadClevedonBetween 90m west of McNicol Road and 100m east of McNicol Road.10050
Clevedon-Takanini RoadClevedonFull length10080
Coal Mine RoadOpahekeFull length8060
Cooper RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Cosgrave RoadAlfristonBetween 200m north of Old Wairoa Road and Walters Road8060
Cossey RoadDruryFull length8060
Coulston RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Cowan RoadHunuaFull length10060
Creightons RoadClevedonBetween Papakura-Clevedon Road and Jones Road10080
Creightons RoadClevedonBetween Jones Road and Ardmore Quarry Road10060
Dale South RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Davies RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Deerys RoadOrere PointFull length10060
Downs RoadHunuaFull length10060
Dunn RoadArarimuBetween Totara Road and the end of the road10060
Dunn RoadArarimuBetween Ararimu Road and Totara Road10080
Dunrobin LaneArarimuFull length10060
Dyke RoadKarakaFull length10060
East Coast RoadWhakatiwaibetween Orere-Matingarahi Road and the boundary of Auckland10060
Elizabeth PlaceDruryFull length8060
Ernest George DriveKarakaFull length10060
Eyres RoadClevedonFull length10060
Fahey RoadBombayFull length10060
Falls RoadHunuaFull length10060
Farquharson RoadHunuaFull length10060
Farr RoadBombayFull length10060
Fausett RoadArarimuFull length10060
Fielding RoadDruryFull length8060
Flay RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Garvie RoadHunuaFull length10060
Gearon RoadMaukuFull length10060
Gelling RoadHunua/DruryFull length10080
Gillespie RoadHunuaFull length10060
Golding RoadPukekoheBetween 100m south of Pukekohe East Road and Logan Road (Auckland boundary)10080
Gordon Francis DrivePaerataFull length10060
Great South RoadBombaybetween SH22 and urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus)10080
Great South RoadBombaybetween 230m north of Mill Road and southern end of Great South Road10060
Great South RoadBombaybetween urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and 230m north of Mill Road10080
Hamlin RoadArdmoreFull length10080
Harkness RoadKarakaFull length10060
Harrison RoadDruryFull length10060
Harry Dodd RoadDruryFull length8060
Harry Dreadon RoadOpahekeFull length8060
Hawthorne LaneKingseatFull length10060
Hays Creek RoadHunuaFull length10060
Head RoadHunuaFull length10060
Heald RoadHunuaFull length10060
Helland DriveBombayFull length10060
Highridge RoadClevedonFull length10060
Hilltop RoadPukekoheFull length10060
Hillview RoadBombayFull length10080
Hiwinui RoadArarimuFull length10060
Holdens RoadClevedonFull length10060
Hunua RoadHunuaBetween 120m east of the eastern end of Lockwood Road and Moumoukai Road10080
Hunua RoadHunuaBetween 700m west of Middleton Road and 130m west of the western end of Lockwood Road10080
Hunua RoadHunuaBetween 90m east of Dominion Road and 2090m east of Dominion Road8060
Hunua RoadHunuaBetween 2090m east of Dominion Road and 700m west of Middleton Road10060
Ingram RoadBombayFull length10060
Jack Paterson RoadOpahekeFull length8060
John Hill RoadHunuaFull length10080
Jollie RoadHunuaFull length10040
Jones RoadHunuaFull length10060
Judge Richardson DriveOpahekeFull length8060
Kanuka RoadBombayFull length10060
Kauri View RoadOpahekeFull length8060
Kawakawa Bay Coast RoadKawakawa Baybetween 80m northeast of Karaka Road and eastern end of Kawakawa Bay Coast Road10060
Kawakawa-Orere RoadKawakawa BayBetween 4150m south of Bertram Road and 150m west of Orere Point Road10080
Kawakawa-Orere RoadKawakawa BayBetween 150m west of Orere Point Road and the eastern end of Kawakawa-Orere Road10060
Kawakawa-Orere RoadKawakawa BayBetween 500m south of Kawakawa Bay Coast Road and 4150m South of Bertram Road10060
Keaney RoadArarimuFull length10060
Kern RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Kimber RoadMangatawhiriFull length10060
Laurie DriveHunuaFull length10040
Lowry RoadBombayFull length10060
Lowry Road WestBombayFull length10060
Loxton LanePaerataFull length10060
Lynd RoadArarimuFull length10060
MacWhinney DriveDruryFull length8060
Maddaford RoadArarimuFull length10040
Main RoadBombayFull length10060
Maketu RoadDruryFull length8060
Markham RoadArarimuFull length10060
Matheson RoadHunuaFull length10080
Mathis RoadHunuaFull length10060
Matthew Whitford DriveBombayFull length10060
Maxted RoadRamaramaFull length10060
McEntee RoadHunuaFull length10060
McGregor RoadClevedonFull length10060
McMurray RoadHunuaFull length10060
McNicol RoadClevedonbetween Clevedon-Kawakawa Road and 1200m north of Tourist Road10080
McNicol RoadClevedonbetween 1200m north of Tourist Road and 1570m south of Whiteside Lane10060
McNicol RoadClevedonBetween 1570m south of Whiteside Lane and the end of the road.10040
McPherson RoadKarakaFull length10080
Medhurst RoadBombayFull length10060
Medhurst Road NorthBombayFull length10060
Middleton RoadHunuaFull length10060
Mile RoadBombayFull length10060
Mill RoadAlfristonBetween Polo Prince Drive and 260m south of Alfriston Road8060
Mill RoadTotara Parkbetween urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and 111m north of Alfriston Road8060
Mill RoadTotara Parkbetween Redoubt Road and urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus)8060
Mill RoadTakaninibetween 210m south of Alfriston Road and Hamlin Road8080
Mill RoadTakaninibetween Hamlin Road and Walters Road8060
Mill RoadBombayBetween Harrisville Road and 190m east of Harrisville RoadVariable 70km/h /100km/hVariable 60km/h or 80km/hkm/h
Mill RoadBombaybetween 190m east of Harrisville Road and 550m west of Great South Road10080
Monument RoadClevedonBetween Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Clevedon) and Skyhigh Road10060
Monument RoadClevedonbetween 400m south of Hyde Road and urban traffic area boundary (Clevedon)10060
Morgan RoadPukekoheFull length10060
Moumoukai Hill RoadNess Valleybetween 830m south of Ness Valley Road and eastern end of Moumoukai Hill Road10040
Moumoukai Hill RoadNess ValleyBetween Ness Valley Road and 830m south of Ness Valley Road.10060
Moumoukai RoadHunuaFull length10060
Mullins RoadArdmoreFull length10080
Munros RoadClevedonFull length10060
Nairn RoadHunuaFull length10060
Needham RoadPaerataFull length10060
Ness Valley RoadNess ValleyBetween Clevedon-Kawakawa Road and Moumoukai Hill Road.10080
Ness Valley RoadNess Valleybetween Moumoukai Hill Road and eastern end of Ness Valley Road10060
Ngakoroa RoadRuncimanbetween Runciman Road and urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus)10060
Ngakoroa RoadRuncimanbetween urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and the southern end of Ngakoroa Road10060
Niccone PlaceBombayFull length10060
Norfolk King DriveRamaramaFull length10060
Okaroro DriveBeachlandsFull length10080
Old Barn RoadOpahekeFull length8060
Old Coach WayRamaramaFull length10060
Opaheke RoadOpahekeBetween 375m south of Lorelei Place and Sutton Road8060
Orere Point RoadOrere Pointbetween 560m south of Bays Road and Kawakawa-Orere Road10060
Orere-Matingarahi RoadOrere PointFull length10060
Otau LaneClevedonFull length10060
Otau Mountain RoadClevedonBetween McNicol Road and 3000m east of McNicol Road10060
Otau Mountain RoadClevedonBetween 3000m east of McNicol Road and the end of Otau Mountain Road10040
Otto RoadRamaramaFull length10040
Papakura-Clevedon RoadArdmorebetween 140m east of Dominion Road and urban traffic area boundary (Auckand Isthmus)10080
Papakura-Clevedon RoadArdmorebetween urban traffic area boundary (Auckand Isthmus) and 35m northeast of Church Road10080
Papakura-Clevedon RoadArdmorebetween 70m northeast of Burnside Road and urban traffic area boundary (Clevedon)10080
Paparata RoadBombayBetween 1050m east of Barber Road and Paparimu Road10080
Paparimu RoadHunuaBetween Moumoukai Road and 2500m south of Paparata Road (Waikato District boundary)10080
Parish Line RoadClevedonBetween Papakura-Clevedon Road and Clevedon-Takanini Road10060
Parish Line RoadClevedonBetween Clevedon-Takanini Road and northern end of Parish Line Road10040
Patrick LaneRamaramaFull length10060
Peach Hill Road (Southern Segment)RamaramaFull length10060
Petersons RoadArdmoreFull length8060
Phillip RoadTakaniniFull length8060
Phillips RoadNess ValleyFull length10060
Pinnacle Hill RoadBombaybetween Paparata Road and 570m south of Medhurst Road (the boundary of Auckland)10060
Pioneer RoadClevedonFull length10060
Pitt RoadRuncimanFull length10080
Ponga RoadOpahekebetween urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and Sonja Drive10060
Ponga RoadOpahekebetween Sutton Road and urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus)8060
Popes RoadTakaniniBetween 250m east of Porchester Road and Mill Road8060
Porterfield RoadWhitfordFull length8060
Portsmouth RoadBombayFull length10080
Pratts RoadRamaramaFull length10060
Pukekohe East RoadPukekohebetween urban traffic area boundary (Pukekohe) and 300m west of Harrisville Road10080
Pukekohe East RoadPukekohebetween 130m east of Anselmi Ridge Road and urban traffic area boundary (Pukekohe)10080
Pukekohe East RoadPukekoheBetween 300m west of Harrisville Road and Harrisville RoadVariable 70km/h /100km/h80
Puketutu RoadBombayFull length10060
Quarry RoadDruryFull length10080
Quinns RoadClevedonFull length10060
Ramarama RoadRamaramaFull length8060
Ranfurly RoadAlfristonbetween Alfriston Road and eastern end of Ranfurly Road80/10060
Razorback RoadBombayBetween 80m south of Mill Road to 85m south of Puketutu Road (Waikato District Boundary)10060
Redman RoadHunuaFull length10060
Reed RoadHunuaFull length10060
Rogers RoadPuniFull length10080
Royal Doulton DrivePukekoheFull length10060
Runciman RoadRamaramabetween 820m north of Rutherford Road and urban traffic area boundary (Pukekohe)10080
Runciman RoadRamaramabetween urban traffic area boundary (Pukekohe) and urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus)10080
Runciman RoadPukehoke Eastbetween Pukekohe East Road and 120m north of Rutherford Road10080
Runciman RoadPukehoke Eastbetween urban traffic area boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and Great South Road10080
Rutherford RoadPukekohe EastFull length10060
Saddleton RoadWaiau PaFull length8060
Sawyer RoadBombayFull length10060
Sinclair RoadArarimuFull length10060
Skyhigh RoadHunuaFull length10080
Solitaire LanePaerataFull length10060
Sonja DriveHunuaFull length10040
Sowerby HeightsHunuaFull length10060
Station RoadPukekoheBetween 20m south of Subway Road and Yates Road8060
Steel RoadArarimubetween 490m west of Ararimu Road and western end of Steel Road8060
Stevens RoadHunuaFull length10060
Stone RoadBombayFull length10060
Stuart RoadMangatawhiriFull length10060
Sutton RoadDruryBetween 300m east of Great South Road and Ponga Road8060
Sydney Owen RoadKingseatFull length10060
Tawhero RoadArarimuFull length10060
Te Papa RoadKawakawa BayFull length10060
Tegal RoadDruryFull length8060
Totara RoadArarimuFull length10080
Tourist RoadClevedonBetween Papakura-Clevedon Road and 200m West of Monument Road10080
Tourist RoadClevedonBetween 200m West of Monument Road McNicol Road10060
Townson RoadKawakawa BayFull length10060
Trail RoadHunuaFull length10040
Tuhimata RoadPaeratabetween Cape Hill Road and Runciman Road10060
Turner RoadArarimuFull length10060
Waitangi Falls RoadGlenbrookFull length10060
Walker RoadOpahekeFull length8060
Wallace DriveClarks BeachFull length10060
Wattie RoadHunuaFull length10040
Wedding PlaceTakaniniFull length8060
White RoadHunuaFull length10080
Whiteside LaneClevedonFull length10060
Wilson RoadHunuaFull length10060
Wily RoadPunibetween Waiuku Road and 720m south of Waiuku Road (the boundary of Auckland)10080
Wootten RdBombayFull length10080
Yates RoadPukekoheFull length8060

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Speed limits in Ponsonby

Road NameSuburbRoad Section DescriptionExisting Speed Limit (km/h)Proposed Speed Limit (km/h)
Anglesea StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Barrie StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Bayard StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Beresford St CentralFreemans BayFull Length5030
Beresford St WestFreemans BayFull Length5030
Blake StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Clarence StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Collin Shaw LnFreemans BayFull Length5030
Collingwood StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Cowan StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Grattan PlFreemans BayFull Length5030
Hayden StreetFreemans BayFull Length5030
Heke StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Hepburn stFreemans BayFull Length5030
Hereford StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Hopetoun StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Howe StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Islington StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
John StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
O'neill StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Paget StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Picton StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Pompallier TerracePonsonbyFull Length5030
Ponsonby TerracePonsonbyFull Length5030
Pratt StreetFreemans BayFull Length5030
Prosford StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Provost StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Redmond StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Scott StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Sheehan StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Smith stFreemans BayFull Length5030
Summer StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Tahuna stFreemans BayFull Length5030
Tole StPonsonbyFull Length5030
Wellington StFreemans BayFull Length5030
Winn RdFreemans BayFull Length5030
Aviemore DriveHighland ParkFull Length6050
Attwood RoadParemoremoFull Length8050
Quarry RdWaitokiFull Length10040
Rapson access RoadWaitokiFull Length10040
Rapson RoadWaitokiFull Length10060
Vale RoadSaint HeliersBetween Tamaki Drive and Clarendon Road5030

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Speed limits in town centres

Road NameSuburbRoad Section DescriptionExisting Speed Limit (km/h)Proposed Speed Limit (km/h)
Bairds RoadOtaraBetween East Tamaki Road and 10m west of Cordobar Ct5030
Hayman StreetOtaraFull length5030
Kelpie LaneOtaraFull length5030
Kew LaneOtaraFull length5030
Lovegrove CrescentOtaraFull length5030
Newbury StreetOtaraFull length5030
Thurso LaneOtaraFull length5030
Watford StreetOtaraFull length5030
Toso WayOtaraFull length5030
Alexander CrescentOtaraBetween Bairds Road and Blair Place5030

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