Reports & publications Reports & publications
Auckland Transport's reports and publications, including annual reports, traffic counts, patronage reports, research reports and assessments.

Engineering design standards
Legacy council standards for engineering infrastructure design and construction.
AT Metro patronage report
AT Metro patronage data is used to monitor current public transport use, trends and measure growth.

Integrated Transport Assessment guidelines
Guidelines on how an Integrated Transport Assessment should be prepared in the Auckland region.

Waitemata Harbour Crossing Study
A study into the preferred option for another major crossing of the Waitemata Harbour.

Manuals & guidelines
Guidelines for contractors needing to do work in the road, traffic management and design of streets.

ARTA reports
Archived business activity reports from the former Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA).

Local authority fuel tax
Local authority fuel tax (LAFT) is collected by Auckland Transport for the Auckland region.

2018 Census
The Census is a key data source, it provides useful guidance in shaping our future transport plans.
RLTP judicial review - AT evidence
Download AT's legal submissions and affidavits for the judicial review applications filed regarding AT's decisions on the RLTP.

Pine Harbour ferry - Weekend trial report and outcome
A permanent weekend service will begin operating between Pine Harbour and Downtown this summer.

Cycling and Micromobility Programme Business Case
The Cycling and Micromobility Programme Business Case outlines the ways to achieve Te-Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan cycling goal.

Waitematā Harbour Connections
A study into the preferred option for another major crossing of the Waitemata Harbour.
Road safety business improvement review
Auckland Transport’s Board commissioned a Business Improvement Review into Road Safety in late 2017.
- Read the road safety business improvement review executive summary (PDF 865KB, 12 pages)
- Read the road safety business improvement review report (PDF 4.77MB, 123 pages)
Value for money review
In 2015, AT initiated an independent value for money review.
- Read the executive summary of the value for money review (PDF 796KB)
- Read the progress update on the recommended business improvement opportunities (PDF 30KB)
Auckland University student transport research
In 2018, AT initiated a report into how and when students travel to and from university campuses, monitoring change. And what awareness did students have around public transport options, ride sharing and walking and cycling.
- Tertiary student travel survey 2018 report (PDF 2.6MB)
- Tertiary student travel survey 2018 presentation (PDF 3.8MB)
Other AT reports
- Social and geographical differences in road traffic injury in the Auckland region - 2013 (PDF 4.18MB)
- Auckland City Rail Link Updated Economic Evaluation - 20 May 2011 (PDF 1.38MB)
- Population, cars and public transport use 1925 - 2011 (PDF 775KB)
- Krippner Road Truck Route Assessment - 20 October 2011 (PDF 7.91MB)
- Auckland Red Light Camera Project - 29 September 2011 (PDF 2.53 MB)
- Independent inquiry Rugby World Cup 2011 events on Friday 9 September (PDF 1.4MB)
- Backgrounder for Independent Panel undertaking Council Controlled Organisation Review (PDF 6.3MB)
Please note that public transport statistics reports are now included with the Auckland Transport Board reports
If you need help finding a publication, please contact us.