Manuals & guidelines Manuals & guidelines

These manuals, codes and guidelines cover working in the road, traffic management and the design of streets and paths.

Find manuals and guidelines by geographic location:

Guidelines for developers, contractors, consultants and others working on infrastructure assets for transport in Auckland:

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Transport Design Manual

The Transport Design Manual provides the design guidance and engineering requirements for transport projects and their operation.

Road Cross Section 220

Engineering design standards

Legacy council standards for engineering infrastructure design and construction.

Sky Over Auckland From Mt Eden

Integrated Transport Assessment guidelines

Guidelines on how an Integrated Transport Assessment should be prepared in the Auckland region.


Notice of requirement

A guide to the notice of requirement process, which allows areas of land to be designated for transport needs under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Cyclist on separated cycleway.jpg

Quality of service evaluation tool for cycle facilities

A practitioner’s guide and tool for evaluating the quality of service of Auckland’s cycle facilities from the perspective of someone cycling.

Tile Image Guide To Cost Estimation

Guide to Cost Estimation

The Guide to Cost Estimation provides the process requirements to produce cost estimates for transport related infrastructure project funding applications.

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Waiheke Island Transport Design Guide

The Waiheke Local Board and Auckland Transport have worked together to create the Waiheke Island Transport Guide. Give your feedback by 25 September 2023.

Auckland region

Auckland Transport code of practice

Auckland Transport Code of Practice (ATCOP) provides quality standards to ensure that the function, condition and useful service life of transport assets is consistently achieved across the region.

Auckland Transport Database Operations Manual (ATDOM1)

This manual was developed to provide policies and procedures for roading data collection, entry and management by contractors, consultants, asset managers and developers.

Auckland Transport Database Operations Manual (ATDOM1) (PDF 4MB)​

Bus stop infrastructure guidelines

These guidelines developed in conjunction with a number of stakeholders and consultants aim to ensure that all bus stops in the region are accessible and to provide customers, regardless of their level of mobility, with a real passenger transport alternative to the private car:

Public Transport interchange design guidelines

Auckland Transport is in the process of a comprehensive redesign of the Auckland public transport network. A key element of this New Public Transport Network is a much stronger focus on connective journey making on public transport. If we are expecting customers to make transfers between services, getting the connection environment right is very important.

To support this process, Auckland Transport has produced a set of interchange design guidelines that are intended to guide best practice when implementing or upgrading connection points in the public transport network:

Integrated Transport Assessment guidelines

Guidelines on how an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) should be prepared in the Auckland region.

Land purchase and compensation

The acquisition of land for public purposes such as roading is governed by the Public Works Act 1981. If you are affected by this, you will be entitled to compensation under this Act:

Notice of requirement guide

A guide through the notice of requirement process, which allows areas of land to be designated for transport needs under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Street lighting guidelines

Street lighting guidelines provide guidance on the provision of lighting along legal public roads and outline Auckland Transport's approach to achieving the appropriate levels of lighting.

The street lighting guidelines will be available soon.

Need more information?

Contact Auckland Transport