Our category approach and delivery models Our category approach and delivery models

Overview of our category approach and delivery models we use to engage with our suppliers.

Category Management

Our category approach

We have adopted a category management based approach to procurement, which acknowledges a combination of organisational structure, the uniqueness of individual category requirements and supplier markets. This will also aid us in focusing on an ‘all of business’ cross functional approach to procurement rather than a siloed approach.

The procurement categories described below form the basis for the development of Procurement Category Plans and the reporting of spend data.

Category positioning is a way of understanding how important each procurement activity is to AT, and how important AT might be to potential suppliers or providers in the relevant supply market.

The category positioning matrix assesses the strategic importance, business impacts and risks in delivery against relative value. It is a useful tool to help inform the approach to market, the type of relationship to be developed with the supplier/s and consideration of key outcomes from the procurement process.

Each procurement opportunity will be strategically assessed to identify which of these positions applies and will be documented in both overarching Category Strategies and individual procurement plans.

Auckland Transport procurement category positioning matrix

Category position Description Value/risk Approach Arrangements
High value strategic Strategically important
Specialist services or goods
Limited capable suppliers
High/High Collaboration to attract, select and manage key suppliers
  • Medium to long term contracts
  • Contingency planning
Low value strategic Strategically important
Shortage of reliable suppliers
Low/High Security of supply
Tactical engagement
Develop suitable alternatives
  • Longer term contracts and commitments
  • Consider contingency/alternatives
High value - non-strategic Many potential suppliers High/Low Secure benefits
  • Active sourcing
  • Short to medium term contracts and commitments
Low value - non-strategic Routine purchases
Many potential suppliers
Low/Low Minimal attention
Process efficiencies
  • One off contracts
  • Standard purchase orders

Category descriptions

Procurement delivery models

A delivery model is the relationship established between Auckland Transport and a supplier to enable the purchase of the output required to deliver an activity. Each delivery model has a different approach to contracting, work methods and risk allocation to suppliers.

In selecting the appropriate delivery model, we will assess the activity against the following criteria:

  • Complexity
  • Evolving and Future Category Developments
  • Innovation potential
  • Scale
  • Risk profile
  • Timing and urgency
  • Supplier market
  • Stakeholder requirements
  • Uncertainty
  • Level of our involvement

Delivery models we use

Note 1: Shared risk and Supplier panel are considered advanced delivery models by Waka Kotahi The New Zealand Transport Agency. Use of these models for Waka Kotahi funded activities will require specific approval by the Waka Kotahi.
Note 2: A Public Private Partnership (PPP) financing model may be used where an Auckland Transport or private business venture is funded and operated through a partnership between Auckland Transport and one or more private sector companies.