Supplier panels Supplier panels
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Professional Services (PS) supplier panels
Auckland Transport (AT) currently has 4 supplier panels to support the procurement of professional services:
1. Transportation Engineering Professional Services (TEPS)
There are 5 lead panellists (with various subconsultant partners) who undertake transport-related engineering professional services, up to the value of $1 million, across all of Auckland.
- Traffic Engineering Services Limited (TES)
- Eliga Limited
- Harrison Grierson Consultants (HG) Limited
- Beca Limited
- Jacobs New Zealand Limited
Services delivered by the TEPS panel include:
- investigation works/feasibility studies
- topographical survey
- scheme assessments
- preliminary design
- detailed designs, including geometric designs
- safe system assessments (SSA)
- economic evaluation
- transport modelling
- peer reviews (of items within the services listed here)
- quantity surveying
- planning and consenting
- traffic resolutions report
- public consultation
- general civil design
- lighting design
- construction management
- structural, pavement, stormwater, geotechnical, business case, quantity surveying, engineer to contract and construction management support services (associated with TEPS work).
Panel start date: January 2024
Panel contract term: 5 years (3+1+1)
Note: The previous Traffic and Transportation Engineering Professional Services (TTEPS) and Technical Support Services (TSS) supplier panels have expired and are no longer in use.
2. Property Acquisition (PAQ)
There are 3 workstream panels under the property acquisition portfolio, up to the value of $500,000, across all of Auckland.
Property negotiation consultancy panel
To secure required interests in land to enable the relevant public works to be delivered.
- Align Limited
- Beca Projects NZ Limited
- The Property Group
- Thomas Consultants
Property valuation services panel
To provide desktop valuation for impacted properties and assess the value of land, injurious affection to land and damage to land.
- Gribble Churton Taylor Ltd
- Telfer Young
- Bayleys Valuations Limited
- PWC Advisory (as specialist)
- Roberts McKeown
- North Harbour Valuer Ltd
- Eyles McGough Ltd
- Jones Lang Lasalle (as specialist)
Cadastral surveying services panel
To prepare required survey office plans, defining the area of land or interest in land to be acquired/taken in accordance with the Surveyor General’s Rules for Cadastral Survey and lodge plans with LINZ for approval.
- Beca Projects NZ Limited
- Woods and Partners Consultants Ltd
- Cato Bolam Consultants Ltd
- Birch Surveyors
- Envivo
- Survey Pro Ltd
- Civil Plan Consultants Ltd
- Thomas Consultants
- Harrison Grierson
- Candor3
- WSP Opus
- Calibre Consulting Ltd
Panel start date: January 2024
Panel contract term: 5 years (3+1+1)
3. Transport Monitoring Services and Innovative Solutions (TMS&IS)
There are 8 panellists who undertake transport-monitoring services and innovative solutions, up to the value of $500,000, across all of Auckland.
- Matrix Traffic & Transport Data Ltd
- Armitage Group Ltd
- Traffic Engineering Management Ltd (Team Traffic)
- Data Traffic
- GKD Solutions Ltd
- Be Counted Technology Ltd
- CSL Infrastructure
Services delivered by the TMS&IS panel include:
- vehicle-monitoring services (with the ability to apply for subsections regarding scheduled/special projects for traffic counting)
- pedestrian-monitoring services (including surveys)
- cycle-monitoring services
- subject-matter expert support for innovative solutions and new technologies.
Panel start date: October 2023
Panel contract term: 9 years (3+3+3)
4. Asset Database Support & Improvement Projects (ADS&IP)
There are 8 panellists who undertake asset database support and improvement projects, up to the value of $500,000, across all of Auckland:
There are 3 workstreams under ADS&IP Panel:
Asset data upload for new and upgraded assets
- Upload asset data from as-builts that have not been included as part of Road Network Asset Management, Transport Structures Professional Services or Public Transport Professional Services contracts
- update missing, incomplete or inconsistent asset data.
- Beca
Asset database support
- Assess, develop and implement asset data hierarchies and table structures to meet required standards
- provide technical support for existing asset data, for example, data cleansing and lifecycle management
- develop business processes to support effective asset information management as outlined in IIMM.
- Beca
- Asset Dynamics
- Longsight NZ
Asset database improvement projects
Subject-matter expert support for innovative solutions can include but is not limited to:
- proposals for innovations in asset data collection
- proposals for data hierarchies and structures for assets that do not currently exist in the AMIS but are required by AT
- proposals for improvements to business processes that support the AMIS
- proposals for technological improvements that support the issues within the AMIS.
- Beca
- Aurecon
- Asset Dynamics
- Arup
Panel start date: July 2023
Panel contract term: 9 years (3+3+3)
For any queries regarding these supplier panels, please contact AT Procurement staff at
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