Moorings for sale or rent Moorings for sale or rent


Find moorings available for sale or rent in Auckland listed in alphabetical order by their location.

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Note: Vessels cannot exceed 15 metres applicable to all moorings.

Contact the Harbourmaster's office for more information.

Locations of moorings available for sale or rent

Akapoua Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Akapoua Bay.

Algies Bay

For rent
Mooring number AL29
Rent price $45 per week
Location Algies Bay
GPS coordinates 36 25 890, 174 44 952
Owner Sebastian Leuzinger
Phone 0223034319
Description Swing mooring Fergi buoy, suited for larger cat (bridle, up to 15m) or keeler (15m)
Mooring licensed for Length - 14m, Type - catamaran
Chart datum 3 metres
Last inspection 4 August 2022
Date listed 28 February 2024

For sale
Mooring number AL61
Sale price $3,000
Location Algies Bay
GPS coordinates 36.25.945, 174.45.078
Owner Kathleen Needham
Phone 027 243 6815
Description Total weight 760kg
Mooring licensed for Length - 9.75m max, Type - Keeler
Chart datum 1.6m
Last inspection 13 June 2023
Date listed 19 October 2023

For sale
Mooring number AL72
Sale price $3,000 or nearest offer
Location Algies Bay
GPS coordinates 36 25 971, 174 44 975
Owner Peter Buttle
Phone +64 27 550 9618
Description Swing Mooring – 740kgs
Mooring licensed for 7m Launch
Chart datum Not supplied
Last inspection 2023
Date listed 5 May 2021
Comments Due for inspection

Andersons Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Andersons Bay.


For sale
Mooring number DJ002
Sale price $5,000
Location Bayswater
GPS coordinates 36.49.711, 174.46.146
Owner Nigel Young
Phone 021 050 3654
Description Off Bayswater Marina. Buoy colour orange, boat length 9m, weight 7365. Weights comprise 2x railway wheels and 2 manhole covers.
Mooring licensed for

Length - 9 metres
Type - Keeler, launch and so on.

Last inspection 19 April 2023
Date listed 4 March 2024

For rent
Mooring number BB024
Rent price $60 per week
Location Bayswater
GPS coordinates 36 49 641, 174 45 987
Owner Rob Hamill
Phone +64 214 7265 9374
Description Swing Mooring – 1000kgs
Mooring licensed for 12m or under Keeler
Chart datum 1.9m
Last inspection July 2021
Date listed 24 August 2020
Comments The prime spot near Bayswater marina.

For rent
Mooring number BF073
Rent price $60 per week
Location Bayswater
GPS coordinates 36'49.634S, 174'45.929
Owner Andrew Nicholas Bates
Phone +44 77 98732260
Description Swing Mooring – 2 large railway wheels, 2 smaller railway wheels, 1 gear wheel 1250 kg
Mooring licensed for Length - 12 metres; Type - Keller
Chart datum 2 metres
Last inspection 8 October 2023
Comments 679.3 metres from Bayswater public ramp. Can provide photos of New Years Eve views. 

Beach Haven

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Beach Haven.

Blackpool - Waiheke Island

For rent
Mooring number BP032
Rent price $60 per week
Location Huruhi Bay West (Blackpool)
GPS coordinates  37 47.819 S, 175 00.744 E
Owner Chris Poulter
Phone 021 229 9132

Swing mooring, 4x solid RWW 1,026kg (new mooring

Mooring licensed for

Length - 12m
Type – keeler / catamaran

Chart Datum 2.5m
Last inspection 19 October 2021
Date listed 3 May 2024
Comments Bridle set up for catamaran but can be used by keeler or launch (pick up both top ropes). Mooring available May through November.

Bucklands Beach

For sale
Mooring number AD008
Sale price $5,000 sale price only
Location Bucklands Beach
GPS coordinates  36.52.066, 174.54.069
Owner Dean Stevens
Phone 027 564 6078

Swing mooring. 3x RWWs = 750kgs

Mooring licensed for

Length: 8m to 10m
Type: launch

Chart Datum 12m
Last inspection 17 November 2021
Date listed 30 September 2024
Comments Mooring requires an inspection in November 2024

For sale
Mooring number YF005
Sale price $3,500 sale price only
Location Bucklands Beach
GPS coordinates  36.52.917, 174.53.404
Owner Greg Ferguson
Phone 027 290 8824

Swing mooring 860kg

Mooring licensed for

Length - 9m
Type - trimaran

Chart Datum Not provided
Last inspection 4 August 2022
Date listed 30 September 2024

For sale
Mooring number AB008
Sale price $5,200 sale price only
Location Bucklands Beach
GPS coordinates  36.52.090 / 174.54.137
Owner Leon Thomason
Phone 021 033 2822

Swing mooring, 3x RWWs = 605kg

Mooring licensed for

Length - 8m max
Type - any

Chart Datum 1.8m
Last inspection 9 December 2022
Date listed 19 August 2024

For sale
Mooring number AD010
Sale price $3,000 sale price only
Location Bucklands Beach
GPS coordinates  336.52.023, 174.54.092
Owner Jordan Tarplett-Lee
Phone 027 473 3904

2x RWWs, 2x tractor wheels = 7,224kg

Mooring licensed for

Length - 8m
Type - Keeler

Chart Datum 8.5m
Last inspection 6 March 2024
Date listed 21 May 2024

Charcoal Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Charcoal Bay.


There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Chelsea.


For sale or rent
Mooring number EJ066
Sale price $4,500 or nearest offer
Rent price $35 per week
Location Devonport East
GPS coordinates 36.49.894, 174.48.274
Owner Alex Wells
Phone +64 21 068 9049
Description Swing mooring, 4x RWWs = 810kg
Mooring licensed for Length: 8m to 10m. Type: keeler
Chart datum 1.2m
Last inspection 3 April 2022
Date listed 3 October 2024

For rent
Mooring number EY010
Rent price $40 per week
Location Devonport East
GPS coordinates 36 50 024, 174 48 293
Owner Agustin Delle Donne
Phone +64 27 620 2537
Description Swing mooring
Mooring licensed for 8.5m Keeler
Chart datum Not supplied
Last inspection 29 May 2019 
Date listed 8 November 2021 
Comments This mooring will not be available for rent until December 2025.

Greenhithe / Herald Island

For sale  
Mooring number XL012
Sale price $6,000 sale price or nearest offer
Location Herald Island/Greenhithe
GPS coordinates 36.46.232, 174.39.654
Owner Ray Pitcher
Phone 0272438918
Description Swing mooring, 2x railway wheels + bulldozer ripper tooth
Mooring licensed for Length: 10m
Type: Keeler-launch-trailer sailer
Chart datum: 3m
Last inspection 6 March 2024 
Date listed 12 June 2024
Comments Mooring is in Lucas Creek and is very sheltered and safe. Quite close to Rame Road ramp and dinghy storage.

For rent  
Mooring number XH050
Rent price $50 per week
Location Herald Island/Greenhithe
GPS coordinates 36.46.595, 174.39.851
Owner Mark Poulter
Phone 021 967 693
Description Swing mooring
Mooring licensed for Length – 10m max
Type - Any
Last inspection 1 March 2024
Date listed 13 March 2024
Comments Straight across channel from pier, sheltered.

Half Moon Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Half Moon Bay.

Herne Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Herne Bay.

Hobson Bay

For rent or sale  
Mooring number HJ007
Sale price $8,500 or nearest offer
Rent price $80 per week
Location Hobson Bay/Orakei/Okahu Bay
GPS coordinates

36.50.982, 174.48.049

Owner Christopher Kling
Phone +4917681470360
Description 1 x pinion gear + 2 x steel rings = 1500 kg
Mooring licensed for

Length - 15m
Type - Keeler

Chart datum 2.5m
Last inspection

15 June 2022

Date listed 15 April 2024
Comments Top chain 20mm 6m, 2rd chain 24mm 5.5m, 3rd chain
26mm 4.5m. Items replaced in last inspection: 8m x 12mm buoy
rope, 1 x 25mm WR above top chain, 6m x 20mm top chain, 1 x
25mm WR below

For rent  
Mooring number HL009
Rent price $25 per week
Location Hobson Bay
GPS coordinates 36 51.050 S, 174 48.082 E
Owner Tony Graham
Phone 027 312 1331
Description Swing mooring 1xRWW 1xTyre Mould 620kg
Mooring licensed for Length: 8m / Type: Keeler, Launch
Chart datum 2m
Last inspection 27 April 2023
Date listed 27 September 2023

For sale  
Mooring number HE013
Sale price $5,000
Location Hobson Bay
GPS coordinates 36 50.878 S, 174 48.320 E
Owner Gregory Nel
Phone 027 289 5455

Swing mooring 4 x RWW 560kg and 550 kg

Mooring licensed for Length: 9.5m / Type: Keeler
Chart datum 3.2m
Last inspection 28 April 2023
Date listed 27 June 2023

For sale  
Mooring number HJ031
Sale price $2,500 or nearest offer
Location Hobson Bay
GPS coordinates 36 50 982, 174 48 018
Owner Peter Burgham
Phone 0212 888 992
Description Swing Mooring 3 Weights RRWS
Mooring licensed for Length: 8m / Type: Keeler
Chart datum 1.4m
Last inspection 30 August 2022
Date listed 19 April 2023
Comments Plus use of dinghy rack at Okahu Bay for balance of agreement.

For rent
Mooring number HJ012
Rent price $35 per week
Location Hobson Bay/Orakei/Okahu Bay
GPS coordinates 36 51 030, 174 48 079
Owner Graeme Collie
Phone +64 27 766 4552
Description Swing mooring, 4x RWW 800kg
Mooring licensed for 10.36m keeler/launch
Last inspection 30 March 2022
Date listed 7 June 2022

For rent or sale
Mooring number HC014
Sale price $4,000
Rent price $160 per week
Location Hobson Bay/Orakei/Okahu Bay
GPS coordinates 36 50 907, 174 48 040
Owner Murray Nutsford
Phone +64 22 090 0913
Description Swing Mooring 2x large cast poles (890kg)
Mooring licensed for Length - 9m Type - Keeler
Chart Datum 2.4m
Last inspection 26 October 2022
Date listed 13 January 2023
Comments Full renewal of all mooring components 26/10/2022. Report available.

For rent or sale
Mooring number HA010
Sale price $3,500
Rent price $25 per week
Location Hobson Bay
GPS coordinates 36 50 821, 174 48 491
Owner Warwick Lamb
Phone +64 27 270 3840
Description Swing Mooring 3x RWW 680kg
Mooring licensed for Length: 8m. Type: keeler, launch, trailer sailer
Chart Datum 3m approximately
Last inspection 2 April 2024
Date listed 9 September 2024
Comments Close to Orakei Marina. Includes access to visitor berth, fuel and water jetty. Okahu Bay dinghy racks and launching ramp nearby. Insurance is now available again for vessels moored in Hobson Bay.

Hobsonville North

For sale
Mooring number XG063
Sale price $5,000 or nearest offer
Location Hobsonville North
GPS coordinates 36.46.464, 174.39.799
Owner Ian Jamieson
Phone 021 0238 4228
Description Swing mooring, 1000kg concrete block, yellow buoy
Mooring licensed for Length — 10m
Chart Datum Approximately 8.5m
Last inspection 30 November 2023 
Date listed 10 September 2024
Comments 10-metre Athol Burns yacht must go with mooring (going cheap)

For rent
Mooring number


Rent price $65
Location Hobsonville North
GPS coordinates

36.46.658, 174.39.838


Malcolm Woolmore

Phone 021 906 295

Orange Fergy buoy above 1120kg weight in 12 m water

Mooring licensed for

Length - 13m
Type - Sailing vessel

Last inspection

7 March 2023

Date listed 20 May 2024

A very sheltered site situated between the Herald Island wharf and the Greenhithe scout den. A dingy locker is available on the wharf, included in the price.

For sale
Mooring number XG096
Sale price $5,000
Location Hobsonville North
GPS coordinates 36 46 604, 174 39 808
Owner C G Ellis
Phone +64 27 453 4138
Description Swing mooring
Mooring licensed for Length: 8m
Chart Datum 4m +
Last inspection 22 August 2022
Date listed 4 May 2023

Hobsonville South

For rent
Mooring number FB076
Rent price $60 per week
Location Hobsonville South
GPS coordinates 36 47 200, 174 40 270

Dave Johnson

Phone +64 27 228 8688
Description 1 x gear 2 x flywheels, 1 x tyre mould = 955kgs
Mooring licensed for Length: 12 / Type: Keeler/Launch
Chart datum 1.4m
Last inspection 1 August 2022
Date listed 28 August 2023

Hobsonville / Catalina Bay

For rent
Mooring number FH142
Rent price $50 per week
Location Hobsonville / Catalina Bay
GPS coordinates -36.47.134 / 174.40.192
Owner Alexey Botkov
Phone 021 233 9806
Description Swing mooring - 2x RWW, 1x ring 1010kg
Mooring licensed for 10m max
Type: keeler
Chart datum 10.3m
Last inspection 27 November 2023
Date listed 1 July 2024
Comments Available long term until January 2025

For sale
Mooring number FH145
Sale price $8,500 or nearest offer
Location Hobsonville / Catalina Bay
GPS coordinates -36.47.150 /174.40.424
Owner Dallas Davis
Phone 021 251 9543
Description Swing mooring
Mooring licensed for 10m / Type: Keeler
Last inspection 7 May 2021 
Date listed 20 November 2023
Comments Very sheltered and deep

For sale
Mooring number FB017
Sale price $8,500 or nearest offer
Location Hobsonville / Catalina Bay
GPS coordinates 36 47 673, 174 40 671
Owner Steve Lamaletie
Phone 274 873 602
Description New 1540kg Steel plate 38mm bottom chain 25mm second chain 28mm top rope large fergy buoy
Mooring licensed for 15m / Type: all
Chart datum 8.0m
Last inspection 31 August 2022
Date listed 4 April 2023

For rent
Mooring number FS205
Rent price $60 per week
Location Hobsonville / Catalina Bay
GPS coordinates 36 48 831, 174 41 345
Owner Craig Hill
Phone +64 21 626 304
Description Swing
Mooring licensed for 8m launch
Chart datum 8m
Last inspection 14 October 2020
Date listed 8 November 2022

Jamieson Bay

For rent  
Mooring number


Rent price $45 per week
Location Jamieson Bay
GPS coordinates

36 29 610, 174 43 157


Bryan Kelly

Phone 021 620 744
Description 1x round ST cog + stud = 770Kgs
Mooring licensed for

Length: 10m max

Type: keeler

Chart datum 1.2m
Last inspection

22 February 2003

Date listed 11 July 2024

For rent  
Mooring number


Rent price $60 per week
Location Jamieson Bay
GPS coordinates

36 29 473, 174 42 804


Stephen Harrison

Phone 021 924 812
Description Swing mooring 
Mooring licensed for

Length: 12m

Type: launch

Chart datum 1.2m
Last inspection

18 October 2021

Date listed 11 January 2024

Kawakawa Bay

For sale  
Mooring number MK062
Sale price $4,000 or nearest offer
Location Kawakawa Bay
GPS coordinates 36.56.187, 175.10.131
Owner Michael Wood
Phone 021 132 9411
Description Swing mooring 
Mooring licensed for Length: 10.5m
Last inspection 13 December 2022
Date listed 19 August 2024

For sale  
Mooring number MK050
Sale price $6,000 or nearest offer
Location Kawakawa Bay
GPS coordinates Lat 36.56.063, Long 175.10.849
Owner Graeme Selby
Phone 021 284 8999
Description Swing mooring 
Mooring licensed for Length: 15m
Chart datum None given
Last inspection 17 May 2023
Date listed 19 December 2023

Kawau Island - North Cove

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Kawau Island - North Cove.

Kawau Island - Bon Accord

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Kawau Island - Bon Accord.

Little Shoal Bay

For rent  
Mooring number NB007
Rent price $5,500  or nearest offer
Location Little Shoal Bay
GPS coordinates  36.49.263, 174.45.283
Owner Chris Sattler
Phone 021 280 0964
Description Swing mooring, 3x RWW's = 610kgs
Mooring licensed for Length - 8-meter max
Type – Catamaran, very shallow area
Chart datum 0.6m
Last inspection 9 April 2024
Date listed 30 July 2024
Comments Mooring fee paid to 30.6.25 and available with a locker
at Sulphur beach, locker fee also paid for until 30 June 2025.

For sale  
Mooring number LG012
Sale price $4,000 or nearest offer
Location Little Shoal Bay
GPS coordinates  36.49.413, 174.44.315
Owner G R Bailie
Phone 021 498 867
Description Swing Mooring, Orange buoy, 3xRWW
Weight tag 5658
Mooring licensed for Length - 7m, Type - Keeler
Chart datum None supplied
Last inspection 31 May 2022
Date listed 18 October 2023
Comments Reinspection date 30 May 2025

Lucas Creek

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Lucas Creek.

Matakana River

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Matakana River.

Matiatia Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Matiatia Bay.


For sale
Mooring number ND015
Sale price $2,500 or nearest offer
Location Northcote
GPS coordinates 36.49.338, 174.45.118
Owner Douglas Ashby
Phone 021 688 628

Swing mooring, 4 railway wagon wheels = 1,018kg
suitable for 7.5m boat, shallow draft 1.5m

Mooring licensed for Length - 7.5
Type - multi-hull
Chart datum 1.5m
Date listed 11 July 2024
Comments Mooring is due for inspection but previous inspection
replaced a lot of equipment

For sale
Mooring number NR004
Sale price $3,500 or nearest offer
Location Northcote
GPS coordinates 36 49 398, 174 45 404
Owner Rex Gilfillan
Phone 022 696 3788

Swing mooring - 2x RWW + 2x castings = 1,000kg

Mooring licensed for Length - 10 to 12m max
Type - any
Chart datum 1.5m
Last inspection 13 January 2023
Date listed 11 July 2024

For sale
Mooring number NE060
Sale price $3,000 Sale price only
Location Northcote
GPS coordinates 39.49.649, 174.45.037
Owner Keith Searle
Phone 021 426 232

Swing mooring

2 x cast frames 630kg and 700kg = 1330kg

Mooring licensed for Length - 12m
Type - Keeler
Chart datum 2.5m
Last inspection 13 December 2022
Date listed 19 March 2024

For rent or sale
Mooring number NE014
Sale price $3,000 or nearest offer
Rent price $150 per month
Location Northcote
GPS coordinates 36 49 526, 174 45 244
Owner Scott Hinton
Phone +64 27 842 3842
Description Swing mooring 
Mooring licensed for 10m Keeler
Chart datum 2m
Last inspection 14 April 2021 
Date listed 4 July 2023 

For sale
Mooring number NM010
Sale price $3,000 or nearest offer
Location Northcote
GPS coordinates 36 49 410, 174 45 329
Owner Robert Turner
Phone +64 21 615 857
Description Swing mooring 2x RWWs = 460kg
Mooring licensed for 6m - Any type
Chart datum 0.9m
Last inspection 3 December 2022 
Date listed 13 July 2020 
Comments Owner is happy to hand it over to anyone who needs a small mooring.

For sale
Mooring number NA031
Sale price $3,000 or nearest offer
Location Northcote
GPS coordinates 36 49 619, 174 45 024
Owner Pauline West
Phone +64 27 281 1475
Description Swing mooring 2xRWWS + 3XTractor wheels = 1050kg
Mooring licensed for 11m - Keeler
Chart datum Not supplied
Last inspection 14 August 2020 
Date listed 10 June 20232 
Comments Needing inspection

Opahi Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Opahi Bay.

Otakawhe Bay - Waiheke Island

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Otakawhe Bay - Waiheke Island.


For rent
Mooring number YG018
Rent price $55 per week
Location Pakuranga
GPS coordinates 36*52.919, 174*53.221
Owner P Gillard
Phone 021 081 71117
Description Swing mooring, 1x spoked RWW, 1x solid RWW + 1 x 1/2 counter weight = 1040kgs
Mooring licensed for

Length - 10.5m

Type - launch

Last inspection 11 August 2023
Date listed 20 May 2024

For rent
Mooring number YJ015
Rent price $50 per week
Location Pakuranga
GPS coordinates 36 52 871, 174 52 999
Owner Richard
Phone +64 21 841 737
Description Swing mooring, orange Fergie buoy
Mooring licensed for 14m Catamaran
Chart Datum 0.5m
Last inspection 23 January 2020
Date listed 10 March 2022
Comments Mooring was put in for our leopard 46 which we have now sold (46 ft catamaran), access Half moon bay


For rent
Mooring number KE028
Rent price $60 per week
Location Panmure South
GPS coordinates 36 54 924, 174 51 368
Owner Mark Brett
Phone +64 27 496 4555
Description Swing mooring 6x RWW 1500kg
Mooring licensed for Length: 15m. Type: any.
Chart Datum Not supplied
Last inspection 5 July 2022
Date listed 26 September 2024

For sale
Mooring number KEP11
Sale price $3,750
Location Panmure Bridge South
GPS coordinates 36.926165, 174.863532
Owner Peter F Wilson
Phone +64 20 4084 3821
Description Private pile mooring
Mooring licensed for 12.5 metre max 12 tonne
Chart Datum Not supplied
Last inspection 2018
Date listed 20 May 2022
Comments Sheltered secure pole mooring. New poles 2018. South of Auckland Rowing Club, adjacent to and can be viewed from Flat Rock Reserve. KEP 11 is the 11th mooring space from the car park.

For rent
Mooring number KE011
Rent price $25 per week
Location Panmure Bridge South
GPS coordinates 36 54 883, 174 51 442
Owner Robert Blasé
Phone +64 274 928 900
Description 2x RWWs + 1x Concrete Slab = 550 kg
Mooring licensed for 6m Keeler
Chart Datum 2m
Last inspection 20 July 2021
Date listed 30 October 2019 


There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Paremoremo.

Picnic Bay - Waiheke Island

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Picnic Bay.

Putiki Bay - Waiheke Island

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Putiki Bay.

Rocky Bay - Waiheke Island

For rent
Mooring number RB018
Rent price $50 per week
Location Rocky Bay
GPS coordinates 36.49.285 / 175.03.669
Owner Leon Oliver
Phone 021 136 3236
Description Swing Mooring / 3 Spoked RWWs & 1x solid RWW
and small flywheel 1,065kg
Mooring licensed for

Length: 12m max

Type: yacht, launch

Chart datum 2m
Last inspection 4 November 2023
Date listed 11 July 2024
Comments Near NE Corner. Great in anything out of the north.

For rent
Mooring number RB030
Rent price $50 per week
Location Rocky Bay
GPS coordinates 36.49.247 / 175.03.645
Owner Julia Williams
Phone 021 170 9842
Description Swing mooring / 3x R/Wheels = 631kg
Mooring licensed for

Length: 6m

Type: keeler

Last inspection 4 July 2023
Date listed 11 July 2024


There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Sandspit.

Scotts Landing

For rent
Mooring number EO69
Rent price $60 per week
Location Scotts Landing
GPS coordinates 36.28.467, 174.43.602
Owner Peter Jolliffe
Phone 027 284 8706
Description 5x RWWs and a large belt pulley = 1638kgs
Mooring licensed for Length: 15m. Type: launch, catamaran, keeler
Chart Datum 3m
Last inspection 23 August 2024
Date listed 26 September 2024
Comments Sheltered — Ngaio Bay

For rent
Mooring number E174
Rent price $60 per week
Location Scotts Landing
GPS coordinates 36.28.703, 174.43.47
Owner Alex Bunnell
Phone 027 277 6069
Description Swing mooring 820kg
Mooring licensed for Length: 10m max
Chart Datum 2.5m
Last inspection 23 August 2023
Date listed 11 July 2024
Comments Short-term rental available until mid-October 2024

For rent
Mooring number E164
Rent price $45 per week
Location Scotts Landing
GPS coordinates 36.28.561, 174.43.541
Owner Jason Braithwaite
Phone 027 415 0616
Description Swing mooring - 1.3T forklift mast
Mooring licensed for Length: 12m max
Chart Datum 1.6m
Last inspection June 2024
Date listed 11 July 2024
Comments Mooring inspection completed in June and am awaiting

Shelley Park

For rent
Mooring number SP039
Rent price $50 per week
Location Bucklands Beach
GPS coordinates 36.54.159, 174.57.494
Owner Tom O'Neil
Phone 021 900 091
Description Swing Mooring for short or long term rent. The last mooring at the sea end of the Clevedon river and opposite Cockle Bay in Howick, this mooring is Auckland City registered and has a current Mooring Inspection Service Certificate completed by Hauraki Marine Services on the 10th December 2021, with a suggested reinspection date of the 9th of December 2024. Up to date Mooring Inspection Service Certificate can be provided.
Mooring licensed for Length: 10m; Type: any
Chart Datum 2m
Last inspection 10 December 2021
Date listed 19 May 2023
Comments Cockle Bay - Howick - Swing Mooring on Fergie Buoy

Shelly Beach - Waiheke Island

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Shelly Beach - Waiheke Island.

Soldiers Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Soldiers Bay.

Stanley Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Stanley Bay.

Tamaki Estuary

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Tamaki Estuary.

Te Atatu

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Te Atatu.

Tindalls Bay

There are no moorings currently listed for sale or rent in Tindalls Bay.


For sale or rent
Mooring number MT001
Sale price by enquiry
Rent price $40 per week
Location Torbay
GPS coordinates 36.42.212, 174.45.382
Owner Chris G and Luisa J
Phone 021 976 241
Description Swing mooring, 1,016kg weights
Mooring licensed for Length: with the weights best suitable for up to around 9m
Chart Datum None
Last inspection 20 March 2024
Date listed 3 May 2024
Comments Deep (no tide issues) and more sheltered mooring by the Thor. Dinghy spot on the beach. Fully inspected and maintenance kept up to date (last done March 2024). Inspection report available.

Weiti River

For sale
Mooring number WT15
Sale price $2,500
Location Weiti River
GPS coordinates 36.38.154, 174.43.254
Owner Roger Rathlin Jones
Phone +64 21 926 009
Description Fore and aft mooring. 2 at 600kg.
Mooring licensed for Length: 6 to 8 metres. Type: trimaran.
Chart Datum Not supplied
Last inspection 2 November 2023
Date listed 5 September 2024
Comments Mooring only suitable for shallow draft craft: 0.35m to 0.5m.

Whakatakataka Bay

For rent
Mooring number WO68
Rent price $30 per week
Location Whakatakataka Bay East
GPS coordinates 36.51.261, 174.48.215
Owner Peter Revell
Phone 027 912 993
Description 1 x flat cast iron weight + 1x RWW = 700kgs
Mooring licensed for Length - 8m max
Type - Launch
Chart datum 1.3m
Last inspection 20 December 2022 – Inspection booking needed
Date listed 30 July 2024
Comments Swing Mooring near the OBC dinghy locker

For rent
Mooring number WO021
Rent price $40 per week
Location Whakatakataka Bay East
GPS coordinates 36 51 367, 174 48 222
Owner Antony Smit and Christopher Smit
Phone 027 443 9985
Description Swing mooring, 3x RWWs = 830kg 
Mooring licensed for Length - 10m max
Type - Launch
Chart datum 1.4m
Last inspection  1 March 2024
Date listed 2 May 2024
Comments Inspected and upgraded to include Fergie buoy in
March 2024. Sheltered and convenient row from OBC eastern ramps.

For rent
Mooring number WO040
Rent price $35 per week
Location Whakatakataka Bay East
GPS coordinates 36.51.290, 174.48.277
Owner Dave West
Phone +64 27 480 8807
Description Swing mooring
Mooring licensed for Length - 8m
Type - Launch
Chart datum  
Last inspection  8 March 2024
Date listed 10 April 2024

For rent
Mooring number WO034
Rent price $50 per week
Location Whakatakataka Bay East
GPS coordinates 36 51 308, 174 48 178
Owner Jon Kyle
Phone +64 27 480 8807
Description Swing mooring
Mooring licensed for Length - 10m
Type - Launch
Chart datum 1.5m
Last inspection 28 January 2021
Date listed 13 June 2023
Comments closest mooring to OBC Eastern floating pontoon

For rent
Mooring number WO094
Rent price $45 per week
Location Whakatakataka Bay East
GPS coordinates 36 51 476, 174 48 305
Owner Bruce Ryrie
Phone 021 081 75820
Description Swing - cast steel block - 3x spoked RWWs - 1x solid RWW - 1028kg block
Mooring licensed for 11m Launch
Last inspection 7 July 2022
Date listed 23 September 2022

Selling or renting your mooring

You can list moorings for sale or rent on the AT website for free. 

Find out more about selling or renting your mooring and listing it on the AT website.