Park & ride Park & ride

Park and ride facilities exist at several bus stations, train stations, and ferry terminals around Auckland.

Regional Fuel Tax (RFT) seeks to take a systematic approach to investment in the new facilities, which will maximise access to public transport. The Park and ride project is expected to add approximately 1900 new parking spaces overall. The specific location and timing of the new and improved park and ride facilities will be the subject of future business cases and are part of the wider transport system that supports access to the rapid transit network.

Security at park and ride facilities

Parking at park and ride stations within the Auckland region is entirely at the owner's risk and Auckland Transport takes no responsibility for damage or theft while using these services. Should theft or damage occur to your vehicle, please report the matter to the police.

Bus park and ride

Train park and ride

Western Line

Southern, Eastern and Onehunga Line


Ferry park and sail

Free park and sail facilities are available at most ferry departure points. These include:

  • Devonport.
  • Birkenhead.
  • Northcote Point.
  • Bayswater - for free weekday parking, see information below.
  • West Harbour Marina.
  • Pine Harbour Marina.
  • Half Moon Bay.
  • Gulf Harbour Marina / Hammerhead.
  • Hobsonville Point (Hobsonville Point park and sail permanently closed 5 January 2021). Find out more about this closure). 

Bayswater Terminal - free

For free weekday parking at the Bayswater Terminal, you just need to validate your parking ticket before leaving the car park:

  • Take a parking ticket out of the machine as you enter,
  • Validate your parking ticket before you come back to the car park on the same day - validator machines are located at the Downtown Ferry Terminal and on board,
  • Enter your validated ticket into the barrier arm ticket machine as you exit the car park.

*While security measures are in place, should theft or damage occur to your vehicle, please report the matter to the police in the first instance.

West Park Marina - free on weekdays

12 Clearwater Cove, West Harbour

Free car park, but on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays $5 Pay by plate for boat trailers.

Other parking options

Several public transport stations have parking options at private car parks nearby.

Find out more about private providers parking options:

For more information

Contact Auckland Transport