Auckland Network Operating Plan Auckland Network Operating Plan

The Auckland Network Operating Plan (ANOP) applies strategic intent to how roads and streets operate in Auckland, today. The ANOP provides a reference for the optimal operation of the existing network in terms of prioritising the movement of people, goods and services based on the strategic modal significance of the network by location.  

On this page 

In order to operate Auckland’s transport network safely and efficiently, different transport modes must be integrated and appropriately prioritised to move people, goods and services. In 2021, Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi established the Auckland Network Operating Plan 21-24 (ANOP 21-24) to document the agreed approach to managing and optimising the strategic road network to deliver on the strategic objectives for the Auckland transport system.

The document, Application of the Auckland Network Operating Plan, specifically outlines how Auckland Transport applies the ANOP 21-24 in the context of Auckland Transport plans and strategies. For simplicity, the ANOP 21-24 is referred to as the ANOP in this webpage.

Download the Auckland Network Operating Plan 21-24 (ANOP 21-24) (PDF 845 KB)

Download the Application of Auckland Network Operating Plan (PDF 1.8MB) 

Auckland Transport has developed an ANOP Assessment tool to illustrate the expected benefits or effects of projects, interventions or roadworks relative to the ANOP. Assessments that result in Positive alignment with the ANOP confirms that the project aligns with Future Connect and strategic intent.

Download the ANOP Assessment Tool (XLSM 1.8MB)

About the Network Operating Plan 

A network operating plan is an agreed plan of how the transport network should be operated at different times of day for the different transport modes. In 2021, Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi established the Auckland Network Operating Plan 21-24 (ANOP 21-24) to document the agreed approach to managing and optimising the strategic road network to deliver on the strategic objectives for the Auckland transport system.

In addition to providing the direction to make decisions towards optimal network operations for today, the ANOP 21-24 also guides the development of a targeted optimisation programme, developed for 2021-2024 as part of a ten year programme.

Being agreed by Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi, the ANOP 21-24 therefore enables a consistent and singular approach to network management and operations for the Auckland network, and refers to the strategic networks in Future Connect.

In the Auckland Transport context, the ANOP 21-24 (referred to as ANOP) is based on the strategic aspirations identified in the Roads and Streets Framework (RASF) and Future Connect, with strategic networks clearly reflected in the Future Connect Viewer.

The ANOP prioritises different modes in different locations to inform decision makers where to focus investments and which trade-offs are appropriate. Operational deficiencies in the network can be identified by comparing the existing network operation against the optimal state. The ANOP is a live document continually being updated with network changes.

Operating the network to plan 

The Auckland Network Operating plan (ANOP):

  • encompasses the movement of people, goods and services 
  • is multi-modal  
  • incorporates the principles outlined by the RASF and Future Connect Strategic
  • The network uses network performance metrics or user experience definitions to describe operational performance.   

Necessary for the ANOP is a common measure to describe user experience. To do this, ratings have been defined for each mode which broadly describes what good and poor user experience or level of service (LOS) looks like. The ANOP uses six user experience or LOS ratings for each mode to do this, ranging from A, which is a very good user experience, to F, depicting a very poor user experience.  

Typically, a user experience or LOS rating of A, B or C is considered a positive outcome for that particular model, whereas D, E or F increasingly highlights a deficiency for that mode at that time and location. In simple terms, user experience or LOS outcomes are expected to be good for those modes on the respective strategic networks.  

Aspirational outcomes sought in terms of user experience  


Uses of the ANOP 

The ANOP is used across AT to inform and guide. Some of its key uses are:  

  • Network Performance Monitoring: AT Network Management monitor the performance for each of the different modes monthly. The monitoring provides insights as to how well the network is performing for each mode and highlights where deficiencies currently exist. These metrics and insights are also used to support Future Connect Deficiencies and Opportunities, and available for reference and use across AT. 
  • Network Operation: The ANOP provides the base reference for how the Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC) operates the traffic signals on the network and directs decisions in routine traffic signal optimisation and real-time operations. 
  • Network Optimisation: the ANOP forms a programme of works seeking to make the best use of the existing network through appropriate network management, people movement capacity creation and travel behaviour change initiatives. It includes a programme of physical interventions to enable these outcomes.  
  • Temporary Transport Management Plans: Assessing the impacts of proposed temporary traffic management plans (TTMPs) relative to the ANOP highlights potential modal impacts. This, therefore, indicates necessary remedial measures for each mode to ensure that the network operates at appropriate levels during roadworks. This means for example that TTMPs need to consider how best to accommodate for cycling for works taking place on the strategic cycle network, or how to account for freight on the Freight Network. The same applies to buses, walking and therefore not just general traffic.
  • Customer Understanding and Expectations: Publication of the ANOP, together with the RASF and Future Connect, provides full transparency regarding AT’s strategic intent. When customers ask questions, provide feedback or ask for changes, the ANOP can provide a reference for communicating AT’s decision making and intended operation. 
  • Project Impact Assessment: is a process that uses the ANOP to determine how effectively a proposed project or development contributes to reducing identified operational deficiencies introduced by the project.