Middlemore Station Upgrade Update Middlemore Station Upgrade Update

Middlemore Station upgrade is progressing and from Monday 29 July, trains at Middlemore Station will stop at the north end of Platform 1. There is no change to the Southern and Eastern line timetables, and works will only impact where you board the train towards the City Centre.  

Middlemore Station will remain open during construction of the upgrades, including access to the lifts and pedestrian bridge.

Pedestrian access from Orakau Road to platform 1 will now be at the centre of the platform and a guided temporary footpath will be in place. Please be mindful of construction around the station and follow customer signage.  

The upgrades to Middlemore Station include:

  • A new platform to serve the Third Main Line
  • A new pedestrian bridge at the northern end of the station
  • An extension of the existing pedestrian bridge
  • A new gate line for the new platform
  • A new entrance for Te Whatu Ora staff via Rosella Road
  • Accessibility improvements for pedestrians and vehicles

For more information, please visit https://at.govt.nz/projects-initiatives/south-auckland-projects-and-initiatives/middlemore-station-upgrade

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