Current Leasing Opportunities Current Leasing Opportunities

We offer retail spaces at a number of our bus stations, train stations and ferry terminals.

Renting a retail space at one of our Auckland commuter hot spots can be a good move for any business.

Vending machines

This Request for Proposal (RFP) invites suitably qualified people to submit a proposal for the supply, maintenance and management of appropriate vending machines. This is part of our strategy to increase customer amenity at Auckland Transport (AT) sites.

In this round of RFP, there are available vending sites at more than 34 AT public transport sites. This includes rail stations, ferry terminals and busway facilities. The licence term with AT’s current vending partner(s) expired on the 30 June 2024.

AT welcomes all those interested to take part in this RFP. That includes any past or current vending partners, as well as any potential new partners.

From this process, we want to:

  • identify a suitable partner or partners to deploy vending machines at each location
  • establish a side by side, paired machine configuration
  • offer food and beverages suitable for our customers when they’re on the move.

The deadline for:

  • questions is 10am on 5 December 2024
  • proposals is 10am on 13 December 2024

Please contact Isabella McDonnell at Include the reference code ‘754-25-199-GS’ in the subject line.

Coffee Kiosks

Retail Leasing Opportunity Expressions of Interest (EOI)

Expressions of Interest Document – EOI AT Coffee Kiosks (PDF 923KB)

We are inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential operators for kiosk operators at 3 locations:

  • New Lynn Train Station
  • Panmure Train Station
  • Constellation Drive Bus Station.

Successful operators will be experienced retailers who can offer high quality service and appropriate product offering that meets the needs of AT’s customers.  

Information on the individual sites will be provided upon request. 

EOI applications are currently open. Please email for more information.

City Rail Link (CRL) stations

Advance notice of expressions of interest (EOI) (PDF, 2MB)

AT is notifying all parties of the opportunity to lease retail spaces in the new stations of the CRL project. The CRL is estimated for completion in 2026. It will revolutionise Auckland’s rail network.

This is the largest transport project ever undertaken in New Zealand. It will offer a unique opportunity for businesses to establish their presence in a prime location. Do not miss out on this chance to be part of Auckland’s transformative journey.


Te Waihorotiu Station

Premium retail unit (Wellesley Street) – estimated 42 square metres.

Karanga-a-Hape Station

Retail unit (Mercury Lane) – estimated 34.8 sqm.

Retail unit (Beresford Square) – estimated 45 sqm.

Maungawhau Station

Large retail unit – estimated 42 square metres.

Kiosk (small format retail unit) – estimated 7.2 square metres.

Future opportunities

More retail spaces in each station may become available. We will confirm this in the expressions of interest (EOI) release.

Contact us

You can send enquiries to In the subject line, put ‘754-25-448-GS’.

To join a mailing list and get updates when this EOI opportunity becomes available, contact


We provide retailers with the opportunity to lease short-term space at some of our bus stations, train stations and ferry terminals. Pop up spaces offers small businesses the opportunity to boost brand exposure and test the market for new products.

Pop up opportunities:

  • Manukau Bus Station
  • Devonport Wharf
  • Half Moon Bay
  • Otahuhu
  • Puhinui

Please email for more information.