Current Leasing Opportunities Current Leasing Opportunities
We offer retail spaces at a number of our bus stations, train stations and ferry terminals.
Renting a retail space at one of our Auckland commuter hot spots can be a good move for any business.
Manukau Bus Station – Unit 3
Expressions of Interest Document – EOI Manukau Bus Station Unit 3 (PDF, 2.1MB)
We are inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential operators for an 82-square-metre space, Unit 3 at Manukau Bus Station.
Successful operators will be focused on delivering a high-quality offering that caters to the commuter market and tourists using Manukau Bus Station.
Please also refer to Tenancy Manual (Attachment 1).
What is required to submit an EOI:
- Tenancy Proposal document – applicants may follow the EOI Response Template provided (Attachment 4)
- any other information or supporting documents you believe are relevant to your submission.
EOI applications are currently open.
- Please submit in PDF format. Proposals may include written and imagery components.
- To apply, email your submission to with “754-24-497-GS Unit 3, Manukau Bus Station” in the subject line.
- For further information, please email
Attachment 1 - Tenancy Manual, Manukau bus station unit 3 (PDF, 576KB)
Attachment 2 - AT purpose and values (PDF, 41KB)
Attachment 3 - Draft lease, Manukau bus station unit 3 (PDF, 1MB)
Attachment 4 - EOI response template, Manukau bus station unit 3 (DOC, 1MB)
Attachment 5 - General agency agreement, Manukau bus station unit 3 (DOC, 1MB)
Coffee Kiosks
Retail Leasing Opportunity Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Expressions of Interest Document – EOI AT Coffee Kiosks (PDF 923KB)
We are inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential operators for kiosk operators at 3 locations:
- New Lynn Train Station
- Panmure Train Station
- Constellation Drive Bus Station.
Successful operators will be experienced retailers who can offer high quality service and appropriate product offering that meets the needs of AT’s customers.
Information on the individual sites will be provided upon request.
EOI applications are currently open. Please email for more information.
We provide retailers with the opportunity to lease short-term space at some of our bus stations, train stations and ferry terminals. Pop up spaces offers small businesses the opportunity to boost brand exposure and test the market for new products.
Pop up opportunities:
- Manukau Bus Station
- Devonport Wharf
- Half Moon Bay
- Otahuhu
- Puhinui
Please email for more information.