Using trains Using trains
Bus, train and ferry fares will increase from 2 February 2025, alongside zone changes to provide better value for long-distance travellers. Find out more about fare changes
Learn about expected behaviour and etiquette on trains in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland.
Find out what to do if you are boarding with a bike, pet, pram or accessibility/mobility item.
At train stations
Arrive a few minutes early so you don't miss the train. Allow extra time if you need to top up your AT HOP card or purchase a paper ticket.
Ticket and top up machines are available at all stations. You cannot buy tickets on board trains.
When using a contactless payment method or AT HOP card, you need to tag on and tag off every journey.
Uniformed rail staff may validate your payment method at any time. If you travel without a valid ticket or do not tag on, you may be fined.
Check the station signs to find out which platform your train will be leaving from. Different lines leave from different platforms. Departure platforms may change at some stations, like Waitematā Station (Britomart), Newmarket, Papakura and Swanson.
As with all public places, please do not leave bags/luggage unattended.
You cannot smoke or vape at train stations within the Auckland region.
View the list of customer service centres available at stations.
Ticket gates
There are electronic ticket gates at:
- Waitematā Station (Britomart)
- Newmarket station
- New Lynn station
- Henderson station
- Ōtahūhu station
- Manukau station
- Manurewa station.
These gates control access to the station or platform. You can pass through using a contactless payment method or your AT HOP card. A wider gate is available for wheelchair, pram or luggage access.
If you are travelling with a paper ticket, you can show your ticket and enter or exit using the paper ticket (manual) gate. You can also pass through the electronic ticket gates by scanning the QR code on your paper ticket.
Boarding the train
Trains in Auckland have electronic route and destination signs on the outside. It is best to always check carefully to make sure you are catching the correct train.
Stand behind the yellow or white platform edge lines until the train stops.
To open the doors, push the green button when it lights up. Wait for customers to exit the train before boarding.
Transferring trains
To complete your journey, you may need to transfer between lines. The transfer points are marked on the Auckland Rail Network maps.
You do not need to tag off and on when you change trains. Just tag on at the station where you start your journey and tag off before you leave the last station.
If travelling with a paper ticket, just purchase one ticket for your entire journey.
Find out more about transfer discounts.
Consideration for others
For your own comfort, as well as those around you, do not:
- eat
- smoke or vape
- consume alcohol onboard trains or at stations
- rest your feet on the seats.
You must:
- keep beverages in a closed container.
- give your seat to seniors, pregnant women, people with small children
- take off backpacks and store bags under seats or on your lap
- take all your belongings, including rubbish, with you.
When listening to personal audio devices, use headphones set at a volume that ensures other passengers are not disturbed. Do not block doors and move down the aisle if possible.
Visit the prams, luggage, bikes and animals webpage.
Conditions of Carriage
The Conditions of Carriage specify the responsibilities of Auckland One Rail and our customers. They relate to travel on the Auckland Metro rail network.
Read the Conditions of Carriage on the Auckland One Rail website.
You may also be interested in:
- Fares & discounts
- Train park & ride
- Safety around trains, stations & tracks
- Auckland train network & route maps
- Timetables