Decision Digest – August 2024 Auckland Transport Board meeting Decision Digest – August 2024 Auckland Transport Board meeting

Date: 02 September 2024

The Auckland Transport (AT) Board and Regional Transport Committee both held their August meetings on Tuesday 27 August.

Items for Noting

Chief Executive Open Business Report – The Board heard from AT Chief Executive Dean Kimpton who highlighted some pleasing results over the last six months, with AT meeting or exceeding 18 out of 19 of its KPIs.

Mr Kimpton spoke about the success of the new $50 Fare Cap, patronage exceeding expectations on the recently launched Western Express (WX1), and zero safety incidents on public transport over the recent school holidays, among other positive results. 

Update on Controls in place for Critical Risk – Violence, Threats & Aggression – The Board heard from AT Director People and Performance, Karen Duffy, and Director Public Transport and Active Modes Stacey van der Putten on incidents of violence, threats and aggression towards AT staff which continue to occur with concerning frequency. Preventative training and mitigation remains a priority.

The Police have been quick to respond to incidents and there is great collaboration between AT, Police, local boards and community groups/organisations on this issue.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing & Transport Safety Update – The Board heard from Ms Duffy and AT Group Manager Transport Safety, Teresa Burnett.

Board Member Mark Darrow highlighted that year-on-year to July 2024, deaths on Auckland’s roads had halved.

Mr Kimpton said AT’s focus was on local roads, where 90% of DSIs occur.

Engaging and Listening to the Community – The Board heard a public presentation from Gael Baldock about the Waitematā Safe Routes programme.

Changing legislation to formally recognise equestrians on the road as Vulnerable Road Users – The Board heard a public presentation from Julia McLean who is advocating for equestrians to be formally recognised as Vulnerable Road Users.

Items for approval

Katoa Ka Ora: Auckland Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 – The Regional Transport Committee agreed to submit a reduced scope speed management plan - Katoa Ka Ora - to the Director of Land Transport for certification.

Following the release of the government’s Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024 (draft speed rule), Auckland Transport received several elected member requests for urgent delivery of specific speed limit changes - which AT had already consulted on in 2023 as part of its draft Katoa, Ka Ora: Auckland speed management plan 2024-2027. 

Following that consultation in 2023, the final decision by the Regional Transport Committee was postponed awaiting the release of the government’s draft speed rule. 

The plan submitted after this decision will only include consulted on changes that also currently align with the government’s draft speed rule - such as school gate variable speed limits. 

As the plan aligns with local requests for speed management, submitting the plan at this point will ensure value for money for Aucklanders while also addressing local safety concerns. 

Tier 1 Policies – The Board approved:

  • the Risk Management Policy.
  • the Business Continuity and Recovery Management Policy.
  • the Gifts and Hospitality Policy.

Ka Tupu Ka Wana Achieving Māori Outcomes – The Board heard from Acting Director Strategy & Governance, Scott Campbell, and Head of Māori Outcomes Lillian Tahuri. The plan has a focus on improving engagement, governance, and outcomes on an operational level. It was approved by the Board.

You can find the agenda with all the details on each item here: Meetings & minutes