Train station maps Train station maps
The station maps below show the bus stops near to each station. They show the location of bus stops used by buses replacing trains and scheduled bus services. These may be used when trains are not operating due to upgrade work or service disruptions.
- Your paper ticket will be accepted on specified alternative services during a disruption. Please tag off before exiting the station.
- Rail Buses are unable to stop at Parnell or Meadowbank stations due to difficulties in buses accessing these stations
Replacement bus stops and alternative transport options
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 8149
- 18 - City centre (CBD) via Great North Road
- 22N - New North Road, city centre (CBD)
- 149 - Ranui via Rosebank
- 67A - Stoddard Road, Onehunga, Ōtāhuhu
- 67B - Stoddard Road, Onehunga
- RBWX - Express to Grafton, Parnell and city centre (CBD)
- Bus stop 8146
- 18 - New Lynn via Great North Road
- 22N - New Lynn via New North Road
- 149 - New Lynn via Rosebank
- 67A - New Lynn via Onehunga, Stoddard Road and Avondale
- RBWX - New Lynn and Henderson
- Bus stop 1534
- RBW - Morning peak - all stations to Newmarket
- Bus stop 8333
- 209 - Morning peak - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- Bus stop 8336
- 209 - Evening peak - Titirangi via New North Road and Green Bay
- Bus stop 8334
- 22N - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 22R - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 191 - Lynfield via Avondale and Blockhouse Bay
- 195 - New Lynn via Green Bay
- 67A - Ōtāhuhu via Avondale, Stoddard Road and Onehunga
- 67B - Avondale, Stoddard Road and Onehunga
- Bus stop 1743
- RBW - Swanson
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 8224
- 22N - City centre (CBD) via Rosebank Road
- 22R - City centre (CBD) via Rosebank Road
- OUT - Clockwise
- 209 - Morning peak - City centre (CBD) via Green Bay and New North Road
- Bus stop 8227
- 22N - New Lynn
- 22R - Rosebank
- OUT - Anitclockwise
- 209 - Evening peak - Titirangi via New North Road and Green Bay
- Bus stop 8867
- RBW - All stations to Newmarket
- Bus stop 8872
- RBW - All stops to Swanson

Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 7231
- 70 - Waitematā (Britomart) Station
- 75 - Wynyard Quarter
- 321 - Briotmart (Mon-Fri)
- 866 - Albany Station via Auckland Hospital & Ponsonby
- 966 - Highbury via Auckland Hospital & Ponsonby Road
- INN - Clockwise
- Bus stop 7230
- 70 - Botany via Panmure
- 70H - Botany
- 75 - Glen Innes via Remuera Road
- 321 - Middlemore Station via Greenlane Hospital
- 866 - Newmarket
- INN - Anticlockwise
- 966 - Newmarket
- Bus stop 7176
- 30 - Onehunga via Newmarket and Manukau Road
- 64 - Newmarket
- 295 - Royal Oak via Newmarket
- 309 - Māngere town centre
- 309X - Newmarket via Ponsonby and Auckland Hospital
- RBW - All stations to Waitematā (Britomart) station
- RBWX - Express to Newmarket, Parnell and Waitematā (Britomart) sattion
- Bus stop 7175
- 30 - City centre (CBD) via Manukau Road
- 64 - Newmarket via Mt Eden and Valley Road
- 295 - City centre (CBD) via Royal Oak
- 309 - City centre (CBD)
- 309X - City centre (CBD)
- RBW - All stations to Swanson
- RBWX - Avondale, New Lynn and Henderson ony
- Bus stop 7178
- 866 - Newmarket
- 966 - Newmarket
Alternative bus options:
- Bus stop 1653
- 14 - Great North Road, New Lynn
- 162 - Glendene, Kelston, New Lynn
- Bus stop 5841
- 13 - Te Atatū Road, Te Atatū bus interchange and Te Atatū Penisula loop
- 14 - Lincoln Road and Lincoln bus interchange
- 120 - Westgate, Hobsonville, Greenhithe and Constellation
- 135 - Edmonton Road, Te Atatū bus interchange and Te Atatū Penisula
- 143 - Sturges Road, Rānui (Pooks Road)
- 145 - Henderson Valley Road and Western Heights
- 147 - Rānui, Swanson and Waitakere township
- RBW - All stations to Swanson
- Bus stop 5860
- 152 - Sunnyvale, Rosier Road, Glen Eden and New Lynn
- 154 - Bruce McLaren Drive, Glengarry Road, Glen Eden and New Lynn
- RBW - All stations to Waitematā (Britomart) station
- RBWX - Express stopping only at New Lynn, Avondale, Grafton, Newmarket, Parnell and Waitematā (Britomart) station
- Bus stop 5854
- 13 - Te Atatū Road, Te Atatū bus interchange and Te Atatū Penisula loop
- 14 - Lincoln Road and Lincoln bus interchange
- 120 - Westgate, Hobsonville, Greenhithe and Constellation
- 135 - Edmonton Road, Te Atatū bus interchange and Te Atatū Peninsula
- 143 - Sturges Road, Rānui (Pooks Road)
- 145 - Henderson Valley Road, Western Heights
- 147 - Rānui, Swanson, Waitakere township
- Bus stop 5837
- 14 - Great North Road, New Lynn
Alternative transport options
- Bus 365 - Hourly timetable between Papakura Interchange and Manukau Bus Station via Porchester Road
- Rail replacement bus (RBS) stopping at all stations between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 8210
- 20 - St Lukes via Kingsland
- 22N - New Lynn via New North Road
- 22R - Rosebank Rd via New North Road
- 209 - Evening peak - Titirangi
- RBW - All stops to Swanson
- Bus stop 8211
- 20 - Wynyard Quarter via Kingsland
- 22N - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 22R - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 209 - Morning peak - City centre (CBD)
- RWB - All stations to Newmarket
- Bus stop 8300
- 24B - Blockhouse Bay, New Lynn via Sandringham Road
- 24R - New Lynn via Sandringham Road
- Bus stop 8301
- 24B - City centre (CBD) via Sandringham Road
- 24R - City centre (CBD) via Sandringham Road
Alternative transport options:
- Bus 33 - High frequency option between Papakura Interchange and Ōtāhuhu Station via Great South Road
- Bus 365 - Between Papakura Interchange and Manukau Bus Station via Porchester Road
- Airport Link via Puhinui Station
- Rail bus southern express (RBSX) - Express to Puhinui, Papatoetoe, Middlemore, Ōtāhuhu, Newmarket and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
- Rail bus eastern (RBE) - All stop service between Manukau and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
Alternative transport options:
- Bus 33 - High frequency option between Papakura Interchange and Ōtāhuhu Station via Great South Road
- Bus 365 - Between Papakura Interchange and Manukau Bus Station via Porchester Road
- Rail replacement bus (RBS) - Stopping at all stations between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
Alternative transport options:
- Bus 782 - To Mission Bay to Ellerslie
- Rail replacement bus (RBM) - Shuttle from Meadowbank Sation to Remuera Road. Customers can transfer to 75 or RBE
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 2005
- Rail replacement bus (RBS) - All stations to Papakura
- Rail replacement bus (RBSX) - Express stoping only at Papatoetoe, Puhinui, Manukau and Papakura
- Rail replacement bus (RBE) - All stations to Manukau
- Bus stop 2024
- Bus 314 - Otara, Ormiston Town Centre, Mission Heights
- Bus 321 - Mddlemore to Waitematā (Britomart) Station via Greenlane Hospital
- Rail replacement bus (RBW) - Papakura to Waitematā (Britomart) Station
- Rail replacement bus (RBSX) - Express stopping only at Otahuhu, Newmarket, Parnell and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 8217
- 20 - Wynyard Quarter via Kingsland
- 209 - Morning peak - City centre (CBD)
- RBW - All stations to New Lynn
- Bus stop 8216
- 20 - St Lukes
- 209 - Evening peak - New Lynn via New North Road
- RBW - All stations to Swanson
- Bus stop 8214
- 20 - St Lukes
- 22N - New Lynn
- 22R - Rosebank Road
- 209 - Green Bay via Blockhouse Bay
- Bus stop 8215
- 20 - Wynyard Quarter via Kingsland
- 209 - City centre (CBD)
- 22N - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 22R - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 8034
- OUT - Anticlockwise
- 66 - Sylvia Park via Mount Albert Road
- Bus stop 8221
- OUT - Anticlockwise
- Bus stop 8230
- 22N - New Lynn via New North Road
- 22R - Rosebank Road via New North Road
- 209 - Titirangi via New North Road and Green Bay
- Bus stop 8233
- 22N - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 22R - City centre (CBD) via New North Road
- 209 - Morning peak - City centre (CBD) via Green Bay and New North Road
- RBW - All stations to Newmarket
- Bus stop 8232
- 22N - New Lynn via New North Road
- 22R - Rosebank Road via New North Road
- 209 - Evening peak - Titirangi via New North Road
- RBW - All stations to Swanson
- Bus stop 8819
- 66 - Point Chevalier Beach via Mount Albert Road
- Bus stop 8812
- 66 - Sylvia Park via Mount Albert Road
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 5906
- 22N - New North Road, city centre (CBD)
- 149 - Rosebank Road, Te Atatū bus interchange, Lincoln Road bus interchange, Ranui
- 191 - Rosebank, Blockhouse Bay, Lynfield
- 67A - Onehunga, Ōtāhuhu
- 67B - Onehunga, Ōtāhuhu
- Bus stop 5908
- 24B - Blockhouse Bay, Sandringham Road, city centre (CBD)
- 24R - Owairaka, Sandringham Road, city centre (CBD)
- 68 - Blockhouse Bay, Richardson Road, Onehunga
- Bus stop 5912
- 14 - Henderson, Waitakere hospital, Lincoln bus intercahnge
- 152 - Glen Eden, Parrs Park
- 154 - Glen Eden, Parrs Park
- RBW - All stations to Swanson
- RBWX - Henderson
- Bus stop 5910
- 161 - Brains Park
- 162 - Glendene
- 170 - Titirangi, Titirangi South
- 171 - Titirangi, Laingholm
- 172 - Titirangi, Glen Eden
- 186 - South Lynn loop
- 195 - Green Bay, Blockhouse Bay
- Bus stop 5914
- 18 - Great North Road, Point Chevalier, Western Springs, city centre (CBD)
- RBW - All stations to Waitematā (Britomart) station
- RBWX - Avondale, Grafton, Newmarket, Parnell and Waitematā (Britomart) station only
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 7400
- 75 - Glen Innes via Remuera Road
- 751 - Panmure via Marua Road and Remuera Road
- 781 - Mission Bay via Orakei
- RBS - All stops to Papakura
- RBO - All stops to Onehunga
- Bus stop 7401
- 75 - Wynyard Quarter via Remuera Road
- 751 - Newmarket
- 781 - Museum
- RBS - All stops to Waitematā (Britomart) station
- RBW - All stops to Waitematā (Britomart) station
- RBW - All stops to Swanson
- Bus stop 7202
- 30 - Onehunga via Manukau Road
- 309 - Māngere town centre
- 309X - Pah Road, Māngere Bridge, Favona, Māngere (Monday to Friday only)
- 866 - Newmarket via Ponsonby and Auckland hospital
- 966 - Newmarket via Ponsonby and Auckland hospital
- RBSX - Papakura
- Bus stop 7203
- OUT - Anticlockwise to Parnell and Britomart
- INN - Anticlockwise to Parnell, Wellesley Street, Herne Bay and Westmere
- 30 - Upper Symonds Street, city centre (CBD)
- 64 - Kingsland via Mount Eden and Valley Road
- 70 - City centre (CBD)
- 309 - Upper Symonds Street, city centre (CBD)
- 309X - Upper Symonds Street, city centre (CBD) (Monday to Friday only)
- 866 - Upper Symonds Street, city centre (CBD) (Monday to Friday only)
- 966 - Onewa Road, Highbury, Beach Haven (Monday to Friday only)
- RBSX - Waitematā (Britomart) station
- Bus stop 7204
- INN - Clockwise to Parnell, Wellesley Street, Herne Bay, Westmere
- Bus stop 7206
- 70 - Botany via Panmure
Alternative transport options:
- RBE - All stops between Manukau and Waitematā (Britomart) station
- RBPX - Express rail bus, Panmure to Waitematā (Britomart) station
- 70 - High frequency to city centre (CBD) via Great South Road
- 74 - High frequency between Onehunga and Glen Innes
Alternative transport options:
- Bus 33 - High frequency option between Papakura Interchange and Ōtāhuhu Station via Great South Road
- Bus 365 - Hourly timetable between Papakura Interchange and Manukau Bus Station via Porchester Road
- Rail replacement bus (RBS) stopping at all stations between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
- Bus 394 - To Paerata Rise and Pukekohe
- Rail bus southern express (RBSX) - Express bus stopping at Manukau, Puhinui, Papatoetoe, Middlemore, Ōtahuhu, Newmarket, Parnell and Waitematā (Britomart) station only
Alternative transport options:
- 755 - 25 minute timetable: Benson Rd to Waitematā Station (Britomart) via Portland Rd
- INN - High frequency option: Loop of outer city via Mt Eden in both directions
- OUT - High frequency option: Loop of inner city via Ponsonby in both directions
- Rail replacement RBS - All stops between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
Alternative transport options
- Rail replace bus (RBS) stopping at all stations between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart).
- Airport Link via Puhinui Station.
- Rail Bus Puhinui (RBSX) express bus stopping at Papatoetoe, MIddlemore, Ōtāhuhu, Newmarket and Waitematā (Britomart).
- Rail replacement bus (RBE) stopping at all stations between Waitematā (Britomart) and Manukau.
Alternative transport options:
- RBE - Stopping at all stations between Manukau and Waitematā (Britomart) station
- 74 - High frequency between Onehunga and Glen Innes via Panmure
- 66 - High frequency towards Point Chevalier via Mout Albert Road
- 32 - High frequency towards Māngere via Ōtāhuhu
Alternative transport options:
- Bus 33 - High frequency option between Papakura interchange and Ōtāhuhu station via Great South Road
- Bus 365 - Between Papakura Interchange and Manukau bus station via Porchester Road
- Rail replacement bus (RBS) - Stopping at all stations between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart) station
Alternative transport options:
- Bus 33 - High frequency option between Papakura Interchange and Ōtāhuhu Station via Great South Road
- Bus 365 - Between Papakura Interchange and Manukau Bus Station via Porchester Road
- Rail replacement bus (RBS) - Stopping at all stations between Papakura and Waitematā (Britomart) Station
Alternative transport options:
- Bus stop 1338
- 321 - Grafton, Greenlane, Ellerslie, Penrose, Ōtāhuhu, Middlemore (Monday to Friday only)
- Bus stop 7026
- 27H - Mount Eden Road, Three Kings, Hillsborough
- 27T - Mount Eden Road, Three Kings
- 27W - Mount Eden Road, Three Kings, Waikowhai
- Bus stop 1004
- 18 - Great North Road, Point Chevalier, Avondale, New Lynn
- Bus stop 7005
- RBE - All stations (except Meadowbank) to Manukau
- RBPX - Express stopping only at Panmure
- RBS - All stations to Papakura
- RBSX - Express stopping only at Parnell, Newmarket, Ōtāhuhu, Middlemore, Papatoetoe, Puhinui, Manukau and Papakura
- RBW - All stations to Swanson
- RBWX - Express stopping only at Parnell, Newmarket, Grafton, Avondale, New Lynn and Henderson
- Bus stop 7018
- INN - Parnell, Newmarket, Grafton
- Bus stop 7019
- Tamaki Link - Misson Bay, St Heliers, Glen Innes
- Bus stop 7028
- 76 - Coates Avenue, Eastridge, West Tamaki Road, Glen Innes
- Bus stop 1420
- 70 - Grafton, Newmarket, Greenlane, Ellerslie, Panmure, Pakuranga, Botany
- Bus stop 7041
- 75 - Grafton, Newmarket, Remuera Road, St Johns Road, Glen Innes
- Bus stop 1083
- 22N - Kingsland, Morningside, St Lukes, Mt Albert, Avondale, New Lynn
- 22R - Kingsland, Morningside, St Lukes, Mt Albert, Avondale, Rosebank Penisula
- Bus stop 7055
- 30 - Grafton, Newmarket, Manukau Road, Royal Oak, Onehunga
- 309 - Grafton, Newmarket, Manukau Road, Pah Road, Onehunga, Māngere Bridge, Favona, Māngere town centre