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Annual fare changes

Every year we review our public transport fares to keep up with the cost of operation, maintenance and future improvements. Fares are updated each February.  

This year, a weighted increase of 5.2% is necessary to keep up with the rising costs of running and maintaining Auckland’s public transport network. For adult HOP fares on buses and trains, this works out to be an increase of $0.15 to $0.25 per journey. For adult HOP fares on ferries, it works out to be an increase of $0.20 to $1.40 per journey. 

Adult fares AT HOP or Contactless Cash (train only)
Citylink bus Now $0.85 from $0.70 No change
1 zone bus/train Now $2.80 from $2.60 No change
2 zone bus/train Now $4.65 from $4.45 No change
3 zone bus/train Now $6.25 from $6 No change
4+ zone bus/train Now $7.65 from $7.40 No change
Child (5 to 15)  AT HOP Cash (train only)
Citylink bus Now $0.45 from $0.35 No change
1 zone bus/train Now $1.45 from $1.35 No change
2 zone bus/train Now $2.75 from $2.60 No change
3 zone bus/train Now $3.70 from $3.55 No change
4+ zone bus/train Now $4.55 from $4.40 No change

See more about child fares.

Secondary student (16 to 19) AT HOP Cash (train only)
Citylink bus Now $0.45 from $0.35 No change
1 zone bus/train Now $1.45 from $1.35 No change
2 zone bus/train Now $2.75 from $2.60 No change
3 zone bus/train Now $3.70 from $3.55 No change
4+ zone bus/train Now $4.55 from $4.40 No change

Secondary student fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply

Tertiary students AT HOP Cash (train only)
Citylink bus Now $0.65 from $0.55 N/A
1 zone bus/train Now $2.15 from $2 No change
2 zone bus/train Now $3.70 from $3.50 No change
3 zone bus/train Now $5 from $4.80 No change
4+ zone bus/train Now $6.10 from $5.90 No change

Tertiary student fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Community Connect AT HOP Cash (train only)
Citylink bus Now $0.42 from $0.35 N/A
1 zone bus/train Now $1.40 from $1.25 No change
2 zone bus/train Now $2.32 from $2.20 No change
3 zone bus/train Now $3.12 from $3 No change
4+ zone bus/train Now $3.82 from $3.70 No change

Community Connect fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Accessible  AT HOP Cash (train only)
Citylink bus Now $0.45 from $0.35 N/A
1 zone bus/train Now $1.45 from $1.35 No change
2 zone bus/train Now $2.75 from $2.60 No change
3 zone bus/train Now $3.70 from $3.55 No change
4+ zone bus/train Now $4.55 from $4.40 No change

Accessible fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Simplified bus and train fare zones

We’re reducing the number of fare zones from 14 to 9. This makes it better value for customers to travel in the outer regions of Auckland.

The newly merged zones are: 

  • East Coast/South Rodney, consisting of Helensville, Huapai, Hibiscus Coast and Upper North Shore
  • Northern Manukau, consisting of Manukau North and Beachlands
  • Southern Manukau, consisting of Manukau South and Franklin. 

Customers who travel within these newly merged zones will now only be charged a single-zone fare, rather than 2 or more.  

For example, someone travelling from Beachlands to Sylvia Park will save $1.35 per trip ($6 to $4.65). Someone travelling from Hibiscus Coast to the city will save $1.15 per trip ($7.40 to $6.25) with this change.  

Better value on longer bus and train trips 

From 2 February 2025, you’ll never pay for more than 4 zones on bus and train trips, even if you travel further. This means better value for our customers who live furthest from the city, even with the annual fare increase.  

For example, someone travelling from Albany to Auckland Airport by bus and train will save $0.85 (previous fare $8.50, now $7.65). 

Updated ferry fares 

We’re separating our ferry fares from our bus and train fares. This allows us to align ferry costs with revenue and reflects the difference in operating costs between the networks.

Ferries will still run the same as they do now, but the fare you pay will more fairly reflect the cost of the service.

Ferry journeys that qualify for the $50 7-day fare cap include:  

  • Inner harbour (Central City to or from Devonport, Bayswater, Birkenhead, Te Onewa Northcote Point)  
  • Northcote to or from Birkenhead 

Ferry journeys that do not qualify for the $50 7-day fare cap include:  

  • Beach Haven to or from Hobsonville Point 
  • Mid-harbour (Central City to or from Half Moon Bay, West Harbour, Hobsonville, Beach Haven) 
  • Outer harbour (Central City to or from Gulf Harbour, Pine Harbour) 
  • Rakino Island  
  • Waiheke Island  

See more about ferry fares and ferry fare zones

Adult   AT HOP or Contactless Cash 
Local ferry: (Te Onewa Northcote Point - Birkenhead) Now $2.80 from $2.60 No change
Inter ferry: (Beach Haven - Hobsonville Point) Now $4.65 from $4.45 No change
Inner Harbour ferry Now $7.40 from $6 Now $11.50 from $8
Mid-Harbour ferry Now $9.90 from $8.50 Now $14.50 from $11.50
Outer Harbour ferry Now $13.20 from $11.80 Now $17 from $16
Child (5 to 15)  AT HOP Cash 
Local ferry: (Te Onewa Northcote Point - Birkenhead) Now $1.45 from $1.35 No change
Inter ferry: (Beach Haven - Hobsonville Point) Now $2.75 from $2.60 No change
Inner Harbour ferry Now $4.44 from $3.55 Now $6.50 from $4.50
Mid-Harbour ferry Now $5.94 from $5.10 Now $8 from $6.50
Outer Harbour ferry Now $7.92 from $6.30 Now $9 from $8.50

See more about child fares using AT HOP

Secondary student (16 to 19) AT HOP Cash 
Local ferry: (Te Onewa Northcote Point - Birkenhead) Now $1.45 from $1.35 No change
Inter ferry: (Beach Haven - Hobsonville Point) Now $2.75 from $2.60 No change
Inner Harbour ferry Now $4.44 from $3.55 Now $6.50 from $4.50
Mid-Harbour ferry Now $5.94 from $5.10 Now $8 from $6.50
Outer Harbour ferry Now $7.92 from $6.30 Now $9 from $8.50

Secondary student fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Tertiary students AT HOP Cash 
Local ferry: (Te Onewa Northcote Point - Birkenhead) Now $2.15 from $2 No change
Inter ferry: (Beach Haven - Hobsonville Point) Now $3.70 from $3.50 No change
Inner Harbour ferry Now $5.92 from $4.80 Now $11.50 from $8
Mid-Harbour ferry Now $7.92 from $6.80 Now $14.50 from $11.50
Outer Harbour ferry Now $10.56 from $9.30 Now $17 from $16

Tertiary student fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Community Connect AT HOP Cash 
Local ferry: (Te Onewa Northcote Point - Birkenhead) Now $1.40 from $1.25 No change
Inter ferry: (Beach Haven - Hobsonville Point) Now $2.32 from $2.20 No change
Inner Harbour ferry Now $3.70 from $3 Now $11.50 from $8
Mid-Harbour ferry Now $4.95 from $4.25 Now  $14.50 from $11.50
Outer Harbour ferry Now $6.60 from $5.90 Now $17 from $16

Community Connect fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Accessible  AT HOP Cash 
Local ferry: (Te Onewa Northcote Point - Birkenhead) Now $1.45 from $1.35 No change
Inter ferry: (Beach Haven - Hobsonville Point) Now $2.75 from $2.60 No change
Inner Harbour ferry Now $4.44 from $3.55 Now $11.50 from $8
Mid-Harbour ferry Now $5.94 from $5.10 Now $14.50 from $11.50
Outer Harbour ferry Now $7.92 from $6.30 Now $17 from $16

Accessible fares are only available with a registered AT HOP card, with concession applied. Check if you're eligible and apply.

Monthly ferry passes  
AT HOP Inner Harbour ferry  From $180 to $195
AT HOP Mid-Harbour ferry From $285 to $310
AT HOP Outer Harbour ferry From $370 to $400
Fullers360 Waiheke ferry From $370 to $400
Island Direct Waiheke ferry From $370 to $400

Monthly ferry passes are only available with a registered AT HOP card. 

End of off-peak discount

We introduced the 10% off-peak discount as an incentive to help manage capacity at peak times, but it has not had the impact we’d hoped for.  

As a result, we’ve decided to remove this discount in favour of other fare changes. Discounted fares are still available for children, students, seniors, Community Connect and disability cardholders with registered AT HOP cards – find out if you’re eligible and how to apply.

$50 and $20 fare caps remain

The way you pay for public transport remains the same, and our popular $50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP card users and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments are still available.

See more about bus and train fares, ferry fares and how to pay for public transport

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