Travelwise school resources Travelwise school resources
Resources for teachers and students to encourage safe behaviour and sustainable travel habits.

Travelwise breakfast event
Plan a Travelwise breakfast to encourage and reward students who travel to school sustainably.

Rail safety
Every year people are injured in preventable incidents. Here are some resources to helps keep your students safe around trains, stations, level crossings and tracks. Stay alert, to stay safe.

Classroom activities for Travelwise
Download classroom activity cards for Travelwise for classroom learning.
Planning your Travelwise campaigns and activities in advance can help make it easier to achieve your Travelwise vision. Use these resources to help define your vision and plan what to do with Travelwise at your school.
Resource | Level | Topic | Description |
Travelwise Safe School Travel Plan (SSTP) template (Word doc 56KB) | All | Action Planner | Use this template with students, senior leadership team, BOT and community members to formulate a solid travel plan for your school. Make sure you send through a draft to your Community Transport Co-ordinator so they can check it over. |
Travelwise action plan (PDF 87KB) | Secondary | Action Planner | An action planning template for use with student groups. |
How to run a promotional breakfast (PDF 57KB) | Any | Activities | A flyer with steps on how to run a promotional breakfast. |
Campaign key word cards (PDF 349KB) | Intermediate | Running your programme | Campaign key words and definitions - display bubbles. Can be used as flash cards or in a booklet. |
Campaign planning mind map (PDF 56KB) | Intermediate | Running your programme | A worksheet to help brainstorm the key components of a campaign. |
Travelwise Campaigns Define Develop Deliver (PDF 93KB) | Intermediate | Running your programme | A guide on how to plan and implement a Travelwise campaign. |
Travelwise participation certificates (PDF 1.41MB) | Primary and Intermediate | Templates | Travelwise reward certificates for students. Congratulations, it's cool that you walk/scooter/cycle/skate/carpool/bus/train to school. |
QR codes activities information (PDF 352KB) | Any | Activity | A fun tool to motivate students and help make quizzes for classroom use. |
Travelwise Tree flyer (PDF 147KB) | Primary | Activity | A flyer outlining the Travelwise Tree resource. |
Maths week unit plan (PDF 188KB) | Level 1-4 | Curriculum | A measurement and statistics unit using Travelwise as a context. |
Travelwise Unit Plan (PDF 83KB) | Level 1-4 | Curriculum | A Travelwise unit plan that covers all curriculum strands. |
Problem Solving Resource – A1 poster Steps to solve a problem (PDF 242KB) | Primary and Intermediate | Running your programme | Poster to use in conjunction with Steps to solving problem descriptions. |
Problem Solving Resource – A3 steps to solve a problem descriptions (PDF 262KB) | Primary and Intermediate | Running your programme | Steps to solving problem descriptions to be used in conjunction with A1 steps to solve a problem poster. |
Problem Solving Resource – A3 student worksheet (PDF 247KB) | Primary and Intermediate | Running your programme | A worksheet to help students work through the problem solving process. |
Travelwise student group roles (PDF 119KB) | Any | Running your programme | A graphic organiser for outlining Travelwise student group roles and organisation. |
Travelwise student leader profiles (Word doc 761KB) | Any | Running your programme | An editable resource to profile Travelwise student leaders. |
Travelwise works with support from the wider school community. Use these resources to help promote your Travelwise vision and activities.
Resource | Level | Description |
School Travelwise website content ideas (PDF 196KB) | Website | A list of content schools may wish to include on their School Travelwise websites. |
Travelwise messages for your newsletters (Word doc 4.42MB) | Newsletters | Ready-made newsletter snippets that can help you promote safe and sustainable transport to your parents and community. |
Walking is a great way to travel short distances. Use these walking specific resources to encourage more students to walk to school.
Resource | Level | Topic | Description |
Pedestrian Game (PDF 284KB) | Primary | Activities | A flyer explaining AT's Pedestrian Game resource: a life-sized snakes and ladders game with messages about pedestrian safety. |
Walking Ideas booklet (PDF 2.46MB) | Primary | Activities | A booklet with a selection of projects that support walking to and from school. |
Walking benefits posters (PDF 3.83MB) | Benefits | Posters with key walking benefits messages – display. | |
Walk to support - Rugby balls template (PDF 60KB) | Primary and Intermediate | Walk to Support | Template with rugby balls to go with 'Walk to Support' Activity. |
Walk to Support - Activity MP (PDF 588KB) | Primary and Intermediate | Walk to Support | A sheet describing how to run a 'walk to support' activity in schools. |
Wheels - scooters, bikes and skateboards
When school is a bit too far to walk, hopping on a scooter, bike or skateboard is a healthy alternative. Use these wheels specific resources to encourage safe wheeling habits at your school.
Resource | Level | Topic | Description |
BikeSafe A3 helmet fitting poster (PDF 305KB) | Primary | Cycle safety | A poster with pictures showing how to fit a helmet correctly. |
ACC SportSmart bike basics with Sarah Walker: helmet and bike check (YouTube video) | Primary and Intermediate | Cycle safety | Videos created by ACC SportSmart with Sarah Walker, BMX champion, to show kids how to fit their helmets and conduct basic bike checks before getting on their bikes. |
BikeSafe programme info and booking form | Primary | Cycle training | An outline of the BikeSafe Programme and a booking form for Lead Teachers to fill out to secure their school's place on the Bike Safe Programme. You can also download a teacher handbook complete with lesson plans for English and PE to accompany BikeSafe Grade 1 Cycle Training. |
Grade 2 (on road) Cycle Safety Skills Training Expression of Interest Form (PDF 308KB) | Intermediate and Secondary | Cycle training | An expression of interest form for schools who would like to participate in Grade 2 cycle training. |
Grade 2 (on road) cycle safety skills training (PDF 364KB) | Intermediate and Secondary | Cycle training | A flyer outlining the Grade 2 cycle training. |
Bike part labelling activity sheet (PDF 350KB) | Primary and Intermediate | Cycling | A bike labelling worksheet to print at A4 size. |
Cycling benefits posters (PDF 438KB) | Any | Cycling | Posters with key cycling benefits messages – display. |
Scooter Safety Unit Plan (PDF 187KB) | Level 1-4 | Lesson Plans - Various curriculum areas | A scooter unit to promote student’s health and physical wellbeing through movement and skill, identifying hazards in the environment and modifying behaviour to mitigate hazards. |
How slow can you go booklet (PDF 92KB) | Any | Slow Bike Race | Booklet to help teachers and students plan and run a slow bike race at a school. |
How to run a wheels day (PDF 168KB) | Any | Wheels Day | A flyer with steps on how to run a wheels day. |
Wheels day poster (PDF 183KB) | Any | Wheels Day | A poster promoting wheels days |
Road safety
Everyone plays a part in road safety, not just the drivers. Use these resources to see how you can address road safety in your school community.
Resource | Level | Topic | Description |
Cross Safely promotion (PDF 281KB) | Primary | Cross Safely | An overview of the 'Cross Safely' resources available |
Cross Safely Flyer (PDF 1.86MB) | Primary | Cross Safely | A flyer around the importance of using safe crossing points for parents and students to work on together- one side has messages for parents while the other has a game for students. |
Secondary expo flyer (PDF 157KB) | Secondary | Expo | A flyer outlining how to run a Transport Expo. |
Secondary expo poster (PDF 122KB) | Secondary | Expo | A poster showing the various Transport Expo activities. |
Drama level 2 – ‘safer journeys’ | NCEA Level 2 | Lesson Plans - Drama | Level 2 unit of work based on making your journey safer. |
English level 2 – ‘party in the car’ | NCEA Level 2 | Lesson Plans - English | Level 2 unit of work based on teen behaviour in cars. |
Health and PE level 2 – ‘travelling safely – safer journeys for young people’ | NCEA Level 2 | Lesson Plans - Health & PE | Level 2 unit of work based on making your journey safer. |
Mathematics Year 10 - crossing the centre line | Level 5-6 | Lesson Plans - Maths | An investigation in to the effects of driver distractions. |
Mathematics Year 9 - how far till it stops? | Level 5 | Lesson Plans - Maths | Students develop an understanding of the importance of following distances. |
Science Level 1 - crash avoidance | NCEA Level 1 | Lesson Plans - Science | Students report on the physics involved in applications for crash avoidance. |
NZTA road maps - road safety resources for school communities | Secondary | Lesson Plans - Various curriculum areas | A variety of resources to use to promote road safety in different curriculum areas. |
NZTA road safety case studies | Secondary | Lesson Plans - Various curriculum areas | A selection of descriptions of studies undertaken in a variety of schools. |
NZTA Primary curriculum resources | Primary | Lesson Plans - Various curriculum areas | Resources for schools and teachers with students in Years 1-8 to plan teaching and learning aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum. |
Visual Arts - Level 2 | NCEA Level 2 | Lesson Plans - Visual Arts | Use this resource to support students who would like to design a webpage to promote vehicle safety for young New Zealand drivers. |
Visual Arts - year 10 | Level 5-6 | Lesson Plans - Visual Arts | Students create artwork for road signs/posters. |
Back to School campaign banner boy (JPEG 334KB) Back to school campaign banner girl (JPEG 400KB) |
Any | Speed | Use one of these images to highlight the importance of slowing down around schools to your school community, they can stand alone or accompany a message from the principal or one of the students. |
Back to School campaign overview (PDF 2.49MB) | Any | Speed | Find out more about what our Back to School campaign is and how your school can get involved. |
Back to School campaign postcard 1 (PDF 640 KB) Back to School campaign postcard 2 (PDF 419 KB) |
Any | Speed | These A5 postcards have the Slow Down Around Schools message on one side and a message from AT on the reverse side. |
Slow Down Around Schools Lesson Plan (PDF 618KB) | Any | Speed | This lesson is usually completed as a pre-visit for our Slow Down Around Schools activity with the police, but can be adapted to use with your class. |
Speed and your school (PDF 617KB) | Any | Speed | A guide for school leaders. |
Other resources
- Brake NZ: New Zealand charity organization. This link will take you to the home page with the link to the Brake Road Safety Week
- NZ Police – School Community Services: Police (School Community Officers) Education Resource links
- Rail Safety: This NZ website contains a range of information to read or download about rail safety, including primary school rail safety lesson plans, statistical information about rail safety in NZ, downloadable safety brochures and posters and links to international rail safety websites
- Safe Kids: NZ website that contains up to date information relating to reducing our high rates of preventable injuries to children: Skateboard and Scooter Injury information including: Letter to Principals; policy guidelines, Safe2Scoot Poster (to order free posters, email Click here to read more about factsheets and position papers
- Department of Transport UK – Think! Education Website: Senior Primary
- Road Safety Resources available from NZTA - for schools and communities to road safety education resources relevant for each stage of a child’s development
- NZTA Poster that provides an overview of all the stages of child development in relation to Road Safety
- Sample School Road Safety Education Policy
- The Official NZ Road Code for Cyclists
- Professional reading on Road Safety: Chamberlain, M. and Hook, P. (2012) Changing mental models: How recent developments in teaching and learning can be applied to road safety education in schools
- Road Safety Advertising: The NZTA website has a comprehensive collection of safety ads for print, radio and TV. All can be viewed or downloaded.
- Wordless Seatbelt Safety Ad
- Potential for fantastic artwork with the ‘Distracted Brains’ campaign from the Road Safety Trust