Henderson road safety improvements Henderson road safety improvements

In March 2020, we proposed road safety improvements in Henderson to provide a safer environment for all.

Project status: Design and construction. Feedback closed on 8 March 2020 - read the feedback report
Project zone: West

On this page

Project overview

Many deaths and serious injuries take place on Auckland’s roads, and according to our crash statistics, 80% of all deaths and serious injuries happen on 50km/h local urban roads.

Nearly half of those deaths and injuries involve vulnerable road users, such as children, the elderly, people cycling and walking. We are committed to reducing the numbers of deaths and serious injuries on our roads over the next 10 years.

Read about the proposed changes.

Project details

Why we have identified Henderson

Henderson has a number of great cultural, recreational and educational facilities, and there is also demand for improved facilities and connection. Panuku (Auckland Council’s regeneration agency) are planning a number of improvements in Henderson, and later this year there will a consultation on new cycleways in the wider area. Over the next few years, there will be substantial investment into Henderson, with a number of new connections and improvements being implemented.

This project is supported by the Henderson-Massey Local Board.

Crash statistics

The current safety proposals have been made in response to a number of accidents over the past few years. Our crash data taken from 2013 – 2018 reports there have been a total of 26 crashes, including 5 serious crashes and 21 minor injuries.

Project update 2022

Henderson-Massey Local Board Capital Transport Funding was affected by the Auckland Council Emergency Budget as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the funding to deliver this project was affected. In 2021, the Local Board was able to deliver the safety improvements to Edwards Avenue.

In 2022, the Local Board was able to secure the funding to deliver the next stage of the project. This includes:

  • Norval Avenue
  • Pinedale Avenue
  • Longburn Road
  • Kingdale Avenue
  • Fairdene Avenue.

This work is planned for 2023.

Download the map of works planned for 2023. (PDF 427KB)

Roads we asked for feedback on in 2020

This project is funded by the Henderson-Massey Local Board.

Public engagement

Download the Henderson Road Safety Improvements Feedback Report (PDF 2.7MB)

For more information on this project

Contact Auckland Transport