Water ski and wakeboard areas and access lanes Water ski and wakeboard areas and access lanes
Under navigation safety bylaws, there are recognised areas for water-skiing, wakeboarding, or towing people on sea biscuits. There are also access lanes reserved for boats and other vessels navigating from a beach or launching area.
For the complete bylaws covering water skiing and towing people, and the use of access lanes, see the Navigation Safety Bylaw 2014.
Areas reserved for vessels towing water-skiers, wake boards or sea biscuits
Panmure Basin
Paremoremo Creek
Henderson Creek
Other vessels can pass through this area, provided you take the most direct route and do not interfere with people using it.
Areas reserved for vessels towing water-skiers, or other motorised water sports
Lake Tomarata
Access lanes
These lanes are reserved for power-driven vessels and vessels towing water-skiers, wake boards or sea biscuits, allowing them to navigate from a beach or launching area.
Access lanes are marked by orange and black posts on shore and/or orange and black buoys.
Browns Bay
Eastern Beach
Magazine Bay
Motuihe Island – Ocean Beach
Motuihe Island – Wharf Bay
Waiheke Island - Surfdale
Waiheke Island - Onetangi
Algies Bay
Campbells Beach
Manly Beach
Martins Bay
Matakatia Bay
Orewa Beach
Scotts Landing
Snells Beach
Stanmore Bay
Tamatea Drive (Snells Beach)
Cornwallis Beach
Glenbrook Beach
Grahams Beach
Hudsons Beach
Kauritutahi Beach
Little Huia