Project Consultation (2019) Project Consultation (2019)
We consulted on this project from 22 November to 20 December 2019 and received 690 submissions.
All of the comments received have been carefully considered and investigated. A great deal of time is being spent reviewing the design to try and find ways to integrate the suggestions and requested changes we’ve received.
Having taken all submissions into account, we have decided to proceed with the project, subject to funding approval, and with a number of changes being made to the design to reflect what you and your community have told us.
For more information, download the Point Chevalier improvements public feedback report (PDF 2.7MB, 97 pages).
The final designs are still being worked on by the project team. Once they have been finalised, we will publish them on our website and notify you when they are available.
Taking the community’s feedback on board
We have reviewed the design in light of the community’s feedback and made the following changes to the proposed design:
Businesses on Point Chevalier Road and a number of community members expressed concerns about the impact parking removal would have on local businesses. The project team has spent time meticulously reviewing the design to try and find ways to increase the amount of on-street parking near businesses on Point Chevalier Road. We have managed to revise the design to create additional parking near businesses:
- Two additional parking spaces, near Point Chevalier Organic Wines and MatchBox - Anastasis Coffee Roasters, at 206 Point Chevalier Road.
- At least one additional parking space, near Gourmet Wok, Good Gals Dairy and Twisted Tomato Café and Eatery, outside 151 Point Chevalier Road. This has been achieved by moving the proposed raised pedestrian crossing from 151 Point Chevalier Road to outside Corner Café at 157 Point Chevalier Road.
- We initially proposed to remove two parking spaces outside Westmere Medical Centre at 146 Garnet Road. However, we have revised the design so that these spaces will remain in place.
As the project moves into the detailed design phase, we will continue to try and find opportunities to increase the number of on-street parking spaces near businesses.
In addition, we are also investigating the implementation of time-restricted parking close to businesses on Point Chevalier Road to try and increase the availability of parking for their customers. We will work closely with businesses on Point Chevalier Road regarding this matter.
A number of respondents expressed concerns that traffic signals at this intersection would create delays for motorists. Some people asked us to consider a roundabout instead. This intersection has space constraints that make a typical roundabout design unachievable. However, provided funding is made available, we will undertake a trial with a modified roundabout design to test whether this option is feasible at this location before making a decision on the best design.
Additional raised crossings at the following locations:
- There will be a new raised zebra crossing on Meola Road near Moa Street.
- Raised table crossing on Faulder Avenue.
A number of submitters requested a raised table at the Faulder Avenue crossing point. This will be included in the detailed design. A raised table crossing is on a raised section of the road, with ramps on each side, that aims to slow vehicles to a safe speed – making it a safer place to cross.
Some submitters expressed concerns about the performance of the Garnet Road / Meola Road roundabout and requested improvements.
We will be conducting a study into installing a “roundabout metering” treatment which would signalise some of the approaches to the roundabout. It would provide an opportunity for gaps in the traffic to allow the dominant traffic flow to proceed. The study will be carried out over the next few months. If approved, the roundabout metering will be implemented as part of the construction of the cycleway.
In addition, in response to public feedback and in view of the history of accidents at this location, the existing crossings at the roundabout will be upgraded to raised table crossings.
We investigated requests for separated pedestrian and cycling facilities at intersections. However, due to the limited available space at each intersection, it’s not possible to accommodate this request. Instead, we have redesigned the intersections of Pt Chevalier Road / Meola Road and Meola Road / Garnet Road to increase the width of the shared pedestrian and cycle path and allow people on bikes and pedestrians to pass each other safely.
An existing safety improvement project at this intersection has reached a stage whereby we can include this proposal in this project. During the detailed design phase, a raised table option will be developed and, if achievable, built at the same time.
The entire route will receive upgraded street lighting, which will improve the safety of these streets in addition to the look and feel.
We recognise the safety issues that arise at this crossing due to the limited visibility of approaching motorists. In order to make it safer for pedestrians, we plan to implement a raised table crossing at this location to slow vehicle speeds – making it a safer place to cross.
The following request is still under consideration:
- Additional replacement trees subject to spatial, visibility and vehicle crossing restrictions.
The final designs are still being worked on by the project team. Once they have been finalised, we will publish them on our website and notify you when they are available.
Next steps
Due to the current financial constraints facing Auckland Council and Auckland Transport as a result of COVID-19, we are unsure when this project will be delivered. We will have more clarity of our funding situation once Auckland Council’s Emergency Budget has been finalised. We will provide an update when we have more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Keeping Point Chev moving
When construction is confirmed, please know that we are committed to making sure that, during the construction period, the impact on residents and local businesses is minimised as much as possible. We will provide more information once we know when construction will begin. Prior to that, we will work closely with local businesses to put plans in place to minimise the construction impact and promote their businesses.
As Auckland’s population increases and more cars join the road network, we are working on finding ways to make it easier and safer for people to walk and use other active modes of travel like riding bikes and e-scooters. The cycle facilities proposed in the brochure will connect with the wider cycle network and encourage more children and adults to get on bikes – getting cars off the road.
Many parents and other members of your community have told us it’s important to have facilities which make people of all ages and abilities feel safer walking and riding a bike around the neighbourhood – whether it be to school, work, the local shops, the football grounds or to visit friends or family.
Across Auckland, as part of a Vision Zero and Safe System approach, we are working to create a more ‘forgiving’ road network that recognises people sometimes make mistakes, but the consequences don’t have to be devastating. This involves reducing vehicle speeds where there are large amounts of people walking and on bikes – like in residential areas.