Livestock on the road Livestock on the road

If any person intends to move, graze, tether, or locate livestock in the road corridor other than unformed roads, roads on beaches, or movement activities compliant with requirements set in CoPTTM Section I-5 (or any replacement adopted by Auckland Transport, they must have prior approval from Auckland Transport.

The road corridor is the area of road, footpath, berm, kerb and channel that moving, grazing, tethering, or locating livestock may affect its normal operation and create a hazard.

The activities related to livestock on roads in Auckland are covered by the Auckland Transport Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw 2022.

Grazing, tethering, or locating livestock in the road

Crossing or droving livestock in the road corridor

National code of practice 

The National Code of Practice for Utility Operators' Access to Transport Corridors (PDF 2.4MB) defines the set of standards for working in the road and the Corridor Access Request (CAR) processes. The Code is mandatory under the Utilities Access Act 2010 and applies to all works carried out in the road corridor, whether the work is for or by a utility, local government, commercial organisation or private individual(s).