About us About us

Auckland Transport is responsible for all of the region’s transport services (excluding state highways), from roads and footpaths, to cycling, parking and public transport.

Auckland Transport's day-to-day activities keep Auckland's transport systems moving; including planning and funding of public transport, promoting alternative ways to get around and operating the local roading network.

Future View 294

Have your say

Help us make better decisions on projects, plans and strategies.


Our role & organisation

Find out all about us: what we do, who we work with and how we do it.

City Mt Eden 294


Auckland Transport is working together with the community to deliver safe, innovative, and sustainable transport for Auckland.

Plans 220

Transport plans & strategies

Strategies, plans and programmes for transport in Auckland over the next 30 years.


Harbourmaster, boating & marine

Find out about our Harbourmaster's office, and information or rules that apply to all vessels on the water.

Construction Workers 294

Working on the road

All work on the road, berm and footpath, road closures, and traffic or parking restrictions must be approved by AT.

Electric Trains Depot 220

Working with AT

Suppliers, operators, contractors and partners find out about working with AT.

Northern Busway 220


Careers with AT - join the team that works to deliver a world-class transport system, helping to make Auckland the best place to live, work and play.   

Construction Form Online 294


Find out about our procurement process, current tenders, contracts awarded and upcoming work.

New Livery

Manuals & guidelines

Guidelines for contractors needing to do work in the road, traffic management and design of streets and paths.

Reports & publications

Auckland Transport's public documents, including annual reports, traffic counts, patronage reports, research reports and assessments.

Bus Stop 294

Street maintenance

Learn about what we do to maintain our streets, including our roads, footpaths, berms, street lights, road signs and bus shelters.



Find out about the bylaws that apply to the Auckland transport system.

Policy Macro


Find out about the policies that apply to the Auckland transport system.