Sustainability Sustainability
At Auckland Transport (AT), we recognise that how we get around day to day can have significant impacts on our environment and our community. That is why we are working together to deliver safe, innovative, and sustainable transport for Auckland.
Sustainability is already at the core of our business with a strong focus on mode shift as one of the key initiatives to reduce transport emissions improving environmental, social, economic, and cultural outcomes. Significant investment has been made in public transport, walking, and cycling that will help transform Auckland’s transport system. The Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) and the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) capital programme address the key priorities and direction for improving environmental, health, and growth outcomes of our network.
We also know that there is still more that we could do. With that in mind, we are refreshing our sustainability agenda. We want to be more bold and ambitious with the actions and decisions we are making now. What we do today will shape our city for future generations.
Find out what we’ve already achieved, and the progress of some of our great sustainability initiatives.
What we are doing now

Upgrading our streetlights
Auckland Transport has made great progress on New Zealand’s most ambitious LED replacement programme.

Electrifying our corporate fleet
Auckland Transport has joined the EV revolution by adding 20 Hyundai Ioniq Electric Vehicles (EVs) to our fleet.

Auckland Transport carbon dioxide emissions targets
In 2018, Auckland Transport announced their Low Emission Bus Roadmap (LEBR) that commits to transitioning, by 2040, the entire public transport bus fleet from diesel to low emission (electric and hydrogen).
Auckland's Low Emissions Bus Roadmap
In 2018 Auckland Transport adopted a Low Emission Bus Roadmap ("Roadmap") which outlined the pathway to transition Auckland Transport's bus fleet to zero-emissions by 2040 and committed Auckland Transport to purchasing only zero emission (at tailpipe) buses (ZEB) from 2025.
After conducting a detailed modelling of the costs, greenhouse gas emissions and social benefits, Auckland Transport has updated the previously endorsed Option 1 (E) of the Roadmap and developed an alternative Option 2 (F) to electrify faster and transition to full ZEB bus fleet by 2030, subject to additional funding availability.
The AT Board has now adopted in principle, subject to funding, a pathway to achieve acceleration described on Auckland's Low Emission Bus Roadmap - version 2 October 2020 with a target of no more diesel bus purchases for services contracted by Auckland Transport from July 2021 and full fleet transition to ZEB fleet by 2030.
Acceleration discussions are progressing with funders and it is likely that a 2021 onwards Mayoral funding proposal will include for partial acceleration with no diesel bus purchases from July 2021. The end date for full fleet electrification would remain at 2040.
This initiative will contribute to meeting the Mayor's commitment to make a major part of the city centre fossil free by 2030, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, improving air quality and help achieve goals of the Auckland Climate Action Plan and support the Government's plans to decarbonise bus public transport in New Zealand.
- Auckland's Low Emissions Bus Roadmap - version 2 October 2020 (PDF 3MB, 66 pages).
- Auckland's Low Emissions Bus Roadmap - version 1 December 2018 (PDF 3.35MB, 49 pages).
- Taking Charge - Low Emission Bus Roadmap Case Study 2019 (PDF 2.71MB, 16 pages).
Find out more
At Auckland Transport, we want to consolidate our efforts to maximise impact, stay accountable by setting measures and reporting on them, and refresh our sustainability agenda to guide us toward even more sustainable and innovative outcomes.
If you’d like to find out more about what we’ve been doing, the following documents provide snapshots of our activity and achievements. These are intended to provide an update on our progress as we mature and develop our approach to reporting.
- Auckland Transport Sustainability Strategy 2024-2031
- Hīkina te Wero Environment Action Plan 2020-2030 (PDF 919KB, 32 pages).
- AT's Sustainable Procurement Action Plan 2021-2024 (PDF 1.64MB, 28 pages).
- Auckland's Road Transport Emissions A New Dialogue 2019 (PDF 1.35MB, 8 pages).
- Sustainability review 2018 (PDF 5.9MB, 43 pages).
- Auckland Transport energy story (PDF 2.5MB, 40 pages).