Working on the road Working on the road
All work on the road reserve, road closures and traffic or parking restrictions must be approved by Auckland Transport prior to the work or closure. Road closures also need to be publically notified.
Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw2022
Auckland Transport's Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw 2022 covers activities that occur in the road corridor but do not involve traditional traffic movement.
Corridor Access Requests
If you're doing some work or activity on the road, footpath or berm that will affect its normal operation, you must submit a Corridor Access Request before you start.

Traffic management plans
Any activity that varies the normal operating conditions of the road corridor must be covered by an approved traffic management plan.

Vehicle crossing application
If you are building a driveway, you need to lodge an application to construct a vehicle crossing.

Road processes for property owners
Private property owners who want to make property changes that have an impact on the road corridor (or unformed legal roads) need to apply to Auckland Transport for permission.

Over-dimension & overweight permits
If you need to transport an overweight load or use an over-dimension vehicle, you will need to apply for a suitable permit.

Parking permits
Parking permits are required for some residential and reserved areas and certain types of work or events.

Livestock on the road
The movement of livestock on roads in Auckland is covered by the AT Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw.

Coordinating future projects on the road network
AT coordinates work in the road corridor to ensure everyone who digs up the the road uses a 'dig once' approach wherever possible.

Lost road cone removal
Find out how to report lost road cones, road signs, and other abandoned roadworks equipment.
Standards for working on the road
The National Code of Practice for Utility Operators Access to Transport Corridors defines the set of standards for working in the road and the Corridor Access Request (CAR) processes.
The National Code is mandatory under the Utilities Access Act 2010 and applies to all works carried out in the road corridor, whether the work is for or by a utility, local government, commercial organisation or private individual(s).
Road definition
The road (road corridor or road reserve) is defined as the area from the private property boundary on one side to the property boundary on the other. This includes the berm (grass verge), footpath and carriageway.
Working safely
If you are planning to work in the road corridor, you need to be aware of the potential risks and take safety precautions to remain safe and prevent damage to infrastructure.
Find out more about working safely in the road.