Driving and parking Driving and parking

Everything you need to know about driving and parking in Auckland.

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Road safety

Improving road safety will help reduce the number of people killed or injured on our roads.

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Find parking

Find parking in Auckland Transport car park buildings, off-street car parks, and on street parking.

Paying for parking

Ways to pay for casual parking in Auckland, including the AT Park app.

St Marys Bay Parking 294

Parking permits

Parking permits are required for some residential and reserved areas and certain types of work or events.

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Monthly parking leases

Monthly car parking at Auckland Transport's car parks.

Parking reviews

Find out about areas that have had a parking price review.

Motorbike parking building

Motorcycles and scooters

Motorcycle and scooter information.

Traffic Closure 294

Road works & disruptions

Current road and footpath maintenance, works and traffic restrictions across Auckland.

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Parking rules

Parking rules, roles and towing.

City Bus Lane 294

How to use bus & transit lanes

How to use bus lanes and T2 and T3 transit lanes.

Park & ride

Mix up your travel modes or take advantage of free Park and Ride facilities, connected Public Transport networks.

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Carpooling & Ridesharing

Get there faster and cheaper. Download the Smart Travel app to find carpool matches going your way. 

Carpooling on-ramp priority lanes

Find out what priority lanes are and where they're located in Auckland.