Vegetation and weed spraying Vegetation and weed spraying

Vegetation on berms

Vegetation on berms is a shared responsibility between Auckland Council and Auckland Transport. It is split between urban and rural areas. An urban area is an area with high density housing and large areas of developed land. A rural area is the opposite.

Public vegetation

If vegetation on a berm is causing an issue:

If you want to remove or trim a tree on a berm in a rural area at your own expense, you need to apply for tree removal approval.

Private vegetation

Trees, bushes and hedges that grow on private property are up to the property owner to maintain and keep from obstructing public assets.

If vegetation is putting road users at risk, Auckland Transport will contact the property owner and give them one month to remove the obstruction at the property owner's expense. If the property owner does not remove it, AT will remove it and send the invoice to the property owner.

Weed spraying

Auckland Council is responsible for the control of weeds and pest plants in our footpaths, berms, streets and roads.

Materials and processes used to control weeds vary throughout the Auckland region. Visit the Auckland Council website for information about weed management and pest plants.

If you are a property owner or resident who does not want to have the street frontage of your property sprayed with any herbicide (synthetic or plant-based), you can request to be added to the No Spray Register. Visit the Auckland Council website No Spray Register.