Impressive response numbers for RLTP: There’s still time to have your say Impressive response numbers for RLTP: There’s still time to have your say

Date: 06 June 2024

With 11 days left to have your say on the future of transport for Auckland,  Auckland Transport (AT) is calling on more youth to take part.

Impressive response numbers are coming in for the draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) consultation, with over 9000 submissions to date.

The previous RLTP in 2021 had 5800 total submissions.

The draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) sets out which projects, programmes, and operating items that AT, along with NZTA Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail is seeking to fund or partly fund, from the National Land Transport Fund.

The draft RLTP 2024 proposes $63 billion worth of investment over the next 10 years.

The RLTP is reviewed every three years, with the last issue being published in 2021.

The transport priorities in the draft RLTP are taken from Auckland Council’s Long-Term Plan (LTP) and the government’s Government Policy Statement (GPS).  

AT’s Hamish Bunn - GM Transport System Strategy and Policy - says AT needs Aucklanders to help make decisions about what is prioritised.

“It’s really important that Aucklanders tell us what they want, so we can help deliver on the expectations of our communities. It’s fantastic to see such strong numbers coming in so far, but we need to hear from more young people - who don’t often have their say but will be impacted by the plan.”

During public consultation, Aucklanders are able to give feedback on their most important and their least important transport priority.

They can also tell AT if there is another priority that should be considered.

Public consultation on the draft RLTP runs from 17 May – 17 June 2024, with the final RLTP due for submission on 1 August 2024.  

Read the draft RLTP and have your say: