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Registering a jetski or personal watercraft Registering a jetski

Jetski registration is a one-off registration, valid for the lifetime of the vessel. Registration helps provide a safe maritime environment for everyone and can also help identify your vessel in case it is stolen. Boat registration is not required in Auckland.

Registering your jetski or personal watercraft (PWC) is mandatory under the Auckland Council Navigation Bylaw.

Note: If a six digit number is already displayed on the jetski or PWC, this means it is already registered and does not require a new registration. See transferring jetski registration.

Note: If the jetski is carried on board a foreign flagged visiting vessel do not use this portal instead contact the Harbourmaster's Office for instruction. 


Please see fee schedule for the cost of registration.

You can pay with your credit or debit card.

Register your jetski

Step 1: Log in or sign up to MyAT

You can manage your jetski registrations through MyAT.

Register your jetski and personal watercraft - you'll need to log in to MyAT.

If you don't have a MyAT account, register for MyAT.

Step 2: Provide details of your PWC

You'll need the:

  • Hull Identification Number - numbers are located on the rear right-hand side of the vessel.
  • Make.
  • Model.
  • Colour.
  • CC rating.
  • Date of purchase.
  • Year of manufacture.

You can also supply your trailer licence plate number. This helps make sure your vessel can be identified, for example, if it is stolen.

Step 3: Choose your sticker option

Stickers showing the registration number must be clearly displayed above the waterline on both sides of your vessel in contrasting colour.

You can either choose to be sent registration stickers or you can organise to print your own stickers (this typically requires a vinyl printer).

If you have requested stickers, you may use your jetski until they have been delivered. Please keep a copy of your emailed registration confirmation with you at all times as proof of your registration. We will endeavour to have stickers delivered as soon as possible.

Find out more about getting your own stickers printed and how to display them.

Step 4: Payment

Pay with your credit or debit card using our secure payment system.

Step 5: Confirmation

We'll email confirmation and a receipt.

If you ordered registration stickers, we will send them within 10 working days. If you want to use your jetski before you get your stickers, make sure you carry proof of registration with you, for example, a copy of your confirmation email.

If you do not receive your stickers, email the team at harbourmaster@at.govt.nz

Holding your personal details

The information you supply is required by the Auckland Council Navigation Bylaw and will be used to maintain a register of personal watercraft.

We receive, hold, and use personal information in accordance with our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

De-registering your jetski or PWC

If your vessel is no longer in use, please email harbourmaster@at.govt.nz and include your name, current registration number, and why you wish to de-register your vessel.

Use of unregistered jetskis or watercraft

Under the Auckland Council Navigation Bylaw, it is illegal to use unregistered vessels in the Auckland region.

Enforcement officers can fine people $200 if they are in breach of the bylaw.