Integrated Transport Assessment guidelines Integrated Transport Assessment guidelines
An Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) assesses the transport effects of a development proposal and is usually required by Auckland Council at the time of lodging a planning application under the Resource Management Act (RMA).
ITAs are also useful in informing and guiding decisions made at the early stages of a large-scale development proposal.
Using the ITA guidelines
These guidelines provide information on how an ITA should be prepared in the Auckland region and will be of assistance to all transport and planning professionals involved in urban and transport planning.
Preparing an ITA in accordance with these guidelines will ensure that matters of interest to AT as the Auckland Road Controlling Authority (RCA) and our transport partners at the NZTA and KiwiRail are appropriately addressed. This should ultimately lead to a smoother planning process for development proposals and better environmental outcomes when a proposal is advanced with Auckland Council.
AT welcomes feedback on how the guidelines are working in practice, as they will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect best practice.
When to use these guidelines
ITAs are usually required when lodging a planning application for a large scale development under the Resource Management Act.

Background information
Preparing ITAs at the beginning of the planning process ensures that the relevant transport agencies are involved early.

Preparing an ITA
Guidance on how to prepare an ITA, including its purpose, scope, transport modelling and mitigation.

Standard ITA template
A standard template for preparing an ITA to ensure it is streamlined and contains all the relevant information.
Asset Management Plan
Auckland Regional Transport Authority
Auckland Regional Transport Model
Auckland Transport
Assessment of Environmental Effects
Auckland Cycling Network
Centre-Based Transport Study
Corridor Management Plan
Connector network
The network of bus services that Auckland Transport proposes to run at 30-60 minute frequencies. Find out more about the New public transport network.
Development proposal
Any landuse development proposed under the RMA and which triggers one of the ITA triggers in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
Frequent transit network (FTN)
The core network of bus or rail services which Auckland Transport proposes to run at a frequency of at least 15 minutes or less from 7am-7pm and which can be relied upon without reference to a timetable. Such services are not necessarily on their own right of way.
Future transport network
The transport network representing the existing roading, public transport and walking and cycling network plus any proposed improvements to those networks by the relevant transport agencies.
Development of currently rural land on the outskirts of the existing urban area.
Integrated Transport Assessment
Integrated Transport Programme 2012-2041
Local Government Act 2002
Local Government (Auckland) Amendment Act 2004
Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009
Level of Service
Long Term Plan
Land Transport Management Act 2003
Metropolitan urban limit (MUL)
The current boundary for urban development in Auckland. This is stipulated in the Regional Policy Statement and can only be adjusted by Council. This will be replaced by the Rural Urban Boundary under the Unitary Plan.
National Land Transport Programme
New Zealand Transport Agency
Public Transport Management Act 2008
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan
Requiring authority
Any organisation empowered by legislation to require land for a public work, including the ability to designate land under District Plans. Refer s166 of the RMA.
Regional Land Transport Plan
Regional Public Transport Plan
Road Controlling Authority
Resource Management Act 1991
Regional Policy Statement
Rapid transport network (RTN)
The highest layer in the public transport network comprising all rail services and those bus services which run at a FTN level of service, but which are provided on their own separated right of way.
Rural urban boundary (RUB)
This is a line identified on the Unitary Plan maps that sets the boundaries for greenfield development within the Auckland region over the next 30 years. The rural urban boundary may only be extended by the Council.
Site-specific proposals
Any RMA application requiring an ITA based on the identified trigger points, excluding plan changes or structure plans.
Trips Database Bureau
Traffic Impact Assessment
Trigger points
Certain timing points at which certain transport mitigation measures are required, based on gross floor area, traffic counts or other appropriate factors.