Legacy strategies & plans Legacy strategies & plans

Here you will find transport strategies and plans from the former local councils in Auckland. The strategies set out how the local councils planned to develop, manage and influence transport over the next 10 years. These include roads, public transport, cycling, pedestrians and parking.

Please note: Until Auckland Transport has reviewed all current documents or process, the following will remain in place.

Regional Land Transport Strategy 2010-2040

Strategic transport options are ranked against the Auckland Regional Council’s vision for Auckland’s transport network over the next 30 years.

Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan 2010

Sets out actions needed to deliver the public transport part of the 2010 Regional Land Transport Strategy.

Sustainable Transport Plan 2006-2016

Sets out actions needed to deliver the sustainable transport part of the Regional Land Transport Strategy over the next 10 years.

Regional Arterial Road Plan 2009

Sets out policies to integrate and manage arterial roads in the Auckland region [a regional arterial road links districts or urban areas so people and goods can move around] with guidelines for developing corridor management plans [a corridor is a transportation route such as a motorway, arterial road, busway, railway or cycleway].

Regional Road Safety Plan 2009-2012

Addresses local road safety by integrating the work of many organisations involved in reducing road trauma.

Rail development planning

The Rail Development Plan, published in 2006, sets out how Auckland will create a high-quality, high-frequency rail service by revitalising the Auckland rail system as part of an overall world-class transport system.

Please contact us if you require further information on these documents, projects or processes.