Legacy strategies & plans Legacy strategies & plans
Here you will find transport strategies and plans from the former local councils in Auckland. The strategies set out how the local councils planned to develop, manage and influence transport over the next 10 years. These include roads, public transport, cycling, pedestrians and parking.
Please note: Until Auckland Transport has reviewed all current documents or process, the following will remain in place.
Regional Land Transport Strategy 2010-2040
Strategic transport options are ranked against the Auckland Regional Council’s vision for Auckland’s transport network over the next 30 years.
Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan 2010
Sets out actions needed to deliver the public transport part of the 2010 Regional Land Transport Strategy.
Sustainable Transport Plan 2006-2016
Sets out actions needed to deliver the sustainable transport part of the Regional Land Transport Strategy over the next 10 years.
Regional Arterial Road Plan 2009
Sets out policies to integrate and manage arterial roads in the Auckland region [a regional arterial road links districts or urban areas so people and goods can move around] with guidelines for developing corridor management plans [a corridor is a transportation route such as a motorway, arterial road, busway, railway or cycleway].
Regional Road Safety Plan 2009-2012
Addresses local road safety by integrating the work of many organisations involved in reducing road trauma.
Rail development planning
The Rail Development Plan, published in 2006, sets out how Auckland will create a high-quality, high-frequency rail service by revitalising the Auckland rail system as part of an overall world-class transport system.
Walking and Cycling Strategy (WCS)
The Walking and Cycling Strategy (adopted September 2007) sets the vision and strategic direction to encourage cycling and walking in the Rodney District. It focuses on walking and cycling in the context of an alternative (yet active) transport mode to motor vehicles.
The strategy
- Walking and Cycling for Sustainable Transport (WCfST) Strategy, Part 1: The Strategy 2005-2025 (PDF 1.4MB)
- Walking and Cycling for Sustainable Transport (WCfST) Strategy, Part 2: Action Plan (PDF 1.6MB)
Here are transport strategies for the former Auckland City Council, including the Cycle and Walking Strategy and the Skate Strategy.
Cycling and Walking Framework
This strategy was created following extensive consultation and collaboration with community representatives. It puts in place a strategic direction for the future planning of cycling and walking in the former Auckland city.
The Auckland City Council Cycling and Walking Framework (2007) updates and replaces the Auckland City Cycle and Walking Strategy (1998). It is the framework for how the former Auckland City Council planned to improve and enhance pedestrian and cycling initiatives and facilities throughout Auckland city over 10 years.
While the Cycling and Walking Framework combines cycling and walking because they face similar issues including: safety, commuting distances and funding criteria, the former council recognises that cycling and walking are quite distinct activities and, in many instances, require different facilities. For this reason, separate action plans have been developed.
“More Aucklanders choose to walk and cycle more often”
The council defined its long-term vision for Auckland to be “First City of the Pacific” through the Long-term Council Community Plan process.The plan highlighted several areas of importance for Auckland and its citizens, including ensuring that:
- Aucklanders have real transport choices
- Auckland is safe
- Aucklanders are healthy
- Auckland is well cared for.
Increasing the number of cyclists and pedestrians is part of achieving these goals. Providing an environment that encourages and promotes cycling and walking is important, both to the council and to other interested organisations. Recognition of the whole of journey and the key role that walking and cycling play is essential. We want to make Auckland a place where walking and cycling are safe, enjoyable, beneficial and easily accessible.
- To increase and improve cycling and walking facilities:
- There are more and better pedestrian and cyclist facilities that are convenient, accessible, well connected and integrated with other parts of the transport system, particularly with passenger transport. In town centres, these connections support a growing population and reduce car dependency.
- To improve safety and perception of safety:
- There are fewer pedestrian and cyclist accidents, and pedestrians and cyclists feel safe.
- To improve amenity and convenience:
- Facilities are pleasant to use and people enjoy cycling and walking thanks to direct routes and well-maintained paths.
- To create universal access:
- Facilities promote access for users of all abilities, ages and other factors.
- To improve communities and town centres:
- Communities are better places; they are strengthened by communication between people who choose to walk and cycle in the area. Pedestrians and cyclists travel at a slower pace, interacting and experiencing their neighbourhoods first-hand.
- To support promotional events and initiatives that promote the health benefits and availability of environmentally sustainable transport options:
- Cycling and walking are recognised as fun, healthy, sustainable and cost-effective transport choices.
- To promote equity in planning:
- There is equity in planning for pedestrians and cyclists in the urban environment
- To increase transport choice:
- Cycling and walking are acknowledged as integral parts of the transport network. People see cycling and walking as viable travel choices for short distances.
- Continue to support enforcement of road user rules
- Target risk areas and investigate appropriate measures to improve safety
- Continue proactive safety and education programmes
- Implement facilities as set out in the cycling and walking action plans
- Work collaboratively with organisations on cycling and walking initiatives, from an early stage of project development
- Support regional coordination and intra-regional access to pedestrian and cycle facilities and initiatives by working closely with councils bordering Auckland city
- Investigate and trial innovative ways to improve the pedestrian and cyclist network
- Implement facilities and initiatives that assist all users
- Incorporate good urban design when planning and implementing cycling and walking facilities
- Improve cyclist and pedestrian access to open space and recreational facilities
- Encourage schools, education facilities and businesses to promote walking, cycling and the use of passenger transport
- Ensure that facilities are maintained to a good standard
- Investigate ways to minimise the effect of motorised vehicles on walking and cycling environments
- Promote the health benefits of cycling and walking
- Encourage and provide support for cycling and walking such as end-point facilities (bike parking, showers, etc)
- Increase awareness of the role of cycling and walking in the Auckland city transport network through promoting events and activities
- Incorporate provision for pedestrians and cyclists in new transport projects, renewal and maintenance projects
- Ensure that the needs of cyclists and pedestrians are considered as part of new or upgraded developments
- Secure maximum funding, for planning, design, construction and maintenance of cycling and walking facilities
- Improve pedestrian and cyclist links to passenger transport, in communities and in town centres
- Publicise and promote new and existing cycling and walking facilities and initiatives
Action plan
The framework is accompanied by two documents: the Cycling Action Plan 2007-2012 (PDF 2.4MB) and the Walking Action Plan 2007-2012 (PDF 1.1MB) .
These two plans set out the former council’s programme for implementing and building cycle and walking initiatives and facilities over five years.
Skate Strategy
Skateboarding and inline skating have grown rapidly in popularity particularly over the last 10 years, firmly establishing themselves in Auckland, not only as popular recreation activities, but also as recognised sports.
Skateboarding values the individual, it is a form of self-expression, it is inexpensive, it is challenging, it can be social and it is fun! Inline skating is not so dominated by the younger age group and has broader appeal than skateboarding. While inline skating is a sport for some, the majority are skating for fitness and recreation.
The former Auckland City Council had the important role of providing, managing and maintaining skate facilities, and balancing the needs of skaters with those of the wider community. This strategy sets direction for providing and managing skating activities.
This is achieved through a combination of the following:
- Providing skate facilities - where and why facilities will be provided/improved;
- Guidelines for developing skate facilities;
- How skate facilities will be maintained and managed;
- Management of skating in public places - legislation, code of conduct, designated skate;
- Routes/no-skate zones, planning and designing for skaters in the urban environment;
- Education and awareness - enhancing the image of skating.
The strategy focuses on the needs of the skateboarder and inline skater. It does not address the needs of competition skating or those who pursue more specialist forms of skating, such as roller hockey.
Here are transport strategies for the former North Shore City Council, including walking and cycling strategies.
North Shore City Council Transport Strategy 2006
This Transport Strategy sets out how to develop, manage and influence transport in the former North Shore City over 10 years. This includes roads, public transport, cycling, pedestrians and parking.
The strategy is based on technical expertise and feedback from North Shore City residents about the transport system they wanted. It is helping to create a system that:
- Meets the transport needs of people, businesses and communities;
- Efficiently connects the city’s town centres by public and private transport;
- Makes the city streets and centres attractive and safe for all users, particularly cyclists and pedestrians, and makes travel safe and affordable;
- Gives people transport choice and encourages walking, cycling and the use of public transport;
- Uses road space efficiently;
- Is well-integrated with land use planning and city growth strategies.
This should lead to more residents choosing to walk, cycle or use public transport, and a safer, healthier community. It should also lead to a more pleasant, attractive city and less air, water and noise pollution.
As part of preparing the 2006-16 City Plan (Long-term Council Community Plan), North Shore City residents and ratepayers were consulted about how much money they wanted us to spend on improving transport. The majority of people chose a major increase in spending to greatly improve our transport system over maintaining the status quo, or a slight spending increase. As a result, the former North Shore City Council voted to spend more than $780m on transport infrastructure over the 10-year period.
What are our challenges?
North Shore's transport system usually meets the needs of people and businesses.
However, some of the biggest frustrations for road users are traffic congestion during peak times, and travel time predictability. This problem will continue to grow as more people with more cars use North Shore's roads, affecting our economy and residents’ day to day lives.
Bus services are not always frequent and reliable in all areas, and some bus shelters and bus stations need improving. Some ferry terminals also need upgrading, and ferry services could be expanded.
The supply of parking in town centres does not always meet the demand in some areas.
We need to make our roads safer for all users, to help reduce accidents and injuries, particularly for vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists.
Reducing air and water pollution caused by transport is another challenge.
What are we doing to meet transport needs?
The former North Shore City Council, working with regional partners Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) and NZ Transport Agency, has a range of projects and programmes under way or planned to improve transport in our city.
These include:
- Northern Busway (a joint project with Transit);
- More frequent bus services, covering more areas (ARTA);
- Transit lanes and other measures, such as bus advance lanes at intersections, to get buses moving quickly;
- Better ferry terminals;
- Road safety improvements and education campaigns;
- Major road upgrades;
- More cycle lanes and paths;
- Parking improvements;
- More and safer pedestrian crossings and footpaths and walkways;
- TravelWise for schools and workplaces;
- Walking School Buses.
Every weekday on the North Shore 65,000 people travel to work, 35,800 children travel to school, and 6,700 people travel to university.
Sustainable transport
This transport strategy places a special emphasis on environmental sustainability. While it is important to have good quality roads, we recognise that building more and more roads cannot 'fix' traffic congestion, as it merely encourages more people to use cars, leading to more traffic congestion and more water and air pollution.
We will make it easier and safer for people to walk, cycle and use public transport. We will take steps to manage environmental impacts such as water run-off and the use of non-renewable resources.
Our TravelWise programme, including walking school buses, is encouraging more school children to walk and cycle to school. We are also working with employers to reduce car travel to and from work. Transit lanes on major roads are encouraging more people to car pool or catch the bus.
The strategy
- Executive Summary (PDF 650KB)
- Introduction (PDF 594KB)
- Vision, Objectives and Expected Outcomes (PDF 572KB)
- Meeting Transport Needs (PDF 1.6MB)
- Sustainability (PDF 205KB)
- Operational Requirements and Obligations (PDF 260KB)
- Role of Transport in City Development, Growth and Land Use (PDF 162KB)
- Implementation (PDF 177KB)
- Monitoring (PDF 145KB)
- Appendices (PDF 171KB)
Walking and Cycling Strategies
Integrated transport strategy
The draft Integrated Transport Strategy (April 2010) co-ordinates the former Franklin District Council’s transport policies with Auckland region and the council’s other strategies, including the District Growth Strategy.
The aim of this strategy is to ensure that Franklin’s transport network can meet the demands of the region's predicted growth; that there are choices for public transport; and that funding for safety initiatives and other transport options such as walking and cycling programmes are included.
Full strategy
FDC Integrated Transport Strategy Draft - April 2010 (1.3MB)
Here are transport strategies for the former Manukau City Council, including cycling and walking strategies.
Manukau Transport Strategy to 2016 (Moving Manukau)
The Manukau Transport Strategy was developed to show what direction Manukau's transport will take over the next 10 years (to 2016).
A large investment in roading and making public transport a viable alternative to the car are outlined as priorities.
One of the strategy's main purposes is to clearly show the former Manukau City Council's transport priorities and how they are being addressed. It also ties together plans for various parts of Manukau's transport system, for example public transport, cycling and roading.
The strategy recognises the car will remain the major way for people to get around, but it also aims to make public transport a viable alternative and build up patronage over the long-term.
The strategy
- Introduction (PDF 730KB)
- Chapter 1 - Policy and Funding Framework (PDF 6.8MB)
- Chapter 2 - Context and Issues (PDF 11.5MB)
- Chapter 3 - Environment, Land Use, Urban Form (PDF 10.5MB)
- Chapter 4 - Roading (PDF 16.7MB)
- Chapter 5 - Passenger Transport (PDF 8MB)
- Chapter 6 - Safety and Security (PDF 2.88MB)
- Chapter 7 - Walking and Cycling (PDF 4.27MB)
- Chapter 8 - Travel Demand Management (PDF 8.5MB)
- Chapter 9 - Appendices (PDF 2.5MB)
Southern Sector Strategic Transport Study
This report sets out the basis for the development of a strategy for the transport networks in Auckland’s Southern Sector, to accommodate the growth which is predicted to occur in the area.
Southern Sector Growth Transport Study (PDF 6.2MB)
Cycling and walking strategies
Here are transport strategies for the former Waitakere City Council, including the Walking and Cycling Strategy.
Waitakere City Transport Strategy
The Waitakere City Transport Strategy is based on the Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy 2005 and incorporates the former council's transport policies, objectives and projects. The strategy supports a shift from single occupancy vehicle travel to more sustainable modes of travel and supports Waitakere's transition to a more compact urban city.
The strategy
- Waitakere City Transport Strategy Summary (PDF 2.6MB)
- Waitakere City Transport Strategy - Full Document (PDF 12.7 MB)
- Pages 1-2 (PDF 2.4MB)
- Pages 3-6 (PDF 1.7MB)
- Pages 7-12 (PDF 1.4MB)
- Pages 13-16 (PDF 719KB)
- Pages 17-26 (PDF 2.5MB)
- Pages 27-30 (PDF 837KB)
- Pages 31-44 (PDF 5.2MB)
- Pages 45-48 (PDF 383KB)
- Pages 49-58 (PDF 402KB)
- Page 59 (PDF 2.4MB)
Walking and Cycle Strategy
The Waitakere City Council Walking and Cycle Strategy will make walking and cycling a safer and more enjoyable pastime. Public consultation undertaken during the development of the strategy showed that safety, maintenance, and lack of cycle paths were the key issues to be addressed.
The strategy includes funding to provide a safe network of walking and cycling tracks and for maintenance of existing and new facilities. Educational programmes aimed at all road users are also proposed to make pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers more aware of each other.
One of the key projects identified in the strategy is a walk and cycleway along the rail corridor to provide better access to the City's town centres and rail stations. This is likely to occur with the double tracking of the western railway line over the next few years.
Full strategy
The Auckland Transport Plan (ATP), prepared by the former Auckland Regional Transport Authority, brings all of the region's transport programmes together in one place, offering a single transport view for the region.
While the plan has a 10-year timeframe, it does take a longer-term view to ensure the region can deliver the transport system envisaged. The ATP allows for investigations related to projects such as an additional Waitemata Harbour Crossing, an inner city underground passenger rail tunnel, rail to the airport, and long-term strategic studies supporting Auckland’s growth and prosperity.
Read the Auckland Transport Plan 2009 (4.41MB)
Preparing and developing the plan
This plan, prepared by the former Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA), unites the strategies, plans, projects and packages developed by ARTA, local authorities, the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and KiwiRail, identifying the use of different modes of transport to ensure optimal and sustainable use of resources. This flagship document replaces the 2007 Auckland Transport Plan.
This ATP will require funding of almost $15 billion over the next 10 years. This amount does not include the full construction of the SH20 Waterview connection, CBD rail tunnel, rail to the airport, or an additional Waitemata Harbour Crossing, which collectively could bring funding requirements to more than $22 billion.
At the time of this plan, there is a mismatch between territorial authority allocations for local roading and NZTA’s funding allocation in the National Land Transport Programme with councils projecting significantly less spending than NZTA funding accommodates.
Purpose of the plan
The ATP provides a reference for NZTA in preparing its State Highway Forecast, KiwiRail in preparing its plans to develop the Auckland rail network, and territorial authorities for local roads and transport projects that are brought forward to funding.
While developed in a collaborative manner, the ATP does not override individual agencies' statutory responsibilities.
Using the plan
The ATP is aligned with central government’s transport objectives. It is also the main method by which ARTA implements the Regional Land Transport Strategy, the overarching policy document for Auckland transport planning.
The ATP provides ARTA with the framework for the development of the tri-annual Regional Land Transport Programme, and is a reference for KiwiRail in preparing rail network development plans.
Please contact us if you require further information about this plan.
The 2010 Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) sets the direction for the region’s transport system for the next 30 years.
The RLTS identifies what is needed to achieve an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive, and sustainable land transport system that can cope with population growth and the changing economic environment. It does this by setting regional objectives and policies.
The RLTS is a statutory document prepared under the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA) 2003.
Te pai me te whai rawa a Támaki - the prosperity and abundance of Auckland.
The 2010 Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) sets the direction for the region’s transport system for the next 30 years.
The RLTS identifies what is needed to achieve an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive, and sustainable land transport system that can cope with population growth and the changing economic environment. It does this by setting regional objectives and policies.
The RLTS is a statutory document prepared under the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA) 2003.
Te pai me te whai rawa a Támaki - the prosperity and abundance of Auckland.
The Challenges
By 2051, Auckland region's population will almost double, to around 2.3 million people. Continuing our current travel habits would result in an extra 1.25 million trips being made by car and an extra 60,000 trips by public transport each day, by 2040.
We can't build twice the road capacity to meet double the demand for car travel. Just 4.5km of new road required to complete the Western Ring Route at Waterview is costing $1.4 billon. There are a number of other reasons to reduce our reliance on cars including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, using energy efficiently and promoting more active lifestyles.
The solutions
We must make better use of what we already have and invest in a range of transport solutions - public transport, walking and cycling, behaviour change initiatives and roads.
Transport improvements need to be led by public transport and supported by strategic priorities that will make it easier for people to choose more sustainable transport options and reduce the impact of transport on the environment.
Use of public transport in the past year has been higher than in any year since 1985. Rail usage has risen 97 per cent over the past five years. It's vitally important we continue the momentum already generated, to get on with priority projects that will make a significant difference across the region.
Delivering the Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) will require a shift in how local and national transport funding is currently allocated between roads and public transport.
Why we need a new strategy
This RLTS 2010 replaces the RLTS 2005. The new strategy is required because there have been changes since 2005 in both legislation and the issues facing Auckland.
Government decisions have altered the duration of the strategy, introduced national targets the region is expected to work towards, and altered the way transport funding is being prioritised.
This strategy addresses a renewed emphasis on economic growth and productivity plus strengthening concerns about transport's contribution to climate change and its use of non-renewable energy sources.
The Land Transport Management Act 2003 requires the Auckland Regional Transport Committee to prepare a new RLTS to be approved by the Auckland Regional Council by the end of April 2010.
This strategy identifies the actions, policies, priorities and funding needed to achieve a land transport system that enhances the Auckland region as a great place to live, work and play.
Auckland Transport is expected to be required to act in a way that is consistent with this RLTS.
Complete Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) 2010-2040 (PDF 5.7MB)
Please contact us for a copy of the strategy or visit any public library within the Auckland region.
The Regional Transport Committee, which prepares the strategy published a position paper in May 2009 that proposes the strategic direction of the new Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) be built on the following themes:
- Support and contribute to land use policy that supports a compact and contained urban form consisting of centres, corridors and rural settlements
- Continue major investment in rail, bus and ferry infrastructure and associated service improvements
- Implement behaviour change programmes
- Improve the operation of existing roads, especially regional arterials
- construct limited additional road capacity
- Reduce the impacts of transport on the natural environment and communities.
RLTS Strategic Directions Position Paper May 2009 (PDF 738 KB)
A large amount of research is undertaken to support the development of the RLTS. A Technical Advisory Committee took the lead in developing, editing and endorsing around 20 working papers.
The committee consists of officers from all of Auckland's former councils, as well as government agencies like the New Zealand Transport Agency, the former Auckland Regional Transport Authority, Ministry of Transport and the Regional Public Health Service.
Funding the preferred option
There are three principal sources of funding for the preferred option: the New Zealand Transport Agency, local government and KiwiRail (funded by central government).
Funds likely to be available over the next 30 years: in the range of $32.5 billon to $46.6 billion.
Cost of implementing the Preferred Strategic Option: estimated at $45 billon.
To reflect preferred strategic option, the RLTS allocates land transport funding over the 30 years of the strategy as follows: 13 per cent to state highway infrastructure, 16 per cent to other roads, 25 per cent to maintenance and renewals, 42 per cent to public transport and 4 per cent to walking, cycling and managing demand for travel.
The National Land Transport Programme currently allocates 53 per cent of the transport budget over the next three years to state highway infrastructure, 26 per cent to other roads, 19 per cent to public transport and 2 per cent to walking, cycling and managing demand for travel.
If a similar allocation were to be made over the 30-year life of the strategy, a significant shortfall in the funds required for Auckland region's priority projects would result.
To ease the financial burden on ratepayers and tax payers, investigations will be made into alternative sources of funding, including developer contributions and public/private partnerships.
Please contact us if you require further information on these documents, projects or processes.