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Sustainable Transport Plan Sustainable Transport Plan

The Sustainable Transport Plan 2006 -2016 sets out a 10-year programme of projects and actions that will help Aucklanders make safer and more sustainable travel choices.

Most of the planning in transport goes into infrastructure (roads, railways and bus stations) and services (buses, trains and ferries). The third component of the transport system is people; specifically the transport choices of individuals, and of their schools, workplaces and neighbourhoods.

Understanding and influencing these choices is an essential component of Auckland’s overall plans to achieve a world-class transport system. 

Sustainable Transport is defined in this plan as: Working with people and their communities to improve travel opportunities and to encourage people to make fewer car journeys. 

Sustainable Transport Plan 2006-16 (2.7MB)

Preparing and developing the plan

The Sustainable Transport Plan has been prepared with input from the Regional Walking and Cycling Group, the Regional Stakeholder Group for School Travel Plans, the National Travel Behaviour Change Group, RoadSafe Auckland and many other groups, agencies and individuals.

Detailed submissions were received from 47 organisations and individuals in the consultation phase, and these submissions resulted in significant changes to the plan. 

This Sustainable Transport Plan sets out the actions needed to deliver the Sustainable Transport component of the Regional Land Transport Strategy, to be implemented over the next 10 years, to 2016. 

Purpose of the plan

The plan aims to integrate sustainable transport activities with each other and with planned improvement to infrastructure and services.

Walking, cycling, passenger transport and vehicle networks are all part of an overall transport system, and need to operate in an integrated way and to improve in response to local needs.  

Using the plan

Getting this to happen, in a way that contributes to regional and national goals, requires working across multiple agencies and developing new ways of sharing costs, managing risk, and evaluating success. 

Auckland Transport (formerly Auckland Regional Transport Authority) will work in partnership with all transport agencies in Auckland to deliver the activities in this plan. 

Reviewing the plan

The plan will be reviewed every three years to ensure it remains relevant and responsive to new ideas to improve sustainable transport for Auckland, and aligned to the Regional Land Transport Strategy.

Until Auckland Transport has reviewed current documents and processes, the following will remain in place. Please contact us if you require further information on these documents, projects or processes.