Vehicle crossing application Vehicle crossing application

If you are planning to build or change a crossing, you must apply for a vehicle crossing application before you start.

Any vehicle crossings in existing roads within subdivision are to follow the vehicle crossing application process. 

The vehicle crossing is the area of driveway between a public road and the private property boundary, usually replacing some of the public footpath.

Note: If you have received your written approval and are ready to book your vehicle crossing inspection - skip ahead to step 8 to access the online booking tool.

Shows where a driveway starts on a private property and where the vehicle crossing goes across the footpath and berm to the kerb

Do not submit a Vehicle Crossing Application in the following cases:

Land subdivision

Vehicle Crossings being built as part of a land subdivision are not covered by the Vehicle Crossing application process. In these cases, the consultants or contractors building the subdivision should contact Auckland Council to get the work approved.

Limited access roads (LAR)

If you are planning to build or change a driveway and you're on a limited access road, then you need to apply for an authorised crossing place.

Private road

A private road is a road that is formed on non-council land and owned or controlled by a private person, persons or body corporate.  Maintenance of the private road is the responsibility of the person, persons or body corporate.  Applying for a vehicle crossing through Auckland Transport on a private road is not required.

Some newly formed roads within new subdivisions are privately owned and therefore under Auckland Council.

Redundant crossing

Where a vehicle crossing is no longer required, the crossing or redundant section of the crossing must be reinstated as berm, footpath, kerb and channel where applicable as per AT standards. The costs of such work will be paid by the owner of the site previously accessed by the vehicle crossing.

Before you apply

Design the vehicle crossing 

The design and construction of the driveway must comply with Auckland Council's Auckland Unitary Plan and AT vehicle crossing standards. You can design your vehicle crossing yourself, or you may wish to work with a consultant or contractor who can help ensure the design meets the necessary standards. 

Some of the key designs for the vehicle crossings are: 

  • vehicle crossings must be at a 90 degree angle to the property boundary
  • the standard vehicle crossing is 3m width at the boundary by 6.2m width at the road, for dimensions outside the standard please see Chapter E27 of the Auckland Unitary Plan - table E27. 

Apply to work on or around a council tree

Contact an Auckland Council Urban Forest Specialist if your vehicle crossing will be within 3m of a street tree or within the Tree Protection Zone.

The protection of a public tree(s) near a proposed vehicle crossing may require significant changes to the design or layout of a project. We urge you to consult with the Urban Forest Team early.

Apply to work on or around a council tree through Auckland Council.

Find out if anything needs to be relocated in the street

Where possible, you should choose a location for your vehicle crossing that avoids interfering with existing features in the streets like fire hydrants, pedestrian crossings, and streetlights. If it's not possible to avoid features like these, you may need to request for them to be relocated.

Contact AT call centre if there are streetlights, cesspits, catchpits, kerb outlets, street parking lines, parking or bus stop signs, bus shelters, speed hump, pedestrian crossings, redundant vehicle crossings, crash barriers and refuge islands near your proposed vehicle crossing.

Contact the relevant utility (either Vector, Chorus, or Watercare) if there are street poles transformers, power or communication pits or pillars, drainage pits or manholes, or fire hydrants near your proposed vehicle crossing.

Contact LINZ if there are any survey markers near your proposed vehicle crossing. 

Check if you also need a resource consent

You will need to apply for resource consent with Auckland Council if: 

  • you are planning to build a vehicle crossing that is wider than 3 metres at the boundary between the private property and the road reserve
  • there are any trees within 3 metres of your proposed vehicle crossing location
  • you are building a new house and there isn't a suitable existing vehicle crossing.

Vehicle crossing application and process

We aim to process your vehicle crossing application and deliver a consent letter to you within 20 working days. This includes processing time with both Auckland Council and AT.