Road encroachment approvals Road encroachment approvals

AT is the council-controlled organisation responsible for the management of the road corridor. AT approval for road encroachments is required under section 357(1) of the Local Government Act 1974 and Part 3 of the Auckland Transport Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw 2022. While encroachments are not encouraged, in some circumstances an encroachment approval may be granted.

Please note that our processing timeframes are currently longer than usual due to heavy workloads and staff absences.

Reason an adjoining owner needs an encroachment approval

You will need to apply for an encroachment approval if you intend to place any structure, object, work of any kind, or tree or plant on the surface or in the airspace or subsoil of the road corridor.

Common examples of an encroachment are canopies, retaining walls, and temporary ground anchors.

An encroachment approval may be recorded in an encumbrance registered against the record of title to the adjoining owner’s land.

The types of encroachment that are likely or highly unlikely to be considered are explained in the Guidelines for Road Encroachment Licences (Guidelines).

An application must meet the setback, clearances, and other specifications provided in Appendix 1 of the Guidelines.

Additional consents from Auckland Council (building consent, resource consent, and engineering plan approval) and from AT (Vehicle Crossing Application and Corridor Access Request) may also be required.

Encroachment Guidelines

The Guidelines describe the principles and requirements AT considers when processing an encroachment application. 

Download the Guidelines for Road Encroachment Licences (PDF 405KB)

Please note that AT is not currently accepting applications for public EV charger encroachment licences. Please contact for more information or to be notified when applications open.

Encroachment application process

An encroachment application is distributed to multiple teams within AT for consideration and feedback. The approval process usually takes 3 months from the date complete information has been received, including detailed drawings, although complex applications may take longer.

Pre-existing encroachments

Buying or selling a property with a road encroachment

When buying a property with an existing encroachment approval, an encumbrance may be recorded on the record of title for the property, or an approval letter may be lodged against the property file with Auckland Council.

You will need to check the encumbrance and the terms of the approval letter, as AT’s consent may be required in order to transfer the approval or an encroachment licence to the purchaser.

If you discover an unauthorised encroachment

AT does not have resource to investigate all existing unauthorised road encroachments. AT may: 

  • require that the encroachment be removed
  • allow an unauthorised encroachment to remain if there are no safety issues and the principles and requirements in the Guidelines are not compromised or 
  • require the owner to apply for an encroachment approval.

When the encumbrance can be removed

When the encroachment has been removed and the underlying land has been reinstated, evidence can be submitted and, upon AT consent, the encumbrance can be discharged from the record of title to the adjoining property.

Pre-application meetings

We offer the option of a pre-application meeting with one of our team to discuss an encroachment. A pre-application meeting attracts a fee to cover our administration costs.

Encroachment administration

You will need to make an application to AT for administrative matters under an existing approval, licence or encumbrance, such as a simple variation of an existing lease, licence or encumbrance; providing a consent or approval under an existing encroachment approval; or providing licensor, lessor, encumbrance, covenantee or caveator consent.

Allow at least 30 working days for processing from the date we receive your completed application.

Site visits

If AT needs to visit a site to inspect an encroachment, an inspection fee will apply.


The following encroachment fee deposits and fees apply from 1 October 2023. For the terms and conditions applicable to encroachment approval and encroachment administration applications and fees, please see schedule 1 of the encroachment approval and encroachment administration application forms.

Minor encroachment Small-scale and simple works on the surface or in the subsoil or airspace of the road, such as bollards and simple residential concrete pathways $690 (fee deposit)
Standard encroachment Works on the surface or in the subsoil or airspace of the road, such as canopies, retaining walls, steps, simple architectural features, and other reasonably straightforward structures $1,725 (fee deposit)
Major encroachment More complex or high-risk works on the surface or in the subsoil or airspace of the road, such as ground anchors, parking platforms, substantial retaining walls and batters, and private accessways in paper roads $2,875 (fee deposit)
Encroachment administration Administrative matters, such as a simple variation of an existing lease, licence or encumbrance; providing a consent or approval under an existing encroachment approval; or providing licensor, lessor, encumbrancee, covenantee or caveator consent $402.50 (fee deposit)
Site visit, inspection or post-approval monitoring Fee per general site visit, general inspection or post-approval monitoring inspection for works encroaching into the road $220 (fixed fee)
Pre-application meeting One-hour meeting with AT staff $345 (fixed fee)

Complete and submit your application

Application forms

Download the Encroachment application form (PDF 245KB)

Download the Affected Landowner Consent Form (PDF 126KB)

Download the Encroachment Administration Application Form (PDF 197KB)

Download the Encroachment Pre-application Meeting Application Form (PDF 183KB)

Application requirements

The application must include:

  1. Completed application form
  2. Supporting documents, as outlined in the application form and in Appendix 1 of the Guidelines
  3. Payment of the application fee or fee deposit.

Auckland Council is not able to accept your application or payment.

Submit your application

Email the application as a PDF to

Please attach separate PDF files of the completed application form, record of title, and each supporting document set.

Postal applications are also accepted. Mail your application to:

Auckland Transport
Attn: Technical Property Services
Private Bag 92250
Auckland 1142