Jetski registration stickers Registration stickers

Registration numbers must be clearly visible on your jetski (personal watercraft). 

Displaying your registration stickers

Jetski showing registration number

The registration number must be clearly displayed on each side of the craft above the waterline. It must not be obscured whilst the craft is in use.

Ordering stickers when you register your vessel

Your stickers will be delivered to the address you used when you registered your jetski.

Please keep a copy of your registration confirmation email with you at all times as proof of registration when operating your jetski. 

We will endeavour to have stickers delivered as soon as possible.

Stickers are not available for collection.

Printing your own stickers

You can choose to print your own stickers - this typically requires a signwriter who has a a vinyl printer. Search jetski stickers or decals online to find your local options.

The registration number specifications:

  • can be any colour so long as it is a contrasting colour to the hull
  • must be no less than 90mm in height
  • can be in any font
  • must be clearly readable and visible.