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Welcome to the Auckland Transport AT Mobile app “contact us function”. By accessing and using this feature, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. Please read them carefully. 


"AT Mobile app" refers to the Auckland Transport mobile application available to download on smartphones. 

"You" refers to any individual or entity that uses the contact us function within the AT Mobile app. 

"Contact us function" refers to the feature within the AT Mobile app that allows you to contact Auckland Transport through a submission form. 

Use of the “contact us function”

This function allows you to provide feedback, report problems or make requests related to Auckland Transport services through the AT Mobile app. 

Submissions are collected through the form and analysed by an artificial intelligence (AI) tool, which assigns them to the appropriate category of support tickets. These tickets are then sent to the relevant teams within Auckland Transport or its contractors to resolve. 

The submission form may ask for specific details such as location, address and time of the incident to allow accurate reporting and resolution. 

The function is intended for collecting and categorising the information you provide to ensure it reaches the appropriate team for resolution. 

Customer Privacy Policy

The “contact us function” will not use the information you provide inappropriately or ask for more private information than what is sufficient for the purpose of your report. Please do not include sensitive information in your submissions beyond what is requested. 

By using this function, you agree to Auckland Transport's Customer Privacy Policy, which outlines the collection, use and protection of personal data. Please refer to the Customer Privacy Policy for further details. 


The contact us function is provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranties of any kind. While Auckland Transport aims to process and categorise submissions accurately, it does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of the categorisation or the subsequent handling by relevant teams. 

Auckland Transport disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions in the categorisation process or any losses or damages arising from the use of the "contact us function". 

Modifications to terms

Auckland Transport reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. You are encouraged to review the terms regularly to ensure compliance. 

Governing law

These terms of use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with New Zealand law including the Privacy Act 2020. 

Contact information

For any questions or concerns regarding the use of the “contact us function”, contact us by email: We would be grateful for your feedback to help us improve the services we offer. 

Acceptance of terms

By using the “contact us function”, you are accepting these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use the function. 

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