Carrington Road Improvements Carrington Road Improvements

We are upgrading Carrington Road to support local development and growth.

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Have your say

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback between May and June 2024.

To read our review of your feedback, download the report (PDF, 1.1MB).

To view the plans for the upgrade, visit the Carrington Road Improvements website.

Project objectives

  • Safety: Carrington Road should be safe for everyone.
  • User experience: Getting from A to B on Carrington Road should be a positive experience, however people travel.
  • Travel choice, connections, access: People should have options for how they travel, wherever they want to go and whatever their age or ability.
  • Liveability, wellbeing, environment: Carrington Road should be designed to be sustainable and adaptable to change.


Carrington Road connects the Point Chevalier and Mount Albert town centres. People use Carrington Road to connect with buses, trains, SH16, the Northwestern Cycleway, and to access local homes, businesses and education providers.

The project recommends how Carrington Road’s space can best be used to accommodate population growth and provide people with improved travel options.

Crown funding was allocated through the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, enabling the early delivery of key transport upgrades to support urban development.

Over the next 10 to 15-plus years, at least 4,000 homes will be built in the area around Unitec campus. Over many years, this will increase the use of Carrington Road and change the street environment.

Find out more about Carrington Residential Development

Carrington Road Map

Community feedback

The latest round of public consultation for Carrington Road ran from Monday 27 May 2024 to Sunday 23 June 2024.

A total of 169 participants provided 512 comments on the preferred option.

The feedback focused on a few key locations. The Northwestern Cycleway crossing attracted 150 comments. Sutherland Road intersection had 32 comments. Great North Road intersection received 25 comments. A total of 40 comments did not relate to a specific location.

Top feedback themes included:

  • raised tables and crossings
  • safety improvements
  • requests for more planting
  • connections and access.

Public consultation 2023

An earlier round of public consultation ran from 25 August to 29 September 2023.

For more information, download the feedback report.

We received 367 responses, with strong support for a road layout option that:

  • includes a one-way cycleway on both sides of the road
  • includes bus or transit lanes in both directions, where space allows
  • increases the number of crossings
  • plants more trees and vegetation
  • keeps Carrington Road moving.

We’ve used your feedback to shape our preferred option, including cycleway design, bus or transit lane provision, and crossing locations. 

Preferred option 

Artist’s impression looking north on Carrington Road, north of the Woodward Road intersection

Artist’s impression looking north on Carrington Road, south of the Woodward Road intersection

Bus or transit lanes

We’re installing bus lanes or T2 or T3 transit lanes. Bus lanes will be needed as bus services increase over time to support population growth. We will confirm the lane type before construction begins.

We’re exploring how to get the best results for bus journey times and reliability. We’re looking at the best lane type to move more people along Carrington Road and support growth.

We will also install “bus priority” traffic lights at intersections and pedestrian crossings. These lights let buses get ahead of the traffic and keep to their timetable.

Bus stops

We propose reducing the number of bus stops on Carrington Road from 10 to 8, to improve bus journey times.

We propose repositioning bus stops so they are opposite each other on the street and closer to crossing points and destinations such as Mount Albert Train Station.

A cycleway

The existing painted cycleway on Carrington Road will be replaced by one that is physically separated from vehicles and safe for a wide range of ages and abilities. We propose a one-way cycleway on either side of the road.

Traffic lights

  • Traffic lights are required at Gate 1 and Gate 3 to enable safe access into and out of the Carrington Residential Development.
  • Traffic lights are required at the Woodward Road intersection to support the Carrington Residential Development. The lights will improve safety and cater to different volumes of vehicles making left and right turns.
  • Traffic lights are proposed at 2 new “signalised” pedestrian crossings to enable people to safely cross Carrington Road, which will become busier over time.

Along with population growth over the next 10 to15 years, more traffic lights will result in slower overall journey times along Carrington Road. Our preferred option separates buses from general traffic and provides dedicated space for turning vehicles at intersections. This will reduce the impact of the changes and keep Carrington Road moving.

During the next project phase, we will optimise traffic light phasing for further travel-time benefits.


Artist’s impression of a typical signalised dual crossing for pedestrians and cyclists

Crossing 1: A signalised pedestrian crossing is proposed between Willcott Street and Prospero Terrace. The crossing links bus stops on either side of the road and provides access to Mount Albert Train Station.

Crossing 2: A signalised dual crossing for pedestrians and cyclists is proposed between Tasman Avenue and Fontenoy Street. The crossing connects bus stops on either side of the road and is located at what will be a pedestrian access point to the Carrington Residential Development.

Crossing 3: A zebra dual crossing for pedestrians and cyclists is proposed on the Point Chevalier side of Sutherland Road. This would replace the existing crossing which forms part of the Northwestern Cycleway, creating a more direct connection through to Sutherland Road opposite.

Dual crossings for pedestrians and cyclists will also be installed at signalised intersections.

Entrance treatments at side roads

Entrances to side roads will be designed to improve the safety of people crossing them, reduce the speed of vehicles turning off Carrington Road and reduce the use of side streets to access other major roads, also known as rat-running.

Where suitable, entrance treatments could include a raised table, coloured surfacing, signage and improved lighting.

Bridge improvements

At the Mount Albert end of Carrington Road, we propose to widen the rail overbridge to provide more space for walking and cycling. This will increase the space provided by the recently completed shared walking and cycling path. We’re assessing this against other options and will make a decision in the next design phase. 

AT has recently installed a shared walking and cycling path on the rail overbridge. This was done to make the overbridge safer and easier to use before we permanently close the Lloyd Avenue level crossing on 8 June 2024. Learn more about the Lloyd Avenue level crossing removal.


Between Woodward Road and Willcott Street, we propose removing 28 car parks. Between Fifth Avenue and Gladstone Primary, we propose removing 9 car parks. This includes 3 car parks that are P5 restricted during school drop-off and pickup times.

We propose turning these parking spaces into vehicle lanes, to improve the movement of people, goods and services along this busy road.

During times when bus and transit lanes are not in operation, typically 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am, these lanes will be available for parking and loading in some locations.

At this stage, we anticipate providing approximately 38 “off-peak” car parks on the northern section of Carrington Road, between Woodward Road and Sutherland Road.

During the next project phase, we will further assess on-street parking along Carrington Road and will work with Gladstone Primary to ensure children can be dropped off safely.

Trees and vegetation

We expect that up to 40 trees may need removal to enable the street upgrade, including 8 native trees. We’re looking at ways to reduce our project’s impact and replace and relocate trees. We aim to plant 2 trees for every one we remove.

New native trees are proposed at regular intervals along the road within the grass berm. Smaller species are proposed where space is constrained and larger trees are proposed along the widest parts of the corridor. 

During the next project phase, we will consult the community on our landscape plan, which sets out what is planted and where.

Stormwater improvements

Improved stormwater management is needed to better cope with future rain events. Raingardens are proposed to manage and treat water run-off, including from flooding. The raingardens will be a mix of low native grasses, selected ground ferns, groundcover and sedges.


Feedback from 3 rounds of community consultation will help us develop and refine the design to upgrade Carrington Road so it is ready for construction from 2026.

  • 2023: Shortlist options
  • 2023: Community consultation
  • 2024: Preferred option
  • 2024: Community consultation
  • 2025: Design for construction
  • 2025: Community consultation
  • 2026: Construction starts