Driver feedback signs trial
We are researching how speed feedback signs change driver behaviour.
On this page
Project overview
We will conduct trials at various locations around Auckland from September 2024 to March 2026.
Our trials will determine:
- how effective driver feedback signs are for managing speed
- if different messages can increase their effectiveness.
A driver feedback sign displays the speed of an approaching vehicle. If the vehicle is over the speed limit, the sign will display, ‘SLOW DOWN'. We are testing a new display for when drivers are under the speed limit. It will either show a smiley face or, 'THANK YOU'.
We are doing this research because 60% of fatal crashes in New Zealand involve speeding. The majority of these cases are lower-level speeding. Small increases in speed have a significant impact on safety. The public often asks us to do more to address speeding. We will ask the community for feedback.

In phase 1, if the driver's speed is below the limit, the sign will display their speed. In phase 2, if the driver's speed is below the limit, the sign will display either their speed, or a green smiley face. In phase 3, if the driver's speed is below the limit, the sign will display either their speed or the message, 'THANK YOU'. In all 3 phases, if the driver is above the limit, the sign will display, 'SLOW DOWN'.
Trial locations
- 514 Weymouth Road, Weymouth
- 150A-184 Universal Drive, Henderson
- 423-427 Pakuranga Road, Pakuranga
- Greenlane West between The Drive and St Andrews Road, Epsom
- 149 Neilson Street, Onehunga
More information
For more details about this trial, visit the New Zealand Gazette site.
Contact us
If you have any comments or want to discuss this trial with the team, email