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Regional Arterial Road Plan Regional Arterial Road Plan

The Regional Arterial Road Plan sets out regional policies for the integrated management of regional arterial roads and provides guidance for road controlling authorities in the development of more detailed corridor management plans.

Regional arterial roads link districts or urban areas within the region, connect regionally significant facilities, and play a critical role in the movement of people and goods within the region. It is essential that they operate efficiently and effectively, and are managed and developed in a manner that is sensitive to the surrounding environment. 

Regional Arterial Road Plan 2009 (3.77MB)

Preparing and developing the plan 

This Regional Arterial Road Plan was prepared by the former Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA), in collaboration with the region’s road controlling authorities and other key transport stakeholders.

The development of this plan arises from the 2005 Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy and recognises the important role that regional arterial roads play in Auckland’s transport network. 

Purpose of the plan:

  • To define the existing and future role and function of regional arterial roads
  • To provide a framework for the integrated management of regional arterial roads, and their interaction with surrounding land uses and other parts of the road network
  • To provide a basis for project prioritisation
  • To develop a rationale for more appropriate funding for regional arterial roads.

Using the plan

The plan sets out regional policies for the integrated management of regional arterial roads, and provides guidance for road controlling authorities in the development of more detailed corridor management plans. 

Please contact us if you require further information on this plan.